

Power Distribution: a Social Explanation for Space Evolution of Self-built Community

【作者】 夏鹏

【导师】 龙元;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在长期对自建空间的考察中,发现自建这种建立在基本居住诉求上的行为已不再是简单的个人行为,而是与许多社会制度发生关系的社会行为。自建行为的发生受到现代社会中的土地制度、产权制度以及经济制度等多种制度的影响,并且很大程度上依赖于这些制度的限定和运作。从空间来看,自建空间这种具有一定私有产权状态的住房,其变化过程虽然林林总总、各不相同,但总体上却表现出相似的发展规律,是社会权力结构下个人行为受到其他权力运作影响的结果。正是在这样的思考下,将对空间的研究转向空间背后社会机制作用的探讨,这应当是了解自建空间与自建行为逻辑的又一途径。论文从权力角度出发,运用社会学方法,以自建型空间为对象,对空间历史发展和相应社会权力结构进行考察,探究自建型空间演变过程中的社会权力运作过程,分析自建空间中的各权力特点。同时,研究在不同历史时期权力的运作机制与不同产权空间的关系,总结权力的空间运作逻辑。结合考察过程来看,空间和权力是一对不可分割的组合。权力作为一种社会关系,对空间有着广泛而深刻的影响。由于空间本身也具备为各种社会关系生产、实践和再现的维度,因此空间受到权力的影响是无孔不入的。从权力角度讲,自建的产生是私权力获取空间资源的一种方式,这种获取需要在与其他非私有权力发生作用后得到。同样的道理,这种权力空间作用也适用于其他权力,如公权力和公众权力。不同权力运作与相应空间的演变还暗示着一条重要的线索,权力对空间介入的起点和途径必然通过具有规训作用的法理界定来获得分配空间的基础条件,于是产权的制度性效力便发挥出来。这一具有物权特征的社会规则在空间划分、安排中发挥着至关重要的作用,它在空间资源分配过程中界定了空间公、私权属关系,同时也在民众心理上产生了公、私、共三种属性的感知认定,使城市空间具备多种有形和无形的产权空间,进而在不同权力运作下带来不同产权空间的演变差异。因此,城市空间的演变在多方面均体现出权力分配的重要特点。通过产权的界定和安排,在权力运作过程中不断生产出空间与权力的互动消长关系。在权力分配的社会规则下,包括个人、国家和公众权力在内的各权力方以相互博弈、争夺的方式影响到各自空间的发展走向。按权分配的权力运作方式很好的解释了社会权力结构下自建行为与非自建行为的因果关系,从根本上反映出行为与空间之间的现实逻辑关联。进而,结合现代社会权力制度改革发展的社会背景,按权分配的空间关系对社会权力结构和制度提出了新的要求,需要社会进一步去体现和实现社会内在各权力在不同层面的均衡与平衡。从这一点出发,自建行为具有均衡社会权力的历史内涵,是城市空间建设不可或缺的重要部分。

【Abstract】 Reviewing the self-built space in a long term, we have been discovering the kind ofbuilding behavior act upon the basic living demands is no longer a personal behavior, butextention behavior with as much as social relationships. It is the land system, propertyright system, economy system and other non-space systems performing in modern societythat influence the behavior occuring, the other hand, the behavior greatly depends on thedefinition and operation of systems themselves. If put eyes on the perspective of spatialevolution, we can see the space generally show a similar distributions and extension by thereason the space has certain private property status of the housing in spite of each behavioris numerous enough. What’s more, different individual behavior easily influenced by otherpowers operation under complex social relationship in micro level, and result in social andregional characteristics in macroscopical ways. By this way of thinking, the paper studieson living space and social mechanism as well, sets up another logic observation methodbetween two sides.From the point of power effects, use sociology methods, the paper make research onspace development and the corresponding social power operation by a typical swatch,analysis different space status under each historical periods, micro power operationprocess and the relationship between space evolution and power mechanism in real society,summed up logics of the space and power structure.Combined with the study, space and power is intensively a pair of integration. Power,as main body in society, due to a characteristics of dimensional productivity, practice andreproduction, has an extensive and profound effection over the space. so the power-spaceeffects could be all-pervasively showed up. Since the effects is a kind of means for theindividuals and private powers to gain and distribute access to community space resources,the distribution process could also be effected by other powers directly or indirectly.Similarly, the relationship between private (or individual) power and space operation canalso be applicable to other powers with space operation, such as the public power and thecommon power defined by modern sociology. The different power operation and the corresponding space evolution also imply avital clue, that is the powers inevitablely start to operate from the point of having thediscipline of legal definition to obtaining the distribution conditions, so the property rightsof social space effect will be reflected, which make property characteristics of the societylaws in space distribution play a crucial role in the legal position, it determines the spacepower’s ownership, with public and private defined, at the same time, a wide range ofpersonal psychology is produced by perception affected that make the space into public,private, common ownership, a total of three kinds of property relations, make the cityspace with a variety of power operations, which definitly brings about different spaceevolution.Therefore, the reality of space evolution between Power—Space are reflected by thepower distribution characteristics in all aspects of society. Through the definition of theproperty right arrangement, to produce the space—power interaction relations in theprocess of power operation. According to the distribution of the right of social rules,power is bound to each game including the individual and state owned, for the process tounfold, and then affect the space development trends. The distribution in the ways ofoperation by different powers is a very good explanation for the logic causal of behaviorbetween self-built and non-self-built under certain social power structure, andfundamentally reflect the reality of power relations between behaviors and space.Then, combined with the modern social power system reform and the game of powerstruggle of reality, according to the distribution of the right of spatial, relationships withinsocial power structure and system raised new requirements and challenges, which forcesurban space to have further embodiment of inherent power balance. With the point of view,self-built behavior has a historical connotation of measuring and balacing the social power,and is an indispensable and important part of urban space.
