

Hydrothermal Process of Cold Paddy Field and Water-saving and Heating Irrigation Mode in Sanjiang Plain

【作者】 聂晓

【导师】 刘兴土;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(东北地理与农业生态研究所) , 环境科学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 三江平原是我国9大商品粮基地之一,在国家的粮食安全中占有重要的地位。目前在黑龙江省新增200亿斤粮食的规划中,三江平原水田的种植面积还将继续扩大,在耕地面积增加的前提下,保持粮食稳定增产,提高单产也是保证粮食安全的重要途径。三江平原地下可开采水资源量已经达到极限,如何解决水资源的供需矛盾,是三江平原农业可持续发展亟待解决的紧迫问题。从区域可持续发展的角度、湿地保护的角度以及未来灌溉成本考虑,发展节水增产灌溉农业将是未来的方向。本文对三江平原寒地稻田水分交换过程、蒸散发、以及稻田热量平衡进行了系统的研究,并针对寒地稻作区农业的春季稻田土壤增温缓慢以及三江平原井灌水稻灌溉水温偏低,致使田间温度和土壤温度过低,影响水稻正常发育的问题,创新性地开展了一种适合三江平原寒地稻田的高效节水增产的水分调控模式—早期浅水增温结合中后期间歇灌溉模式(控I和控II)的研究,主要得到以下结论:(1)三江平原寒地常规淹灌稻田水热交换过程三江平原寒地淹灌水田(试验中)水稻非生理生态需水(棵间蒸发和渗漏)占绝大部分(部分属无益耗水),2010年占到总耗水量的62%;三江平原寒地稻田蒸散发在蒸发旺盛期或蒸腾旺盛期出现最大值,2010年稻田蒸散量在蒸发旺盛期出现峰值,为7.0mm/d,2011年最大值出现在蒸腾旺盛期,为7.2mm/d。2010年和2011年稻田整个生育期内的的平均蒸散速率分别为5.7mm/d和5.5mm/d;传统淹灌处理稻田蒸散发主要受气象因素的影响,蒸散发与净辐射、空气温度和饱和水汽压差的相关系数r分别为0.59,0.64和0.62,均在0.05置信度水平显著相关;对三江平原寒地常规淹灌稻田的热量平衡的研究表明,太阳净辐射能的大部分都分配给蒸散发所带来的潜热交换。(2)三江平原寒地稻田实际蒸散估算方法评估波文比能量平衡法估算的蒸散发较实测蒸散发偏低9.1%,但总体有较好的相关性(R2=0.87),RMSE值为0.75mm/d,MAE值为0.64mm/d,与观测值的一致性指数d为0.79;利用校正的作物系数Kc值与Penman-Monteith模型得到的估算ET与实测ETa比较的结果表明, PM-Kc模型低估了2011年水稻生长中期和后期的累积ET,但其相对误差均小于10%,而2011年的生长初期,PM-Kc模型得到的累积ET比实测的累积ETa高19.3%,以2011年生长初期为例进一步分析PM-Kc模型与实际蒸散ETa的关系,展现了随着间隔日数的增加,RMSE、MAE有降低的趋势,一致性系数有提高的趋势,PM-Kc模型得到的7日平均模拟实际蒸散与实测蒸散数据最为接近。(3)早期浅水增温结合中后期间歇灌溉模式(控I和控II)的节水潜力通过改进灌溉方式,在对作物生理需水(蒸腾耗水)影响很小的情况下保持浅水层或土壤表层干燥是减少水稻耗水量和后期稻田排水量的一种主要措施,早期浅水增温结合中后期间歇灌溉的节水效果较显著:2010和2011年控I和控II稻田蒸散总量分别减少了9.6%~10.3%、15.2%~15.8%,耗水总量分别减少14.0%~18.7%、20.5%~23.4%,排水总量分别减少了14.4%~30.4%、19.5%~43.5%。(4)早期浅水增温结合中后期间歇灌溉模式(控I和控II)的增温增产潜力不同水层控制的早期浅水增温结合中后期间歇灌溉模式(控I和控II)田间建立浅水层或无水层,有利于0~15cm的表层土壤温度的提升,晴天各层土壤平均地温分别比对照淹灌要高出0.5℃~1.2℃,尤其对以冷水灌溉的井灌稻区有着重要的意义。早期浅水增温结合中后期间歇灌溉模式可以促进水稻的有效分蘖,分蘖成穗率高,形成合理的高产群;控制无效分蘖,使得水稻光和产物用于穗生长,每穗实粒数增多,增大了水稻的“库”容,产量构成更合理,提高了收获期水稻地上生物量和籽实产量,2010年和2011年控I灌溉、控II灌溉的实际籽实产量分别增加9.4%~8.6%、12.7%~11.9%。

