

Flow Field Distribution and Dynamic Response Analysis of Typical Subway Structure Subjected to Internal Explosion

【作者】 闫秋实

【导师】 刘晶波;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 土木工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 地铁结构具有封闭性、人流量大等特点,是爆炸恐怖袭击的主要目标之一,国内外目前对地铁遭受爆炸恐怖袭击的研究成果较少。本文对典型的地铁结构内爆炸冲击波流场分布、人员伤亡、结构动力反应和损伤情况进行了理论分析和数值计算,为地铁结构反恐怖袭击提供了参考。论文的主要内容和研究成果如下:1.建立了地铁内爆炸冲击波流场分布数值研究模型,利用已有坑道爆炸试验对模型及其参数进行了验证。研究了典型地铁区间隧道内爆炸冲击波传播及流场分布规律,分析了炸药当量、爆心距离、装药位置等因素对隧道内爆炸衬砌表面超压分布的影响,采用量纲分析方法,结合数值试验研究,提出了地铁隧道内爆炸衬砌超压的衰减公式,并与已有的内爆炸试验进行对比,验证了该公式的适用性,可以为地铁隧道抗爆设计提供参考。2.利用内爆炸数值分析模型对典型的地铁车站内部冲击波传播及流场分布规律进行了研究,总结了国内外关于冲击波作用下人员伤亡的评价标准,绘制了不同炸药当量下地铁车站内超压峰值分布图,结合人员伤亡的超压评价准则,按照人员不同的伤亡程度对地铁车站内部人员伤亡区域进行了预测。3.总结动力分析中常用的混凝土模型及其参数确定方法,比较了不同的混凝土模型对动力计算结果的影响,在无试验数据支持情况下,提出了一种常用的混凝土模型参数的确定方法。建立了爆炸荷载作用下结构动力反应分析模型,利用已有的野外爆炸试验对模型及其参数进行了验证。4.建立了“炸药-空气-结构-土体”流固耦合相互作用模型,结合粘弹性人工边界,对典型地铁区间隧道结构内爆炸动力反应和损伤情况进行了分析。5.提出了基于柱剩余承载力的损伤评价指数,对典型的地铁车站柱在爆炸荷载作用下的损伤情况进行了评估,分析了混凝土强度、纵筋配筋率、箍筋配筋率、轴压比和装药高度等因素对柱抗爆性能的影响。建议使用粘贴纤维材料或者钢板对柱进行抗爆加固,比较了不同钢板厚度对抗爆加固效果的影响。6.提出了地铁结构内爆炸多尺度的计算思想和方法,并对该方法进行了验证,采用该方法对典型地铁车站结构进行了内爆炸动力反应分析。

【Abstract】 Subway is one of the main objectives of terrorist attacks, for its closed and somany people. There is few research about subway structure subjected to internal blast.In term of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, the flow field distribution,casualties, dynamic response and damage of structure have been studied, for the subwaystructure subjected to internal explosion. The main results are as follows:1. A numerical model is built to simulate the blast propagation inside subwaytunnel, which is testified through the comparison between the numerical simulationresults and explosion tests, for outside and inside tunnel. And blast propagation insidetypical subway tunnel has been studied. The effects of parameters on the pressuredistribution at the tunnel structure, including explosive charge, stand off and theexplosive location, have been investigated. By the method of dimensional analysis andnumerical simulation, an attenuating formula has been proposed for evaluation ofoverpressures. And its applicability is verified by comparison with the other availableformulas.2. For the typical subway station subjected to internal explosion, flow fielddistribution and the isobar of overpressure at the station platform under differentexplosive charge have been studied. Based on the collected criteria domestic and abroadof injured people, casualties in the subway station are estimated and shown in figures inwhich different areas are divided by different injured levels.3. The methods to parameters of different concrete constitutive, has beensummarized. By comparing the different concrete constitutive, method is proposed todetermine concrete constitutive parameters. A numerical model to simulate the structuresubjected to blast loading is estabilished and whose parameters are testified by existingtest. The model can be applied to the analysis of subway structure subjected to inernalexplosion.4. A “explosive-air-structure-geo” dynamic interactive numerical model isproposed for internal blast dynamic analysis of typical tunnel structure, combined withviscous-spring artificial boundary. The dynamic response and damage of tunnelstructure are analysed by the numerical model.5. A damage evaluation index, based on the load capacity of column, has been presented. The damage of column subjected to blast is estimated by using the damageindex. The influence of columns parameters, such as concrete strength, longitudinalreinforcement ratio, transverse reinforcement ratio, axial load and the height ofexplosive, on the damage index of column subjected to blast is analysed. And the FRPand steel are suggested to strengthen the column against the blast loading.6. For the underground structure subjected to internal blast, a multi-scale idea andmethod is proposed. The papers adopts the multi-scale method to analyze the dynamicresponse of a typical subway station structure subjected to internal blast.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期