

【作者】 胡莹

【导师】 江国青;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 外交学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自18世纪以来,在学者的倡议、学术机构的参与和政府间国际组织的主导下,国际法发展与编纂活动风起云涌。联合国的成立更是将这一运动推向了高潮。《联合国宪章》第十三条第一项规定:“一、大会应发动研究,并作成建议:“(子)……并提倡国际法之逐渐发展与编纂。”大会的这项功能的主要承担者便是其下属机构——国际法委员会。自成立,联合国国际法委员会便活跃于世界舞台,成为了国际法发展与编纂进程中一支重要的、不可或缺的力量。以其工作成果为文本基础的、已开放签署的条约共计16项,内容涵盖了国际关系的诸多重要领域。如是,我们看到了越来越多的国际关系领域实现了有法可“选依”的局面,极大地促进了国际社会的有序互动与和平交往。但我们同时也注意到,在取得可喜成就的同时,国际法委员会面临的一个最为迫切的问题即是,其部分工作成果存在成效不佳的现象:以其工作成果为文本基础的条约中,32%未达到生效要求或草案内容甚至未过渡为条约文本,43%虽达到了生效的要求,但是缔约方数量不多,只有25%不但生效,且缔约方数量较多。在当今的国际格局中,没有任何一个国家或国际组织可以自称为国际立法机构,推行其主持下制定的多边条约。实际的情况是,多边条约出台后,面临的下一个问题就是究竟有多少国家愿意加入它,成为它的缔约国。缔约方越多,条约越能规范相应的国际关系。这就向我们提出了如何提高国际法委员会之工作成效的问题。当代国际社会对国际法,尤其是成文的国际法律规范的需求是毋庸置疑的。当国际交往日益频繁,没有任何一个国家可以单边地、粗暴地决定国际事务,当日益增多的国际问题需要全体社会成员齐心协力地解决时,通过明晰、完善国际法律规范的方式,确定各自的权利、义务、责任,符合国家的理性选择,更是国际社会不断发展的必然结果。当“需求”客观存在,但“购买力”不足时,理智的“生产者”应当从各个环节寻找原因。其中一个重要的检查方向就是其自身的“产品质量”。通过对多边条约文本草案的提供者——国际法委员会——的工作成果进行对比分析可以有力地证明真正阻滞草案发挥效力的正是其自身的质量。提出并解决这一问题的根本目标在于迈向更高程度的国际法治。正如曾令良教授所说:“不断增多的条约只是实现国际法治的部分前提条件,更为重要的是必须有越来越多的国家签署、批准或加入这些条约,从而尽可能广泛地促使各国在治理和对外交往中切实遵行这些条约,这正是国际法治的本质所在。”1本文由下述七部分组成:引言部分将全面说明文中所涉基本概念、问题的提出及其意义、基本命题、文献综述、预期创新与难点、研究方法。第一章“国际法委员会的工作机制”,集中于概括、归纳联合国国际法委员会的工作。在这一章中,将从多个方面对国际法委员会的工作机制进行全面的介绍,内容包括联合国国际法委员会的工作宗旨、工作模式和工作成果。第二章“联合国国际法委员会工作成效评析”,意在提出问题。在提出一定评判标准(草案能否过渡为条约文本、以草案为基础的条约能否生效、以草案为基础的条约的缔约方数量)的前提下,全面分析、比较以国际法委员会负责拟定的草案为文本基础制定的国际条约的效力高低,进而将之划分为四个等级,并提出本文要解决的核心问题,即“如何提高联合国国际法委员会的工作成效”。第三章“成果质量是决定联合国国际法委员工作成效的根本要素”,着眼于分析问题。在排除国际社会对国际法的发展和编纂无需求或需求度不高这一判断后,提出“正是由于国际法委员会向国际社会提供的部分多边条约草案文本存在质量不尽如人意的情况,才导致其工作成果成效不佳”的判断并予以论证。第四章“联合国国际法委员会工作成果质量的影响因子”,旨在进一步明晰导致问题产生的具体因子。在大量分析的基础上归纳出议题选择、前期调查、议题研究及案文起草这三个决定工作成果质量的相关变量。第五章“提高联合国国际法委员会成果质量的准则与方法”,旨在解决问题。力图找到明确的,可操作的问题解决之道。具体来说,就是要准确把握决定工作成果质量的相关变量,以提高工作成果的质量,进而提升其工作成效。具体的目标是:明确议题选择的原则与标准、依循议题调查的要点与方法、把握议题研究与起草的理念和思路。结语部分将再次申明本文研究的根本目的和意义。在阐明国际法治的概念,总结国际法治发展脉络的基础上,提出要着力提升联合国国际法委员会的工作成效,进而更大程度地发挥联合国国际法委员会的作用,帮助国际社会迈向更高程度的国际法治。