【Abstract】 Sanjiang Plain is one of China’s nine major commodity grain bases, playing animportant role in the country’s food security.10billion kg grain are currently plannedto add in Heilongjiang Province, therefore, paddy acreage of Sanjiang Plain willcontinue to expand. And under the premise of the increase of cultivated area,increasing yields is also an important way to ensure food security. Exploitation ofunderground water resources in Sanjiang Plain has reached its limit, then how to solvethe contradiction between water supply and demand is an urgent problem to be solvedfor the sustainable agricultural development of Sanjiang Plain. From the perspectiveof regional sustainable development, wetland protection point of view, and irrigationcosts to consider, developing water-saving and yield-increasing irrigation mode willbe the forward way. Water exchange, evapotranspiration and heat balance of coldpaddy field at Sanjiang Plain are systematically studied, and then the irrigation modeof shallow water warming irrigation in the early stage combined with intermittentirrigation in the middle and late stage (control irrigation I and control irrigation II) isinnovatively proposed and studied, because soil warming of paddy field is slow andwater temperature of well irrigated paddy field is low, resulting in low fieldtemperature and soil temperature, affecting the growth of rice. The followingconclusions are obtained.(1) Water and heat exchange of cold paddy filed at Sanjiang PlainEvaporation and seepage, most of which have no value for rice growth, accountfor the vast majority of water consumption of cold paddy field in Sanjiang Plain.Evaporation and seepage accounted for62%of the total water consumption in2010.The maximum paddy field evapotranspiration appeared in the period of strongevaporation or the period of strong transpiration. The maximum paddy fieldevapotranspiration, appearing in the period of strong evaporation, was7.0mm/d in2010, while the maximum paddy field evapotranspiration, appearing in the period ofstrong transpiration, was7.2mm/d in2011. The average paddy filed evapotranspiration was5.7mm/d,5.5mm/d in2010,2011. The evapotranspiration oftraditional flooding irrigation paddy field is mainly affected by meteorological factors.The correlation coefficient r of evapotranspiration with net radiation, air temperatureand vapor pressure was0.59,0.64and0.62. Evapotranspiration was significantlyrelated to net radiation, air temperature and vapor pressure at the0.05confidencelevel. It was showed that most of solar net radiation was assigned to the latent heatcaused by evapotranspiration exchange through the study of the heat balance of coldtraditional flooding paddy field in Sanjiang Plain.(2) Evaluation of actual evapotranspiration estimation methodEstimation evapotranspiration by Bowen ratio energy balance method was9.1%lower than measured evapotranspiration, but estimation evapotranspiration by Bowenratio energy balance method was overall well correlated with measuredevapotranspiration. Estimated evapotranspiration of the middle stage and the endstage by Penman-Monteith model combined with the corrected crop coefficient Kc(PM-Kc method) were all10%less lower than measured evapotranspiration of thesame stages, while estimated evapotranspiration of the early stage by PM-Kc methodwas19.3%higher than measured evapotranspiration of the same stage. With theincreasing interval, there were decreasing trends of RMSE and MAE and increasingtrends of d. The7-day mean data estimated by PM-Kc method perfomed best.(3) Water-saving potential of the irrigation mode of shallow water warmingirrigation in the early stage combined with intermittent irrigation in the middle andlate stageThe results of this research showed that the irrigation mode of shallow waterwarming irrigation in the early stage combined with intermittent irrigation in themiddle and late stage could drastically reduce water consumption of rice bysignificant reducing evaporation and soil percolation, as the water layer of intermittentirrigation was shallow, and the field exposure was emphasized; hence, soil watercontent was reduced, and then evaporation and soil percolation was significantlyreduced. The total evapotranspiration of cold paddy field under control irrigation I andcontrol irrigation II was lower than that of flooding irrigation by9.6%~10.3%and 15.2%~15.8%, respectively, while the total water consumption of cold paddy fieldunder control irrigation I and control irrigation II decreased by14.0%~18.7%and20.5%~23.4%, respectively. And the drainage water of cold paddy field under controlirrigation I and control irrigation II was reduced by14.4%~30.4%and19.5%~43.5%,respectively.(4) Warming and yield-increasing potential of the irrigation mode of shallowwater warming irrigation in the early stage combined with intermittent irrigation inthe middle and late stageShallow water layer or non-water layer was beneficial for the increase of0~15cm soil temperature. The average soil temperature of paddy field under shallowwater warming irrigation in the early stage was0.5℃~1.2℃higher than paddy fieldunder flooding irrigation at the sunny day of early rice growth stage, which wasbeneficial for the growth of cold rice. The irrigation mode could promote the materialproduction of effective tillering of rice, bringing about high percentage ofearring-tillers, thus forming the reasonable high-yield group, while it could controlineffective tillering to make photosynthetic product of rice for the growth of panicles,bringing about increase of filled grains per panicle, thus producing a more reasonableyield structure, with increase of aboveground biomass and seed yield. The actual yieldof rice under control irrigation I and control irrigation II was8.6%~9.4%and11.9%~12.7%higher than that under continuous flooding irrigation.
