

Control Effect of Igneous Intrusion on Methane Reserve and Outburst Disaster Prevention Technology Based on Huaibei Coalfield

【作者】 蒋静宇

【导师】 程远平;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 淮北矿区受燕山期岩浆活动影响,煤与瓦斯突出灾害严重。国内外对岩浆岩对瓦斯赋存规律的控制作用、岩浆岩侵入和突出之间关系的研究相对较少,现有的对岩浆岩侵入煤层瓦斯赋存规律的认识与瓦斯治理技术措施尚不能保证矿区的安全高效生产。本文以岩浆岩侵入严重的卧龙湖和海孜井田为研究对象,运用构造地质学、瓦斯地质学、岩相学、地球化学、吸附科学、绿色开采等多学科理论,采用理论分析、实验室实验和工程实践相结合的研究方法,系统的开展了淮北煤田区域岩浆活动时空演化过程、井田岩浆岩产状和分布规律、岩浆岩侵入对煤的多元物性参数和吸附解吸性能的影响、岩浆岩的热演化和圈闭作用对瓦斯赋存的控制作用、岩浆岩侵入矿井敏感指标体系、分区治理技术及工程实践等方面的研究,取得一定的创新成果。本文主要研究结论如下:靠近环形岩床,卧龙湖煤的镜质组反射率(Ro)由2.74%增加到5.03%。岩浆岩热演化范围为60m左右。根据Ro的变化规律,发现了卧龙湖井田10煤层自然形成的三个区域:岩浆覆盖区(接触变质区,距离岩床0~5m),热演化区(距离岩床5~60m)和正常区(岩床边界60m以外);靠近120m左右巨厚岩床,海孜煤样Ro由2.30%增大到2.78%,岩床热演化范围为160m左右。发现巨厚岩床下伏7、8、9、10煤层自然形成的两个区域:岩浆岩热演化区(岩床下60~160m)和正常区(岩床下160m以外)。获得了卧龙湖和海孜井田岩浆岩侵入区附近煤层(群)瓦斯赋存规律。接触变质作用降低了卧龙湖井田(距离岩床0~5m)煤的吸附瓦斯能力,热演化作用提高了(距离岩床5~60m)煤的吸附能力。海孜井田巨厚岩床的热演化作用提高了下伏煤层群(距离岩床60~160m)的吸附瓦斯能力;卧龙湖岩床圈闭区10煤层出现异常高压现象,实测最大压力为4.30MPa,含量26.30m3/t,发生过两次突出;海孜岩床覆盖区煤层中CH4含量和组分均高于未覆盖区煤层,热演化区发生了11次突出。现场数据和突出验证了上述结论。系统研究了岩浆侵入矿井突出煤层敏感指标及临界值确定的方法和程序。根据卧龙湖井田10煤层瓦斯含量与压力的关系,考虑10煤层为高变质无烟煤,残存瓦斯含量较高,认为采用瓦斯含量作为区域敏感指标较为安全合理,临界值定为9.50m3/t;现场测10煤层钻屑指标发现,K1值敏感性高于h2,钻屑量S不具有敏感性。通过实验室瓦斯压力与实际解吸量拟合得到幂指数关系方程,确定了局部敏感指标临界值。根据岩浆岩对煤层的不同自然分区的瓦斯吸附能力评价,获得了卧龙湖10煤层瓦斯赋存规律。根据区划结果,采取了瓦斯分区治理技术,突出危险区采用底板岩巷穿层钻孔与顺层钻孔相结合的瓦斯抽采模式。区域预抽后,采用敏感指标临界值进行区域验证,确定消除了突出危险。工程实践验证了敏感指标临界值和分区治理技术的有效性。

【Abstract】 Huaibei Coalfield was influenced by the Cretaceous Yanshanian magmaticmetamorphism, where coal and gas outburst disasters seriously. This paper takes coal samplesfrom the Wolonghu Mine and Haizi Mine at various distances from sills as the main studyobject, systematically carrying out study of various aspects on the spatial-temporal evolutionof regional magmatism process, influences of igneous intrusions on coal rank, microporecharacteristics and adsorption capacity, the control effect of the thermal evolution and trapeffects of the sill intrusions on the gas occurrence and outburst, the partition controltechnology and engineering practice. The main conclusions are as follows:Approaching the sill in the Wolonghu Mine, vitrinite reflectance (Ro) levels increasedfrom2.74%to5.03%, and the thermal aureole of the sill~60m. Three zones of the No.10coal seam along this gradient were identified as corresponding to: contact metamorphic zone(0-5m from sill), thermal evolution zone (5-60m from sill), and unaltered zone. Approachingthe~120m extremely thick sill,Ro increased from2.30%to2.78%, and the thermal aureoleof the sill~160m. Two zones along this gradient were identified as corresponding to: thermalevolution zone (60-160m from sill) and unaltered zone (160m away from sill).The gas occurrence of coalseams near magmatic intrusion in the Wolonghu and HaiziMines was obtained. It is concluded that the contact-metamorphism decreased the adsorptioncapacity of Wolonghu coal in the contact metamorphic zone, and the thermal evolution of sillincreased it of the thermal evolution zone. The thermal evolution of the extremely thick sill inHazi Mine increased the adsorption capacity of the thermal evolution zone (60-160m fromsill). Two and eleven outbursts have occuured in sill thermal evolution zone of the Wolonghuand Haizi Mine. There was abnormally high formation pressure in the No.10coal seam of thering-sill trap zone in the Wolonghu Mine. The CH4content and composition of sill coveredcoal were higher than those without sill coverage coal in the Haizi Mine.Study on a method and procedures to determine the sensitive indicators and critical valueof coal seam with outburst dangerous in igneous intrusion mine. According to the relationshipbetween gas contents and pressures of the No.10coal seam in the Wolonghu Mine.Considered the factor that of the No.10coal seam was high rank anthracite and with highresidual gas content, showed the gas content as the region sensitive indicator is more safer andreasonable, with the critical value of9.50m3/t. Field test the cuttings indicators of the No.10coal seam found thatK1is more sensitive than h2, and the drilling cuttings amount S is notsensitive.The gas deposit law of the No.10coal seam in Wolonghu Mine wae obtained. In outburst danger zone of the No.10coal seam, where surrounding rock lane borehole wearseam drilling, along the coal seam drilling and infill drilling in the thermal evolution zone gasextraction mode was implemented. After the region methane pre-pumping, the measuredmaximum gas content of the coal face108was7.82m3/t, less than the critical value of theregional sensitive indicator9.50m3/t. The outburst dangerous of coal face108has beeneliminated. Engineering practice verified the effectiveness of the partition control methanetechnology and sensitive indicator threshold.
