

Studies on Plant Diversity Analysis and Optimization Countermeasures of Road Green Space in Tianjin

【作者】 孙志勇

【导师】 季孔庶;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以天津市建成区(和平区、河西区、红桥区、南开区、河北区、河东区)道路绿地作为研究对象,应用风景园林学、群落生态学、植物学等相关学科的理论和研究方法,通过实地调查、查阅文献、测量和阶段性定点观测等手段,分析了道路绿地行道树应用,植物群落多样性,植物观赏特性及植物群落空间结构等方面的特点,阐述了行道树应用现状及发展对策,建立了道路绿地植物群落空间结构评价标准,优选出适宜于不同地点、不同生境、不同功能要求的道路绿地植物群落模式,以期对提高天津市道路绿地植物配置的科学性,充分发挥植物群落在道路绿化建设中的综合功能提供科学依据,并为今后更大范围、更为深入的研究奠定基础。研究成果如下:1.天津市行道树应用应用随机取样原理,调查了天津市建成区137条主要道路的行道树应用现状,分析了行道树的组成结构、生长状况、数量特征及存在的主要问题,提出了改变当前现状、丰富市行道树种的对策和建议。研究结果如下:(1)天津市常用行道树共16种,隶属于10科11属,品种较为单一,以乡土树种为主,体现了本区域植物区系特征。(2)行道树整体健康情况良好。径阶11~20cm,树高4~9m,冠幅在4m以下的行道树应用最多,而大树冠幅受到重剪的株数已达到相当多数量。(3)行道树常用系数分析表明,绒毛白蜡(Fraxinusvelutina)、国槐(Sophora japonica)和法国梧桐(Platanus orientalis)的应用最为常见,远远超过其余13个品种。大量单一行道树品种在构成天津行道树特有景观效果同时,导致了景观的同质化现象。(4)针对行道树存在的种类单一,道路景观特色不鲜明;应用规划滞后,地方特色不足;配置形式单调,功能发挥上存在一定缺陷;养护管理质量有待提高四方面问题。认为注重应用规划,强调科学配置,完善养护管理机制,关注良种选育与推广,构建富有地方特色的行道树景观,是当前天津市城市道路绿化的关键。(5)提出《天津市行道树养护管理月作业历》,为天津行道树合理开发及科学应用提供了参考。2.天津市道路绿地植物群落多样性从群落生态学的角度对21个路侧样地,16个街头样地、10个立交样地、6个滨水样地共53个道路样地进行丰富度、多样性、均匀度和群落相似性等多样性指数进行综合分析,阐述了各样地内乔木层、灌木层和群落的多样性差异。调查结果如下:(1)各类型道路样地中乔木层的物种数一般集中在2~5种,植物种类单一,物种组成较为简单。Simpson指数(D)平均值集中在0.5左右,差距较小,Shannon-Wiener指数(H’)平均值集中在0.79~0.98之间,差距较大,Simpson指数与Shannon-Wiener指数表现出相同的变化趋势。各类型道路绿地均匀度较为一致,平均值集中在0.71~0.80之间。(2)各类型道路样地中灌木层物种数整体大于乔木层物种数,滨水绿地的物种数整体低于街头绿地、路侧绿地和立交绿地。Shannon-Wiener指数平均值集中在0.82~1.50之间,约为Simpson指数的2倍,街头绿地和立交绿地的多样性指数较高。