

Analysising and Utilizing Resistance Gene in Wheat to Stripe Rust and Powdery Mildew in Gansu Province

【作者】 曹世勤

【导师】 尚勋武;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 由专性寄生菌条形柄锈菌[Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici]和布氏白粉菌[Blumeriagraminis f.sp.tritici Em.Marcha1]引起的小麦条锈病和白粉病是发生于甘肃省及我国小麦生产上最重要的真菌性病害,种植抗病品种是防治两病害最经济有效且有利于保护环境的措施。本文通过温室和田间相结合,对已知抗条锈病和白粉病基因进行有效性评价、对重要小麦生产品种(系)及抗源材料进行成株期抗病性评价和苗期抗病基因分析、选用含有不同抗病基因的品种混种和感病品种与其他作物间种,研究作物多样性防治小麦条锈病和白粉病效果。通过4年研究,得到如下结果和结论:1.已知抗病因有效性评价与利用(1)在兰州温室,分别对采自甘肃各地的430个和192个小麦条锈菌及白粉菌单孢菌系接种在含有已知基因载体品种上进行毒性频率测定,同时结合多年多点成株期异地自然诱发鉴定结果,发现:Yr5、Yr10、Yr15、Yr24/Yr26及Pm2、Pm4b、Pm13、Pm21、Pm2+6、Pm1+2+9、Pm2+Mld目前抗病性较好,是今后一段时期利用的重点。对Yr10、Yr24/Yr26具有联合毒性作用的新菌系贵农22致病类群近年来出现频率持续上升,目前已达到14.8%,应引起育种和生产上的高度重视。采自甘肃陇南麦区的白粉菌对Pm21、Pm4b的毒性频率高于中部麦区,且对这两个基因有毒性的菌系主要出现在陇南低海拔和高海拔地区。田间抗性鉴定及监测结果显示,兰天16号等10个品种(系)具有成株抗条锈病特性,兰天14号等10个品种(系)具有慢条锈特性;陇原034等6个品种(系)具有成株抗白粉病特点。2.小麦品(系)抗病因分析(1)选用26个来自国内外具有不同毒性谱的条锈菌单孢菌系,对50个甘肃省主要生产品种(系)及抗源材料进行苗期条锈病抗性鉴定,结合系谱分析,发现有Yr3、Yr3a、Yr4a、Yr9、Yr10、Yr12、Yr16、Yr26、YrMor、YrCle等10个抗病基因分布于16个品种(系)中。(2)对小麦生产品种(系)陇鉴9343、陇鉴9811、陇鉴9821和93保4-4进行苗期抗条锈性遗传分析结果发现:陇鉴9343对CYR29的抗病性由2对显性抗性基因控制;对CYR32和CYR33的抗病性均由1对显性基因控制。93保4-4对CYR29、CYR32、CYR33的抗病性均由2对显性基因控制。陇鉴9811对CYR32的抗病性由1对隐性基因控制,可能来自外源基因玉米,暂定为YrLongjian9811。陇鉴9821对CYR33的抗病性由1对显性基因控制,可能来自外源基因高粱,暂定为YrLongjian9821。(3)对40个小麦品种(系)抗条锈基因分子检测结果发现:兰天14号等14个品种(系)含有Yr9,兰天17和92R178含有Yr26。(4)选用17个致病力不同的小麦白粉病菌单孢菌系,对64个甘肃省主要生产品种(系)及抗源材料进行苗期白粉病抗性鉴定,结合系谱分析,初步推定有Pm5、Pm6、Pm8、Pm19和Pm21分布于10个小麦品种(系)中。3.利用生物多样性控制小麦条锈病和白粉病究(1)2008~2010年,利用抗病和感病品种混种进行小麦条锈病和白粉病防治效果研究结果表明:品种混种后病情指数、早春病点率和病叶率显著低于单种感病品种;筛选出了具有较好控病增产作用、且具有一定利用价值的山区品种组合-洮157/中梁22组合,该组合与单种感病品种洮157相比较,其对小麦条锈病的相对防效在48.71%~64.33%之间,相对增产率稳定保持在5.71%~12.63%之间。(2)感病小麦生产品种与其他作物间种防治小麦条锈病和白粉病结果发现:与对照单种小麦相比较,小麦与玉米间种处理对条锈病和白粉病的相对防效分别在16.73%~45.69%和14.74%~36.99%之间,产量相对增加率52.41%~139.99%之间;小麦与油葵间种处理,对条锈病和白粉病的相对防效分别在5.89%~28.86%和11.74%~18.37%之间,产量相对增加率在-1.4%~24.81%之间。经方差分析,两组合处理相对防效、产量相对增加率与单种小麦处理间差异显著,在甘肃陇南值得推广利用。小麦与马铃薯、小麦与辣椒间种组合,对条锈病和白粉病的相对防效在-4.51%~11.68%和-15.38%~5.23%之间,产量相对增加率在150%以上,对其利用尚需进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend.f.sp. triticiEriks and Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici Em.Marcha1, are two important wheat diseases inworldwide. Using resistant varieties is the most economical, effective, and environmentallyfriendly approach of controlling stripe rust and powdery mildew, reducing yield losses. In thispaper, according to (1) evaluated the resistance of tester gene (genes), known its value inbreeding.(2) postulated the resistant gene (genes) of about50or64commercial wheat varieties(lines) or resistant sources to stripe rust and powdery mildew, and analysized the resistantinheritance of four major wheat varieties (lines) Longjian9343,93Bao4-4, Longjian9811andLongjian9821to stripe rust in seedling stage, and molecular detection on40wheat varieties(lines) to stripe rust, to known its gene in wheat.(3) using bio-diversity principle and methods,selected some wheat varieties (lines) which resistant or susceptible to stripe rust and powderymildew and possessed different gene (genes), to mixed together or inter-planted with othercrops, evaluated its controlling effect to stripe rust and powdery mildew. According to4yearslater, the main results are as follows.1. The results of evaluated on effective genes for resistance to stripe rust and powderymildew virulence of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici inGansu province.