

The India Factors in the Rising of UCPN (Maoist)

【作者】 卢远

【导师】 贾海涛;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在冷战后国际共产主义运动遇到严重挫折的情况下,尼泊尔联合共产党(毛派)(本文以下简称尼共(毛派))取得了尼泊尔民主革命的胜利、推翻了长达240多年的封建君主专制的统治,在世界之脊建立了尼泊尔联邦民主共和国。这是几个世纪以来,尼泊尔人民所取得的最伟大的历史性进步,也为社会主义革命探索出了一条崭新的模式,更是对社会主义革命路径传统依赖的一种超越,其意义和贡献是巨大的。但是,国内外学界对于尼共(毛派)的学术研究目前还处于相对滞后的状态。对尼共(毛派)的崛起心存猜想和疑虑:尼共(毛派)的崛起与国际环境之间是否存在内在的逻辑关联,印度因素是怎样影响尼泊尔国内政治变迁的?分析尼泊尔国内政治变迁的深层原因,厘清印度因素对尼共(毛派)崛起之影响,不但具有现实意义还具有学术价值。本项研究尝试从印度因素的视角来对尼共(毛派)崛起这一现象给出合理的解释。关于尼泊尔国内政治变迁受到印度因素影响方面的研究,目前国内学术界鲜有论述;关于印度因素对尼泊尔政局的影响,国外学术界的观点散见在他们的论著当中。基于地缘政治的视角,在全球化的语境下没有哪一个国家的国内政治社会变迁能免受国际因素的影响。回归尼泊尔历史的现场,发现其国内政局的动荡、尼共(毛派)之崛起,都深受印度因素的影响,只是以往传统的研究主要侧重于国内政治动力学方面,而对于国际因素影响的研究被忽略了,在此方面没有引起足够的学术关注。本项研究努力从“印度因素”的视角对该论题作出学术回应。本文将“印度因素”作为核心概念来凸显本文的研究意象,并把印度因素分解为印度共产党、尼籍印度移民、南亚地缘政治环境、印度政府等要素,从多个维度对本文的论题进行了解析。研究表明:印度共产党的发展对于尼泊尔共产党的产生和发展有着直接和深刻的影响,印度共产党是尼共(毛派)崛起的历史源头,尼籍印度移民为尼共(毛派)的崛起提供了丰富的人脉资源、经济支持,为尼共(毛派)开辟了一个新的域外“政治战场”;南亚国际共运和印度的民族独立运动对尼共(毛派)的崛起也产生了历史性的影响,为尼共(毛派)开辟政治新局提供了地缘性的政治背景;印度政府因素是尼共(毛派)崛起过程中的一个核心影响变量,印度政府对尼共(毛派)所采取的打压政策产生了意想不到的“反向作用”——它激发了尼泊尔民众反印的民族主义情绪,反而使尼共(毛派)获得了更多道义上的同情,进而扩大了尼共(毛派)的社会基础和政治成果。尼共(毛派)作为尼泊尔政坛的一个“新入局者”,以武力起家,通过“投票箱”取得了国家执政权,为南亚政局注入了新的元素和动力,成为了影响尼泊尔政局走向的一支主导性政治力量。对于尼共(毛派)崛起之印度因素的研究,有助于超越“在场”观察视野的局限,在更大范围和深度上思考其对尼印中三边关系带来的“不在场”影响,以此关照中国的西部战略安全,可以为中国南亚战略和对外政策提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 In a difficult background where the International Communist Movement underwent a sharpdownturn after the Cold War, the UCPN (Maoist) still won the victory in Nepal democraticrevolution by overturning the feudal dictatorship and establishing the Federal DemocraticRepublic of Nepal at the roof of the world. The UCPN (Maoist) made an unprecedentedachievement in Nepali history, developed a different approach for socialist revolution, created anew form for the International Communist Movement,and surmounted the dependence on thetraditional socialism revolution paths. However, the UCPN(Maoist) has not been sufficientlyinvestigated in academic community despite its remarkable significance in Nepali history. Theissues and hypotheses still remained unresolved regarding to whether the success of the UCPN(Maoist) was associated with its international context and how Indian factors affected thedomestic political affairs of Nepal. Therefore, it has great practical significance and academicvalue to study the deep rooted causes for the Nepali political evolution and to clarify the IndianFactors in the rising of the UCPN(Maosit).This study attempted to investigate the UCPN (Maoist) from the perspective of the IndiaFactors. The Indian influence on Nepali political situation has not been sufficiently attended to inChina. The oversea scholars did not specifically investigate the Indian Factors’ influence onNepali political status, with only a few implicit statements in their works. International factorsare often neglected in the current study of international relations. However, based on the basicprinciples of international relations, it is self-evident that in a globalized background, it isimpossible to study a nation’s political status without taking into consideration of internationalfactors. Nepal is a case in point. The international factors exerted considerable influence on itspolitical turbulence and the rising of the UCPN(Maoist), with Indian factors in particular due togeopolitical influence. However, the past investigations focused more on the internal causesrather than international factors. Hence, this study attempted to probe into the Indian factors inthe rising of the UCPN(Maoist),as an academic respond to this topic.As a core concept for this study, the influence of India was further decomposed into thefollowing five factors: the Communist Party of India, Nepal Indian immigrants, the South Asiangeopolitical context, and the Indian government. This study identified that, as the origin of theUCPN (Maoist), the CPI exerted direct and far-reaching effect on the birth and development ofthe UCPN (Maoist). Nepal Indians provided broad social relationships and financial support,opening a new political battlefield. As the direct causes, the International Communist Movementin South Asia and the National Independent Movement of India provided favorable geopoliticalcontext for the infant UCPN (Maoist) and produced historic effects on its rise. The Indiangovernment, a core variable in the growth of the UCPN (Maoist), once adopted suppressivepolicies, but created an opposite acting force in the end. Far from inhibiting the UCPN (Maoist) development, those policies yielded reverse result, igniting a wide spread resistance to Indiaamong Nepali people,giving the moral support to the UCPN(Maosit) and enhancing the UCPN’s(Maoist) political and social basis.As a newcomer in the Nepali political field, though growing and thriving with force, theUCPN(Maoist) won the power through ‘ballot box’and brought new vigor to the political fieldin South Asia. The investigation on its rise would help us transcend the vision of presence toprobe into the effect of trilateral relationship among Nepal, India and China in a larger scale.Meanwhile, this study would also attribute to issues on how to protect China’s core strategicbenefits in its absence and to the formulation of China’s diplomatic policy to South Asiancountries.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D735.5;D335.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】436
  • 攻读期成果