

A Preliminary Study on the Improvement of City Village in Beijing

【作者】 厉基巍

【导师】 毛其智;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 快速城市化总是与大量“城市病”相伴而生,这一情况在当今的发展中国家表现得尤为突出。城中村问题正是我国快速城镇化过程中各大城市普遍面临的“城市病”之一,我国很多城市都已开展了针对城中村的整治工作。北京在2008年夏季奥运会前集中整治了奥运场馆周边及四环路以内的“城中村”,又在奥运过后启动了50个“市级挂账整治督办重点村”的整治工作。已开展的城中村整治取得了一定的成效,却也正面临着突出的问题,研究北京的城中村整治,对于科学合理的解决城中村问题、推进北京乃至我国大城市近郊农村地区的健康城镇化、进而缓解某些更深层次的社会问题(如城市贫困、社会分层、城市隔离等)都具有重要的意义。笔者通过文献梳理、实地调研、参与整治实践等方式,对整治工作面对的整治对象、依据的整治政策、面临的实施困境、存在的整治失灵和遇到的制度障碍五个方面进行了分析和论述。在此基础上,明确了北京今后的城中村整治工作需面对并解决的问题及导致这些问题的原因。同时对国内外的相关整治经验进行了梳理和总结,并结合上述研究对北京及我国的城中村整治工作在现阶段继续实施提出几点建议。论文认为:(1)从整治实践来看,北京已开展的城中村整治对城中村的存在主要持“否定”态度,对其积极作用考虑不多。(2)已有整治工作认为“城中村整治”就要“消除城中村的空间形态”,这种整治思路是整治工作遭遇各种实施困境的首要原因。(3)今后的北京城中村整治将面对更为复杂的问题,具体包括城中村问题、已有整治工作面临的实施困境、已有整治工作中的整治失灵和短期内难于突破的制度障碍四个方面。(4)既“关注现有”又“避免再生”、建立科学标准、在更高的层面统筹,这些国际社会贫民窟整治中的有益经验也同样适合于我国的城中村整治工作。(5)新时期的北京城中村整治既需要市级层面的积极应对、也需要国家层面的统筹协调。

【Abstract】 Many City Diseases emerge during the rapid urbanization, especially in thedeveloping countries today. City Village problem is a kind of City Diseases appeared inmany Chinese mega-cities during the rapid urbanization. Many cities in China has takenthe improvement work for City Village to solve the problem. In course of thepreparation for2008Olympic Games, Beijing removed a mass of City Villages aroundOlympic Venues and in the Forth Ring Road. And then, Beijing proposed to improvethe status of50City Villages again after the Olympic Games. The work is successful insome aspects, but it is still facing some difficulties. The study on the improvement ofCity Village in Beijing is significant for solving City Village problem in the right way,achieving the sustainable urbanization of rural area in the periphery of Beijing and otherChinese mega-cities, and improving some social problems such as Urban Poverty,Social Stratification and Urban Divide.By literature research, field investigation and practical work, the thesisfocuses on the following five aspects: the object, the policy, difficulties inimplementation, failure of improvement work and system condition. Based onthe above, the thesis addressed the problems that new improvement work of CityVillage in Beijing has to face and solve, and their causes. At the same time, thethesis studied the relative experiences from the foreign counties and otherChines mega-cities, and then gave some suggestions for the improvement ofCity Village in Beijing and in China.The thesis comes to following conclusions:1) In the improvement of CityVillage in Beijing, City Village is negative and ignored for its advantages.2)The improvement agreed that ‘improvement’ is equal to ‘clearance’. Such aguiding ideology is the main cause for difficulties in implementation.3) Newimprovement of City Village in Beijing will face more complex problemsincluding City Village problems, difficulties in implementation of the existingimprovement work, failure of the existing improvement work and the systemembarrassment that can not be broken through recently.4) Focusing on both theexisting City Village and preventing the new ones, setting scientific standards, planning as a whole, these are the useful experiences from the improvement ofslums in foreign counties and helpful for us, too.5) New improvement of CityVillage in Beijing needs positive work from both Beijing government andCentral government.

【关键词】 城中村整治人居环境政策
【Key words】 City VillageimprovementHuman Settlementspolicy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期