(1) Using43or192different mono isolates on Puccinia striiformis Westend. f.sp. triticiEriks and Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici, testing virulence frequency on35or28resistant gene(genes) in Lanzhou greenhouse, patterns of wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew were studiedunder the field conditions across16environmentally different locations by planting trap nurseryof testers and high susceptible variety Mingxian169during2007~2011. The results revealedthat the resistant gene (genes) Yr5, Yr10, Yr12, Yr24/Yr26and Pm2、Pm4b、Pm13、Pm21、Pm2+6、Pm1+2+9、Pm2+Mld were resistant in seedling stage. The gene (genes) foundeffective against stripe rust and powdery mildew under natural conditions may be deployedsingly or in combination to develop higher resistant to wheat varieties. It worth using in future,but avoid the single resistant gene wildly used in southern of Gansu province at different attitude that deduced new virulence races emerging, and loosing its resistance in field. The newvirulence isolates which virulent to resistant wheat varieties Guinong22, Moro,92R137andChuanmai42in seedling stage, its emergency frequencies approached14.8%in2011in Gansuprovince. It worth caution in wheat breeding and planting in future, especially screened itsresistant variation of wheat varieties Guinong22, Moro,92R137, Chuanmai42and itspedigrees in field. The virulence frequency of testing isolates of powdery mildew which comefrom Longnan region, Gansu province were higher than Middle region. The resistant genePm4b had virulent isolates which come from high mountain in Longnnan region. According toidentificated and evaluated on resistance of testing wheat varieties (lines) in different16locations in Gansu province,10wheat varieties (lines) may had adult resistant character such asLantian16,10wheat varieties (lines) may had slow-rusting character, such as Lantian14.6wheat varieties (lines) Longyuan034, Longjian386, Huapei764, Huining18, Longjian127andY9220-12maybe had adult resistant character to powdery mildew.2. Studies gene postulation, resistant inheritance and molecular detection of resistant geneto stripe rust and powdery mildew.(1) By means of artificial inoculation of26Puccinia striiformis or17powdery mildewisolates with different spectra of pathogenicity at seedling stage, the resistance to stripe rust andpowdery mildew were identified in50or64wheat varieties (lines) from Gansu Province. Incombination with pedigree analysis and resistance reactions of30or26standard varieties withknown resistant genes, the resistance genes in the50or64varieties (lines) were postulated. Theresults showed that the wheat variety Zhongliang25was postulated Yr3and unknown genes.The wheat variety Lantian20was postulated to possess Yr3a, Yr4a, Yr16, and unknown genes.The wheat line Y9220-12was postulated to possess Yr9, YrCle, and unknown genes. Thevarieties (lines) Lantian14, Longyuan932, Longyu216, and Longyuan992were postulated topossess Yr9and unknown genes. Genes Yr10and YrMor were postulated in Longjian9343,93Bao4-4, Tianxuan43, and Guinong22. The variety Lantian19was postulated to possess Yr12and unknown resistant genes. Gene Yr26was postulated in Lantian17,95-111-3,98-178-3-2-4,and92R137. The wheat line Longyuan932was postulated to possess Pm5and unknown genes.The wheat variety Xifeng20was postulated to possess Pm6and unknown genes. The wheat line98Bao1-2was postulated to possess Pm8and unknown genes. Gene Pm19was postulatedin two wheat varieties (lines)863-13and Shi7816. Six varieties (lines) Tianxuan43, X9610,95-111-3, Lantian17,92R137and Guinong22were postulated to possess Pm21.Unknowngenes were found in other wheat varieties (lines), which resistant types were different from thetested genes.