

Research on Collapse Mechanism and Surrounding Rock Control of Large-span Roadway in Deep

【作者】 万世文

【导师】 徐金海;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 采矿工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着煤炭工业的快速发展和采矿技术的不断进步,开采水平逐渐向深部和地质条件更复杂的区域发展,巷道的断面越来越大,采用现有的支护理论与技术,难以满足深部大断面、大跨度巷道支护要求。大跨度巷道失稳垮冒现象时有发生,已成为煤矿亟待解决的重大技术难题。本文围绕深部大跨度巷道稳定性控制问题,综合运用数值模拟、相似模拟、理论分析、现场监测等方法与手段对深部大跨度巷道失稳机理与围岩控制技术进行系统研究,取得了如下主要创新成果:(1)基于复变函数理论,运用施瓦茨-克里斯托菲尔求解映射函数的方法,推导出大跨度矩形巷道围岩应力与位移的计算公式,通过具体实例,计算得到了矩形巷道内部各点应力与位移的数值解,分析了矩形巷道围岩应力与变形规律。(2)应用FLAC3D数值计算软件,系统研究了不同侧压不同跨度矩形巷道围岩塑性区分布规律,得出矩形巷道围岩塑性区分布形状随侧压的变化规律。根据不同侧压不同跨度巷道围岩破坏、应力分布及变形规律,给出了大跨度巷道的定义,划分了大跨度巷道类型。(3)自主研制了微型预应力锚杆试验装置,为相似模拟试验锚杆受力监测及锚杆施加预应力提供方便,解决了模拟试验中无法对锚杆施加预应力的难题。(4)提出了双微拱断面巷道的概念,建立了双微拱巷道的力学分析模型,计算得到双微拱巷道应力、位移的具体表达形式,分析了双微拱断面巷道围岩应力与变化规律。建立了双微拱断面巷道拱脚交点处支撑反力计算模型,推导出两拱脚交点处支撑反力计算公式。(5)针对影响大跨度巷道稳定的主要因素,分析了大跨度巷道控制原理;提出了深部大跨度巷道卸压减跨控顶与等强协调支护理论和“双微拱断面+单体支柱+高强预应力锚杆(索)+钢带等组合构件”的支护方法。(6)依据深部大跨度巷道支护理论与方法,对山西潞安环能股份公司五阳煤矿7801切眼(埋深800m,跨度8m)进行工业性试验。现场应用表明,采用“双微拱断面+单体支柱+高强预应力锚杆(索)+钢带等组合构件”的减跨支护方法,有效地控制了切眼的变形破坏,实现了深部大跨度切眼围岩稳定性控制。

【Abstract】 In recent years,with the rapid development of coal industry and miningtechnology, coal mining depth is increasing, geological condition is more complexand the roadway section is bigger. However, the present theories and technologies areunable to satisfy the requirements on the support of large-section and long-spanroadways which are in deep, and the collapse of long-span roadways has occurredfrequently. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the problems referred above. A syntheticallymethod combined with numerical simulation, similar simulation, theoretical analysisand field observation is applied to study the collapse mechanism of long-spanroadways in deep and surrounding rock control technology systematically, and theinnovative achievements are shown as follows:(1) Based on the theory of complex variable function, the expressions ofsurrounding rock stress and displacement in long-span rectangular roadway arededuced using Schwartz-Christophil method which solves mapping function. Byintroducing specific example, the numerical solutions on stress and displacement ofeach point in rectangular roadway are obtained, and the laws of stress anddeformation of surrounding rock in rectangular roadway are analyzed.(2) With the application of FLAC3D software, the plastic region distributionlaws of rectangle roadway in different pressures and spans are studied systematically,and the plastic region distribution shape changing laws with side pressures areobtained. The definition of large-span roadway is given and the type of large-spanroadway is divided according to the damage, stress distribution and deformation ofsurrounding rock in roadway with different side pressures and spans. Meanwhile, thedefinition and structural form of double micro arch section roadway are given.(3) A miniature experimental apparatus of prestressed anchor is developedwhich provides convenience for prestress infliction and stress monitoring of anchor insimilar simulation experiment, it solves the problem of prestress infliction of anchorin similar simulation experiment.(4) The concept of double micro arches is proposed and a calculation model isestablished based on the complex function theory and elastic theory for double microarch roadway. The expression of stress and displacement of double micro archroadway is worked out. The stress and changing laws of surrounding rock in doublemicro arch section roadway is analyzed. The computation model of counter-force at interaction of arch feet in double flat arched section roadway is established and itscomputation formulas are deduced.(5) For the main influencing factors in long-span roadway, the controllingprinciples of long-span roadway are analyzed. The supporting principle of “reasonablesection shape+three high and one low+method of effective reducing span” is putforward.(6) According to the supporting theory and methods of deep and long-spanroadway, the7801cut eye of Wuyang mine in Shanxi Luan Huanneng StockCompany, of which the depth is800m and the span is8m, is done some industrialnessexperiments. The site applications show that adopt “reasonable section shape+threehigh and one low+method of effective reducing span” can effectively control thedeformation and destroy of cut eye and make the stale control of surrounding rock indeep and long-span cut eye come true.
