

Anempirical Research of Quality Evaluation of Graduate Education in Jiangsu Province

【作者】 孔祥沛

【导师】 杨晓江;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文综合运用服务管理学、质量管理学、教育管理学、高等教育学、系统论及行为科学等多学科的相关理论知识和方法,对江苏省研究生教育质量评价进行了系统实证研究。以学科为单位,建构了研究生投入质量(办学资源)评价指标体系并构造了投入质量评价模型。对研究生办学资源评价指标体系进行维度验证、指标筛选和权重计算,结果表明基于学科办学资源评价指标体系的综合评价模型的信效度等质量指标均符合要求,可以作为一个有效工具来分析江苏省高校学科的办学资源状况。用量化的形式对江苏省24所高校136个学科的办学资源现况进行了排序、聚类分析,客观呈现了江苏省研究生学科办学资源的现况及特点。在前人研究的基础上,编制了研究生满意度量表。采用结构方程模型等统计方法对量表进行了项目分析、信效度检验及复核效度分析,结果表明修订的研究生满意度量表具有较好的科学性,可以作为一个有效工具来考察江苏省高校研究生的满意度状况。采用描述统计、t检验及方差分析等方法对江苏省高校研究生满意度调查数据进行了实证分析,获得了有价值的实证结果。采用结构方程模型技术对江苏省教育评估院提出的学位论文评议指标体系进行了实证检验,结果表明该学位论文评议指标体系具有较好的科学性。根据江苏省学位论文抽检评议结果,对江苏省的研究生学位论文质量进行统计分析,从优秀率、优良率、不合格率及论文评分等4个指标来考察江苏省2008年度、2009年度研究生学位论文质量状况。依据投入—过程—结果的系统模式,构建了用于探讨研究生教育投入、过程和结果质量间关系的结构方程模型。采用PLS-SEM技术,以江苏省136个研究生学科数据为样本对模型进行了修正与检验,模型信度和效度等质量指标皆符合要求,可以作为一个有效的工具来研究研究生教育过程中各要素间的关系,并探寻影响研究生教育质量的因素。实证结果验证了本研究提出的假设。根据实证研究结论提出相关对策建议:依托专业评估机构,强化研究生教育质量外部保障机制;以生均资源为基础,加大研究生教育办学资源投入;以学生满意为中心,促使研究生培养单位提高服务质量;以学位论文抽检为抓手,确保研究生教育结果质量。

【Abstract】 The thesis has an empirical research on the postgraduate education quality evaluation in Jiangsu Province by using the related theories and methods of service management, quality management, educational management, higher education and behavioral science,etc.The thesis constructs an index system and a synthetical evaluation model on school-running resources of postgraduate majors. The index system is well-tested through dimensions verification, index selection and weight calculation, and it can be a good tool to analyze the status of the school-running resources in Jiangsu Province. The paper ranks and cluster analyzes the status of the school-running resources on136majors of24universities in Jiangsu Province through quantification.The satisfaction scale form of postgraduate education is designed based on the previous research. The form is tested by statistic methods, and shows it’s an effective tool to analyze the satisfaction status. The paper has an empirical research on postgraduate satisfaction through descriptive statistics analysis, T-test method and the analysis of variance.The thesis has an empirical test on the index system of dissertation sampling of the agency for educational evaluation in Jiangsu Province by using structural equation model, and shows that the system is scientific. It also has statistic analyses on the dissertation quality which is based on the sampling results, and has an investigation on the status of postgraduate dissertation quality in2008through the ratio of excellent, good, bad and dissertation scores.Based on the input-process-output model, this thesis builds a structural equation model which can be used for the relationship among the input-process-output of postgraduate education. The model is tested by using PLS-SEM, which is based on the136postgraduate majors’data. The result shows that the model is a very good tool to research on the relationship among the elements which influences on the postgraduate education quality.Some suggestions are provided based on the research results:strengthening the external quality assurance mechanism based on the professional evaluation agency, enhancing the input on the school-running resources of postgraduate education based on average resource per student, promoting the service quality of the postgraduate cultivation units based on the students’satisfaction. Assuring the output quality of the postgraduate education based on the dissertation sampling.