【Abstract】 Since the18th century, the movement of the codification of International Law hasbeen surging under the advocation of scholars, the participation of academicinstitutions and the auspices of government, and it was climaxed by the establishmentof the United Nations.Article13of the charters of the UN stated that "The General Assembly shall initiatestudies and make recommendations for the purpose of:..encouraging the progressivedevelopment of international law and its codification..." This function of the GeneralAssembly is taken by the ILC.Since its establishment, the ILC has been active on the world stage, becoming animportant and indispensable force. In the process of the Development andCodification of International Law.Its work became the text basis of a total of16Treaties which have been opening for signature,and covered many important areas ofinternational relations,and promoted the orderly interaction and peaceful contacts ofthe international community.We also noted that there is one pressing issue which the International LawCommission has been facing,that is,the results of its work is not widely accepted bythe international community: among the treaties that are based on its texts,32%ofthem did not entry into force or even didn’t transit to the text of the treaty,43%reached the requirements, but just have small number of Parties, only25%not onlyentry into force, but also have great number of Parties..In today’s international landscape, there is no country or international organizationwho can claim to be the international legislative body and to ask others to obey therules they make through multilateral treaties. The actual circumstances, after theintroduction of a multilateral treaty, the next question is how many countries would like to join it so that to be a party to it. If more and more countries or otherinternational organizations join the treaty, it will regulate the international relationsmuch better.This presents us the question of how to improve the degree of internationalrecognition of the results of the work of the International Law Commission.International society needs international law, especially the codified one. There is nocountry which can unilaterally and rudely decide any international affairs. In this case,an increasing number of international issues need all members of international societywork together to solve them. Law-making is the rational choice for the countries.International society needs international law, especially the codified one. There is nocountry which can unilaterally and rudely decide any international affairs. In this case,a increasing number of international issues need all members of internationalsociety work together to solve them. Law-making is the rational choice of thecountries.The proposal and settle of the question is for a higher degree of international rule oflaw. As Professor Zeng Lingliang said:"The increasing number of treaty is only partof the prerequisite for the international rule of law, what more important is that theremust be more and more countries signing, ratifying or acceding to those treaties, inorder to promote the widest compliance of the rules by the countries,which is theessence of the international rule of law."This article was composed by the following seven parts:The preamble will be fully explain the basic concepts,the raise of the question and itssignificance, the basic proposition, literature review, expected innovation anddifficulty, research methods of this article.Chapter I,"The Working Mechanism of the International Law Commission", focusedon the summarization of the working mechanism of the United Nations International Law Commission. In this chapter, we will comprehensively introduce the workingmechanism of the International Law Commission from many aspects, including thepurpose, work patterns and the results of the work of the United Nations InternationalLaw Commission.Chapter II,"the Assessment of the Work of the ILC", intended to raise questions.Withthe making of certain criteria (whether the bill could transition to the text of the treaty,whether treaty could enter into force, the number of Parties), a comprehensiveanalysis and comparison will be put on the international treaties based on the textdrafted by the ILC, and then they will be divided into four grades, and proposed thecore question of this article, namely "how to improve the degree of internationalrecognition of the work of the international Law Commission"Chapter III,"Quality is the Fundamental Factors that Determine the Degree ofInternational Recognition of the Work", focusing on the analysis of the problem.Exclude the judgment that international community do not need the development andcodification of the international law, raising and demonstrate the proposition that thequality of part of work provided by the International Law Commission is notsatisfactory.Chapter IV,"The Impacting Factor of the Quality of Work of the United NationsInternational Law Commission", aims to further clarify the causes of the problem. Onthe basis of law chapter, summing up the issue which determine the quality of thework, they are: the selection of topics, the preliminary investigation, issue researchand text drafting.Chapter V,"The Criteria and Methods to Enhance the Quality of the Work of theInternational Law Commission", intended to solve the problem. Trying to find a clear,workable solution.Specifically,to grasp of the relevant variables which determinedthe quality of the work and to improve the quality of the outcome of the work by clearly grasping the principles and standards of the selection of topics, following thekey points and methods of investigation and grasping the concepts and ideas for theresearch and drafting of the topics.The last section will reiterate the fundamental purpose and meaning of this study-towards a higher degree of international rule of law. Clarify the concept of the rule ofinternational law on the basis of reasonable demonstration of the international rule oflaw, and proposed a fundamental approach towards a higher degree of internationalrule of law-to enhance the quality, increase the degree of international recognition, toachieve f general application of international treaties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】341