

Research on Export Benefit of Chinese Floor on the Basis of FTA Strategy

【作者】 姜书竹

【导师】 聂影;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 出口效益是影响中国地板产业发展的一大难题,研究者对此讳莫如深,较少论及。问题似乎显性,是市场过于集中、贸易壁垒制约、木材资源瓶颈、核心知识产权缺失、劳动力成本上升,以及人民币升值综合影响的结果。上升到理论层面,是比较优势弱化、要素禀赋充裕度下降、非规模经济、技术进步制约、贸易政策冲突、非关税贸易壁垒与新保护主义,好像寻到了根源。但是,运用到木地板——专项林产品贸易,面对众多中小企业——其中也有产业集聚,进行实证分析,却不尽然。本文探索了基于FTA战略的地板出口效益的研究,运用定性与定量相结合的方法,揭示了地板出口效益客观存在的问题,宏观上评价了影响地板出口效益的因素及其影响程度,提出了具有可行性的对策与建议。本文在研究思路上,基于FTA战略,即从经济一体化的投资效应入手,进行了贸易结合度指数分析以及贸易引力模型结果检测,在FTA贸易效应分析的基础上,充分考虑利润最大化原则,按照投资自由化协定,筛选了16个国家作为地板企业实行“走出去”战略的东道国。在分析地板出口效益影响因素的研究中,从国际和国内经济环境两大外部环境因素,以及行业内部因素三个层面,指出了地板生产和流通成本的提高,国内外地板需求增长缓慢,地板行业产能的快速扩张是影响地板出口效益的三个关键因素。论文运用迈克尔·波特的国家竞争优势理论,从四个方面论证了政府在引导地板产业健康合理发展,利用FTA战略促进行业集中度的提高,促进国际合作和发展工业人工林,全方位解决木材资源紧缺问题,着眼于提升地板产业行业竞争力的基础性作用。在生产要素和需求条件方面,论文阐述了品牌建设、渠道建设、产品更新的竞争策略;阐述了促进海外研究、自主研究、产学研合作的技术创新策略;阐述了在自由贸易协定下的多种方式的“走出去”战略;阐述了规范产品技术标准和强化技术认证,规避贸易风险。总之,本文是基于FTA战略的地板出口效益的策略研究,寄期望于后续对四个“地板之都”,分产品类别论证强化地板、实木地板、实木复合地板和竹地板提高出口效益的最终效应。

【Abstract】 Export benefit which has been seldom discussed yet, is one of the difficult problems indevelopment of flooring industry.The problem seems dominant that it is caused comprehensively by much marketconcentration, trade barriers restriction, timber resources bottleneck, loss of core intellectualproperty and appreciation of RMB. Rise to theoretical level, it may be the reason of weakeningcomparative advantage, declined factor endowment adequacy, non-scale economy, technicalprogress restriction, trade policy conflict, non-tariff trade barriers and new protectionism.However, it’s not necessarily so when we make empirical analysis on wood flooring–specialforest products trade in SMEs–there is industrial agglomeration.This paper explores flooring export benefit based on FTA strategy, and reveals its problemsby the approach of combination of qualitative and quantitative, then macro-evaluates influencefactors on flooring export benefit and their influence degree as well, finally forwards thefeasibility countermeasures and suggestion.As to research thought, this paper is based on FTA strategy, that is to say, analyzing tradeintensity index and testing the results of trade gravity model proceeding with investment effecton economic integration, and considering the principle of profit maximization and according toinvestment liberalization agreement, screening16countries as host countries for flooringenterprises to implement “going out” strategy on the basis of analyzing FTA’s trade effect.As to the research of analyzing influence factors on flooring export benefit, this paperpoints out that there are three key factors including rising cost of production and circulation inflooring industry, slow domestic and international flooring demand growth and rapid expansionof production capacity in flooring industry, from the aspects of international and domesticeconomic environment and internal factors of industry. All these three factors affect the exportbenefit of flooring.This paper applies Michael Potter’s theory of national competitive advantage anddemonstrates that the government can play a basic role in guiding the healthy and reasonabledevelopment of flooring industry, improving industry concentration by FTA strategy, promotinginternational cooperation and developing industrial plantations, solving the problem of woodresource shortage and elevating flooring industry competitiveness.As to production factor and demand condition, this paper elaborates the competitivestrategy of brand construction, place construction and product updates; interprets technicalinnovation strategy of promoting overseas research, independent study and researchcooperation; explains several “going out” strategies on the circumstance of free trade agreement;discusses the standardization of technical standard and strengthening technology certificate to avoid trade risk.In a word, this paper is strategy research on flooring export benefit upon FTA strategy, andlater expects to discuss final export benefit improvement of laminate flooring, solid woodflooring, solid wood composite flooring and bamboo flooring for four “flooring cities”respectively.

【关键词】 FTA地板出口效益竞争优势
【Key words】 FTAfloorexport benefitcompetition advantages
  • 【分类号】F752.62;F426.88
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】402
  • 攻读期成果