(2) Four wheat varieties (lines) Longjian9343,93Bao4-4, Longjian9811and Longjian9821from Southern Gansu, was used as maternal parents and hybridized with the susceptiblecultivar Mingxian169, to study the inheritance of the resistance to stripe rust in seedling plants,and the F2populations of the crosses were inoculated with CYR29, CYR32and CYR33.Theresults showed that the wheat variety Longjian9343were controlled by2dominant genes toCYR29, one dominant gene to CYR32and CYR33in seedling stage respectively. The wheatline93Bao4-4were controlled by two dominant genes to testing races CYR29,CYR32andCYR33. The two wheat varieties Longjian9811and Longjian9821were used pollen-tubepathway, which was one of the effective transgenic techniques in wheat breeding, introducedthe total DNA of maize and sorghum into common wheat cultivar Tao157, which wassusceptible to stripe rust in field in Gansu province, to obtained. The resistant inheritanceresults showed that there was one dominant gene which controlled by to CYR29, which comefrom parents wheat variety Tao157. There was a new recessive gene YrLongjian9811, whichresistant to CYR32in wheat variety Longjian9811, maybe come from maize. There was a newdominant gene YrLongjian9821, which resistant to CYR33in wheat variety Longjian9821,maybe come from sorghum.(3) The resistant genes Yr5, Yr10, Yr15, Yr26, and Yr9(1B/1R) were validated usingmolecular markers in40wheat varieties (lines). There were14wheat varieties (lines) detectedto be Yr9, which accounted for35.0%of the total wheat varieties (lines). The gene Yr26wasdetected in92R178and its pedigree Lantian17. And the other wheat varieties (lines) did notdetect Yr5, Yr10and Yr15.3. Studies of using bio-diversity principle to controlling the wheat stripe rust and powderymildew.(1) Selected10or7wheat varieties (lines) which possessed different genes of stripe rust and powdery mildew, and planted in different range in Gangu testing station, institute of plantprotection, Gansu academy of agricultural sciences, Gansu province, during2008~2010, to testits controlling effect to stripe rust and powdery mildew in field. The results showed thatcompared with susceptible wheat varieties, the final disease index, diseased leaved rate,diseased spot rate of mixture plots were lower than mono plots on susceptible varieties (lines).Maybe it is a better way to control the stripe rust and powdery mildew in field. The mixedwheat combination Tao157/Zhongliang22, which planted in Longnan mountain, relativecontrolling effect are48.71%~64.33%, and relative increase effect on yield are5.71%~12.63%,better than mono plots of susceptible varieties. It was worth using in future in Longnan region,Gansu province.(2) Plot experiments were conducted to study the effect of stripe rust and powdery mildewon susceptible wheat varieties (lines) intercropped with other crops in different location ofGansu province. The results showed that compared with susceptible wheat varieties (lines),intercropped with maize, the relative controlling effect were increased16.73%~45.69%towheat stripe rust, and increased14.74%~36.99%to powdery mildew. Its relative yieldincreased52.41%~139.99%. When intercropped with sunflower, the relative controlling effectwere increased5.89%~28.86%to wheat stripe rust and11.74%~18.37%to powdery mildew,and its relative yield increased-1.4%~24.81%. The above two combinations were worth usingin future in Longnan region, Gansu province. Intercropped with potato and paper, the relativecontrolling effect were-4.51%~11.68%to wheat stripe rust and-15.38%~5.23%to powderymildew, and its relative yield increased above150%.