均匀度平均值集中在0.51~0.78之间,差距较大。(3)各类型道路样地群落中的物种数基本都在10种左右,仅少部分样地内植物种类存在差异。Simpson指数平均值集中在0.5左右,Shannon-Wiener指数平均值集中在0.85~1.24之间,Shannon-Wiener指数对物种丰富度的变化比Simpson指数更为敏感。各类型样地均匀度指数Jsi和Jsw变化幅度较大,但对于同一样地具有较好的相关性。与国内其它城市相比,天津市道路绿地植物多样性水平还较低,均匀度偏高。(4)各类型样地中植物群落相似系数较低,基本处于极不相似和中等不相似的水平。(5)对路侧绿地、街头绿地、立交绿地和滨水绿地的植物多样性综合指数进行了排序,为道路绿地植物选择与配置提供了参考依据。3.天津市道路绿地植物多样性观赏特征根据实地调查结果,从植物叶、花、果、形4方面入手,全面分析了植物的组成结构、应用特征及观赏特性。研究结果如下:(1)观花植物共37种,占物种总数的50.68%,以蔷薇科、豆科、忍冬科和木犀科的植物较多。花期集中在春夏两季,主要包括白、黄、红和蓝紫四种色系,白色系观花植物最多,占观花植物比例为35.14%。道路绿地中整体赏花的种类较少,应用频率偏低。(2)观果植物共25种,占物种总数的34.25%,乔木层观果植物品种多于灌木层。应用频度在10%以上的观果植物有7种,远远小于应用频度在10%以下的观果植物品种数。结果期基本分布在6~10月,11月至次年4月为宿存果,果实以绿色、红色和黄色为主。果实类型共有11种,以梨果和核果类植物较多。(3)观叶植物共49种,占物种总数的67.12%。秋色叶类和常绿植物应用较多,垂柳(Salix babylonica)、东北茶藨子(Ribes mandshuricum)、法国梧桐(Platanus orientalis)、红瑞木(Cornus alba)等植物具有多重观赏特性,开发潜力较大。(4)观形植物共49种,占物种总数的67.12%,常绿植物占有较大比例。以体形观赏为主的植物最多,以造型观赏的次之,以冠形观赏的最少。(5)编写了《天津市道路绿地园林植物应用指南》,为道路绿地植物群落的物种选择和景观优化提供科学依据。4.天津市道路绿地植物群落多样性空间结构特征在调查研究基础之上,对53个道路绿地植物群落的空间结构进行了分析与评价,提出了植物群落优化模式。研究结果如下:(1)水平结构为片状组合,混交性较差;群落密度整体较为合理,各样地间存在一定差异;间距分布以均匀分布为主,聚集分布为辅。(2)垂直结构都注重乔灌木的高低配置,使层次与空间富有变化;相邻植物之间属于同层的概率大于属于不同层的概率,群落林层比不尽合理。(3)路侧绿地、街头绿地、立交绿地和滨水绿地群落多样性平均值在0.66~0.93之间,均匀度平均值在0.62~0.77之间,丰富的平均值在7.83~12.31之间。街头绿地植物群落的树种结构更为丰富、植物搭配更加合理。(4)季相结构考虑到了四季有景,常绿植物的数量仍十分有限。(5)应用层次分析法对天津市道路绿地植物群落空间结构进行了综合评价,优选出适宜于各类型道路绿地的植物群落构建模式。根据上述调查研究结果,道路绿地植物应从创新道路绿化理念,提升植物配置水平,加大植物开发力度,规范植物栽植技术等方面进行应用优化,不断提高天津市道路绿地建设水平与综合提升改造能力。

