

Multiscale Image Processing Technology Based on the Evolution Approach

【作者】 张萌萌

【导师】 杨扬;

【作者基本信息】 北京科技大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 图像演化模型是目前图像处理研究中较为活跃的领域之一,广泛应用于图像平滑、去噪、分割、特征提取和匹配等方面,开展相关研究对于在图像处理领域建立严格统一的数学研究体系并将其付之应用具有重要的理论和示范意义。论文在综述大量研究文献的基础上分析了不同图像演化模型之间的理论联系,建立了统一的理论框架,进而研究了演化模型的作用机理和相关数值算法;然后从较为简单的Gauss模型入手,利用奇点理论研究模型特征点的演化性质,从理论上揭示Gauss模型的深层结构。在一般图像特征点理论研究的基础上,本文着重讨论了两类特征点:分岔点和曲率过零点,并将模型和算法进一步应用于图像匹配和边缘检测。同时,在另一类重要的图像特征——骨架研究方面,借鉴基于能量函数的水平集思想,本文提出了一种新的基于多尺度理论的图像骨架提取算法。此外,由于Gauss模型是一类各向同性算子,因而本文还建立了新的各向异性扩散方程模型,应用于图像去噪,并使之具有较好的自适应性。论文的主要研究工作和创新性工作有以下几点:(1)通过对图像结构相似度分析方法的改进,本文构造了一类新的非线性自适应扩散模型并应用于图像去噪,相应的算法可自适应地确定迭代步数并很好地保留图像的边缘。与传统的各向异性模型相比,该算法简单易行,可在无需人工干预的情况下,有效地去除图像噪声,同时较好地保留图像边缘信息,具有较好的自适应性。(2)利用奇点理论论证了二维尺度图像特征点的演化状况,尤其是特征点的融合与生成内在机理,本文给出了图像深层结构的严格描述与证明。这些研究可为目前尺度空间的应用研究提供理论保证,同时本文关于特征点的性质分析与证明可为后续尺度空间在图像匹配、运动跟踪、图像分割等领域的应用提供算法基础。(3)本文分析了两类重要的图像特征点——分岔点和曲率过零点的基本性质,并在此基础上给出了新的图像匹配算法和边缘检测算法。关于这两类特征点的研究为从多尺度角度研究图像提供了有益的尝试,并为进一步拓宽多尺度应用领域提供了切实可行的思路。(4)通过对快速行进法进行改进并结合水平集方法,本文提出了一种提取狭长带状图像骨架的算法。利用该算法可以导出连续完整的单像素骨架,有效克服了目前提取图像骨架研究中的间断和毛刺问题。同时由于该算法具有较好的抗噪性,为处理医学图像及进一步的医疗诊断分析提供辅助手段奠定了良好的基础。上述研究较为系统地刻画了多尺度图像典型几何特征的演化性质,并将之应用于图像匹配、边缘检测等领域,这为进一步综合深入研究图像的多尺度信息、拓展医学图像等应用领域提供了新的思路和理论基础。另外,本文研究建立在演化思想的统一框架下,这有利于从总体上把握目前不同研究模型的共性,通过分析各模型之间的内在联系和作用机理,可以互为借鉴,为构造合适的优化算法奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Image evolution model is one of relatively active fields of image processing,widely used in image smoothing, denoising, segmentation, feature extraction andmatching, etc. Researching on this field pays an important theoretical anddemonstration significance in the field of image processing for the establishmentof a strict mathematical system and its application.Based on large amount of research literature, we analyze the theoreticalrelationship between different images’ evolution models, and establish a unifiedtheoretical framework, and then study the mechanism of the evolution model andassociated numerical algorithms. After that, we start to study Gauss model whichis relatively simple; by using singularity theory, the evolution characristic ofmodel feature points is researched, and the deep structure of Gauss model isrevealed theoretically. Based on the research of general image feature pointstheroy, this paper focuses on two types of feature points: the bifurcation point andthe curvature zero-crossing point, and applies the model and algorithms on imagematch and edge detection. Simultaneously, in the field of another important imagefeature—skeleton research, in this paper we propose a new method for imageskeleton extraction based on multi-scale learning theory from the idea of level setbased on energy function. In addition, since the Gauss model is a class of isotropyoperator, we will construct a new anisotropic diffusion equation model used inimage denoising, so that it has better adaptability. The main research and theinnovative work are as follow:(1) By improving the analysis method of the image structural similarity, thepaper constructs a new nonlinear diffusion adaptive equation to be used in imagedenoising. The corresponding algorithm can adaptively determine the number ofiteration steps and preserve image edges at the same time. Compared with thetraditional anisotropic model, the algorithm is simple. It can effectively removeimage noise without the manual intervention while preserves image edgeinformation better. So it has better adaptability.(2) Demonstrating the evolution of two-dimensional scale image featurepoint using singularity theory, especially the internal mechanism of the creationand the annihilation of feature points, this paper gives the strict description andthe demonstration of the deep structure of image. These studies can provide a theoretical for current research using the scale-space, and the nature evidence andanalysis of the feature points in the paper provide some algorithm basis forapplying the scale space to image match、motion tracking、segmentation etc.(3) The paper analyzes two kinds of important image feature points: thefundamental nature of the bifurcation point and the curvature zero-crossing point,and on this basis, we give some new image matching algorithms and edgedetection algorithms. The research about the two kinds of feature points providesa good attempt for studying image form the multi-scale perspective, and offers apractical idea for broadening further the multi-scale applications.(4) Through improved fast marching method, presents an algorithm ofextracting the narrow band image skeleton. The algorithm can get a continuoussingle-pixel skeleton, and effectively overcome the intermittent and burr problemsappearing in the current skeleton research. Because the algorithm has good noiseimmunity, at the fields of medical image processing and medical diagnosis, it laysa good foundation.The studies above systematically depict typical geometric evolution nature ofthe multi-scale image, and use them in the field of image matching、detection andso on, which provides new ideas and theoretical basis for further integratingin-depth study of multi-scale image and expanding the application field. Inaddition, this study builds on the unified framework of the evolution idea, whichis conducive to grasp the common of the different research models currently formoverall; and then lay the foundation for constructing a suitable optimizationalgorithm by analyzing the intrinsic link between the model and mechanism andlearning form each other.
