

Synergy Effect and Yield Formation Mechanism of Plastic Film Mulching of Rice Fields in a Saline-sodic Soil in Songnen Plain, China

【作者】 谷晓岩

【导师】 梁正伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(东北地理与农业生态研究所) , 生态学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 吉林省西部地区苏打盐碱地在农业生产利用中存在的主要问题是土壤盐碱化和水资源短缺,导致水稻产量较低。基于地膜覆盖栽培技术具有显著性的增温、节水、抑盐、增产等效应,对于开发整治和高效利用吉林省西部盐碱化土地具有重要的科学和实践意义。本试验于2010-2011年在中国科学院大安碱地生态试验站(N45°35′58″-45°36′28″,E123°50′27″-123°51′31″,吉林省大安市)进行。试验设2个处理:覆膜(FM)与不覆膜(CK)。水稻移栽前覆膜,至第二年移栽前揭膜,再重新覆膜。连续2年研究盐碱地地膜覆盖栽培水稻的增效作用,主要研究结论如下:1地膜覆盖增温效应主要体现在水稻生育前期,随着生育期的推进,增温效应逐渐减小。土壤表层增温效应最为显著,可使其平均温度增加2℃以上,随着土层深度的增加,增温效应逐渐减弱。2地膜覆盖节水效应主要体现在抑制蒸发,促进蒸腾,减少灌溉水量,提高灌溉水分利用效率上。地膜覆盖栽培技术在2010年减少灌溉水量和水分蒸发量7.1%和17.6%,增加作物蒸腾量64.7%,灌溉水利用效率提高30.7%;在2011年减少灌溉水量和水分蒸发量14.1%和25.7%,增加作物蒸腾量86.5%,灌溉水利用效率提高75.4%。3地膜覆盖抑盐效应体现在降低水稻根区(0~20cm)的土壤盐分。地膜覆盖可以显著降低土壤表层(0~5cm)的土壤电导率,2010与2011年表层土壤电导率分别降低7.75%和19.86%。随着土层的深入,电导率的降低幅度逐渐减小。4地膜覆盖栽培可以显著提高水稻分蘖期的分蘖数量,2010与2011年分别提高43.7%和42.6%。地膜覆盖栽培可以显著增加抽穗期的地上生物量,在2011年增加了36.4%。地膜覆盖栽培可以显著增加拔节孕穗期的叶面积指数,2010与2011年分别提高21.0%和38.4%。5地膜覆盖栽培技术显著增加了水稻产量,2010与2011年分别增加21.4%和50.7%。对产量构成因素进行分析,发现每穗粒重对产量贡献最大;进一步分析每穗粒重,得知每穗粒数对每穗粒重贡献最大。地膜覆盖的增产机制主要源于每穗粒数和每穗粒重的增加。2010与2011年地膜覆盖栽培的经济效益分别提高34.1%和87.7%。由此可见,地膜覆盖的增产机理在于改善了土壤水热状况,抑制根区土壤盐分,并且在提高产量的同时节约灌溉用水,达到了既增产又节水的目的,对于解决吉林省西部地区的粮食生产问题提供了新的增产途径和方法。

【Abstract】 The main problems of saline-sodic land in the western Jilin province are soilsalinization and water shortage in the agricultural production, resulting in low yieldand poor quality of rice. Due to plastic film mulching can increase soil temperature,save water, inhabit salt, improve yield, it is important scientific and practicalmeaning for exploiting, controlling and using highly the saline-sodic soil in thewestern Jilin province. The trail was carried out on the Da’an sodic landexperimental station of China (N45°35′58″-45°36′28″, E123°50′27″-123°51′31″)in2010and2011. The experiment was set up two treatments: FM and CK. Theexperimental plots were filmed before rice was transplanted, uncovered beforetransplanted in the following year, and coated plastic film again. The synergy effectand yield of rice plastic film mulching in the saline-sodic soil was researched for twoconsecutive years. The primary research findings were as follows:1The warming effect of plastic film mulching embodied mainly at the earlygrowth stage of rice. As growing period advanced, warming effect weakenedgradually. The warming effect on the soil surface layer was the most obvious,making the temperature increase more than2oC. Along with the soil layer depthraised, warming effect declined gradually.2The water saving effect of plastic film mulching chiefly reflected in inhibitingevaporation, promoting transpiration, reducing irrigation amount and improveirrigation water use efficiency. Compared to CK, irrigation amount and evaporationin FM decreased by7.1%and17.6%, and transpiration and irrigation water useefficiency in FM increased by64.7%and30.7%in2010. In2011irrigation amountand evaporation in FM decreased by14.1%and25.7%, transpiration and irrigationwater use efficiency increased by86.5%and75.4%.3The salt suppressing effect of plastic film mulching primarily reflected inlowering the soil salt in the rice root zone (0~20cm). Plastic film mulching cansignificantly declined the electrical conductivity of the soil surface layer (0~5cm).The electrical conductivity of the soil surface layer was declined by7.75%and 19.86%respectively in2010and2011. The reducing extent of electrical conductivitylessened gradually as soil layer depth increased.4Plastic film mulching can significantly improve number of rice tillering in thetillering stage, enhancing respectively by43.7%and42.6%in2010and2011. Plasticfilm mulching may significantly increase the aboveground biomass in the headingstage, elevating by36.4%in2011. Plastic film mulching can significantly enhanceleaf area index in the jointing and booting stage, improving by21.0%and38.4%respectively in2010and2011.5Plastic film mulching can significantly increase rice yield, enhancingrespectively by21.4%and50.7%in2010and2011. It was founded throughanalyzing yield components that seed weight per panicle (SWP) had the greatestcontribution to yield. It was detected through further analyzing seed weight perpanicle (SWP) that spikelets per panicle (SP) had the greatest contribution to seedweight per panicle (SWP). Improving yield mechanism of plastic film mulching wasthe increase of spikelets per panicle (SP) and seed weight per panicle (SWP). Netrevenue in FM enhanced respectively by34.1%and87.7%in2010and2011.It can be seen that yield increase mechanism of plastic film mulching is improvesoil hydrothermal conditions, inhibit soil salts in the root zone, and save water whileincrease yield, achieving the purposes of yield increase and water saving. Plasticfilm mulching can provide new ways and methods of increasing yield for solving thefood problems in the western region of Jilin province.

【关键词】 盐碱地地膜覆盖栽培技术水稻盐分产量
【Key words】 saline-sodic soilplastic film mulchingricesaltyield