【Abstract】 Based on some principles and methods of relevant disciplines, such as landscapearchitecture, synecology, botany etc., the dissertation, the street trees application, plantcommunity diversity, plant ornamental characteristic and community spatial structure wereanalyzed, the application status and developmental countermeasures of street trees wereexplained, the evaluation standard for community spatial structure of road green space wasestablished community modes suitable to different locations, different environment, differentfunctional requirements of road green space were optimized. The main results were as follows:1. Street trees application in TianjinBased on an investigation of the street trees of137main streets in the urban area of Tianjincity, the present situation and existing problems were analyzed. Some suggestions and strategieswere proposed for improving the current application situation and enriching the street trees ofTianjin city. The results were as follows:(1) There were16species of street trees belonging to11genera in10families inurban road green space in Tianjin. The species of street trees wasrelatively single, but most of them were regional trees, thus reflecting the flora characteristic.(2)The street trees were generally healthy. Most application of street trees in the collected data wereless than4m in crown, range from11to20cm in diameter, and from4to9m. The crowns of quitea few senior trees were heavily cut.(3) The results of commonly used coefficient of street treesshowed that, Fraxinus velutina, Sophora japonica and Platanus orientalis were the most widelyused, far more than the remaining13species. A large number of single street trees formed speciallandscape of Tianjin, also led to the homogenization of the landscape.(4) According to theapplication problems of street trees, It was thought that laying stress on application plan,strengthening the scientific disposition, perfecting the managemental system, paying closeattention to the fine variety breeding and popularization, and constructing street trees landscapewith rich local characteristics were the key of the urban road greening in Tianjin city.(5)Formulating Monthly Calendar on Maintenance and Management of Street Trees in Tianjin Cityprovided a scientific reference for the reasonable development and scientific application of theTianjin street trees.2. Plant community diversity in road green space in TianjinFrom the perspective of community ecology, the diversity index, evenness index, richnessindex and community similarity index of21roadside green space,16street corner greenbelt,10overpass green space and6waterfront green space were analyzed, the diversity of arbor layer,shrub layer and plant community was explaimed. The results were as follows:(1) The speciesnumber of the trees in arbor layer were generally from2to5. The plant species were unitary, causing simple composition structure. The average D indexes concentrated in0.5, and were littledifference in each type of sample plots, H′indexes were from0.79to0.98, and were greatdifference in each type of sample plots, D and H′had the same trend. The average evennessindexes in different types of road green space were similar, ranging from0.71to0.80.(2) Thespecies number of shrub layer were more than that of arbor layer, the waterfront green space wasoverall lower than roadside green space, street corner greenbelt and overpass green space. Theaverage H′indexes range from0.82to1.50, were about two times than D indexes. The diversityindexes of street corner greenbelt and overpass green space were higher than other types of roadgreen space. The average evenness indexes were great difference, ranging from0.51to0.78.(3)The species number of the sample plots was about10, only a small number of samples had acertain gap. The average D indexes concentrated around0.5, H′indexes from0.85to1.24, H′index was more sensitive than D index along with the changes of species richness. Jsiand Jswindexes changed greatly, but had good correlation for the same sample. The samplinginvestigation showed that the community diversity of Tianjin road green space was few and theevenness was slightly higher than some cities.(4) The community similarity index was low in allkinds of sample plots, basically at the level of dissimilar and moderate dissimilar.(5)Sortingcomprehensive indexes of plant diversity of road green space(such as roadside green space, streetcorner greenbelt, overpass green space and waterfront green space)could provid a scientificreference of species selection and configuration.3. Ornamental characteristics of landscape plants in Tianjin road green spaceAccording to the investigation results, the species composition structure, applicationcharacteristics and ornamental characteristics comprehensively from flower, fruit foliage andshape were analyzed. The results were as follows:(1) There were37species of ornamentalflower plants, accounting for50.68%of the total investigated species. The plants in Rosaceae,Leguminosae, Caprifoliaceae and Oleacea had a large proportion. The anthesis was mainly inspring and summer, including white, yellow, red and blue colors. The species of white flowerplants were the most abundant, accounting for35.14%of the total. Ornamental flower plantswere overall less in road green space, and the application frequency was lower.(2) There were25species of ornamental fruit plants, accounting for34.25%of the total investigated species. Therewere7ornamental fruit species that the application frequency was more than10%, far less thanthat below10%. The fruiting period was mainly in June to October, and there were persistentfruits from November to the next April. fruit color mainly includes green, red and yellow. Therewere11kinds of fruit types, and the dominant fruit types were drupe and pome.(3) There were49species of ornamental foliage plants, accounting for67.12%of the total species. The Autumnchromatic leaf plants and evergreen plants were relative more employed. Some plants(such asSalix babylonica, Ribes mandshuricum, Platanus orientalis, Cornus alba ect.) had multipleornamental characteristics with higher potential application in landscape.(4)There were49species of ornamental shape plants, accounting for67.12%of the total investigated species. The number of evergreen plants was more than other types of plants. In three types of ornamentalcharacteristics, the order of the species number was figure plant﹥modelling plant﹥crownprofile plant.(5) Compiling the Application Guidelines for Ornamental Plants in Road GreenSpace of Tianjin City provided a scientific reference of species selection and landscapeoptimization in road green space.4. Spatial structure characteristics of plant communities of road green spacein TianjinBased on the investigation, the spatial structure characteristics of53plant communities ofroad green space were evaluated, and optimization modes suitable for plant communities wereput forward. The results were as follows:(1) Horizontal structure was flaky combination andpoor promiscuity. Community density was located in a reasonable interval on the whole, butthere was some difference between the sampling plots. Aggregation index R indicated that plantswere mainly uniform distribution, while assemble distribution was subsidiary.(2) Verticalstructure was payed attention to the configuration of arbor and shrub, which caused thechangeable spatial level. The probability of adjacent plants belonging to the same layer wasgreater than belonging to the different layer. The rate of stand level was not rational.(3) Theaverage community diversity indexes were from0.66to0.93in roadside green space, streetcorner green belt, overpass green space and waterfront green space, the average communityevenness indexes were from0.62to0.77, the average community richness indexes were from7.83to12.31.The species composition structure of plant communities in street corner green beltwas more abundant, and plant configuration was more reasonable.(4) Although seasonalstructure considered the four seasons to have the scenery as far as possible,the number ofevergreen species was still limited.(5) Through introducing AHP method, the spatial structurecharacteristics of plant communities was evaluated, optimize modes suitable for each type ofTianjin road green space were put forward.According to the results of above-mentioned investigations, the following optimizationways of plant application in Tianjin road green space were put forward: Innovationing roadlandscape concept, enhancing the level of plant configuration, increasing plant developmentefforts, regulating planting techniques.

  • 【分类号】Q948
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