

Mechanical Performance and Seismic Failure Control Research on High-Rise Diagrid Tube Structures

【作者】 郭伟亮

【导师】 容柏生; 滕军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪初,Norman Foster将斜交网格筒结构成功应用于瑞士再保险大厦(2004)和纽约赫斯特大厦(2006),引起了世界各国建筑师和结构工程师的关注。在随后的几年中,国内外该类型高层、超高层建筑日益增多,然而现阶段该类型体系的抗震性能研究,特别是强烈地震作用下的失效模式和失效控制指标尚不明确。为解决目前高层建筑斜交网格筒结构体系理论研究落后于工程实践的问题,本文分别从体系的受力特点、协同工作性能、抗震性能、大震失效模式优选及失效控制指标等方面展开研究。(1)针对高层斜交网格筒结构体系的重要受力元素——斜交网格筒,研究其在竖向和侧向荷载作用下的受力特点,包括水平环梁和交叉斜柱的内力特点、分布规律以及网筒平面形状对其受力特点的影响。补充给出斜交网格平面的抗弯刚度简化计算方法并对网筒整体抗弯刚度的计算方法进行修正,提出了斜交网格筒在典型侧向荷载作用下的侧移简化计算方法,基于该方法探讨了网筒主要参数的敏感性并给出敏感性排序。(2)在同时考虑内外筒的弯曲变形和剪切变形的基础上,对体系进行了连续化等效,建立了体系平衡微分方程,给出了体系在工程常见三种侧向荷载作用下的结构侧移以及内外筒楼层内力的解析解。总结了内外筒协同工作性能,阐述了斜交网格筒网格形式的主要影响因素,探讨了不同斜交网格筒网格形式以及不同网筒高宽比对结构侧向刚度和外筒斜柱材料用量的影响并给出相关参数的优选取值方法。(3)对典型钢管混凝土斜交网格筒-钢筋混凝土核心筒结构进行了模态静力弹塑性推覆分析和动力弹塑性时程分析。总结了体系塑性发展过程及构件屈服顺序,阐述了斜交网格筒构件屈服路径及空间工作性能,并从斜交网格筒作用力的变化解释了内外筒间内力重分配的原因,明确了内外筒内力分配特点,基于内外筒抗侧刚度的发展过程,说明了结构抗侧刚度退化的主要原因,分析了体系抗侧刚度、塑性耗能的关键构件,探讨了体系的抗震概念。(4)通过对高层斜交网格筒结构典型模块缩尺模型进行拟静力试验,较好地验证了体系构件的塑性发展顺序、斜交网格筒构件失效路径、斜柱屈服机制等抗震性能。基于高层斜交网格筒结构工程项目,将论文前期研究成果应用到典型实际结构中,一方面较好地验证了研究成果,另一方面也有效地指导了实际工程应用,取得了较好的经济效益。(5)基于高层斜交网格筒结构的抗震性能分析了体系主要的影响因素,并基于体系的塑性耗能分布规律和分配特点探讨了其对体系大震失效模式的影响规律,结合结构抗震概念设计思想建立了体系的失效模式优选原则,得到了体系的大震优选失效模式。(6)通过斜交网格筒结构受力机理分析,提出以结构有害层间位移角作为体系大震失效控制指标,建立了通过斜交网格筒几何参数直接计算外网筒抗侧力退化点性能指标的方法并探讨了主要参数的取值,基于结构“大震不倒”抗震设防目标给出了体系大震失效控制指标。

【Abstract】 In the early 21st century, the diagrid tube was applied to the Swiss Re Tower(2004) and Hearst Tower (2006) by Norman Foster which attracted attentions ofarchitects and structural engineers all over the world. In the next few years, more andmore of this kind of high-rise structures were built, however, the seismic behaviourssuch as structure failure mode and failure control index were not clear. In order tosolve the problem of seismic theory of diagrid tube structures being far behind theengineering practice, the mechanical property, cooperative working performance ofinner and outer tubes, seismic performance, structure failure mode under rareearthquake and failure control index were studied in the thesis.(1) The mechanical properties of high-rise diagrid tube under vertical and lateralforces were reaserched, the mechanical characteristics of beams and inclined columnsof the diagrid tube were presented and the influences of the tube plane shapes weretalked about. The bending rigidity of the web was proposed and the bending rigidityof the diagrid tube module is modified. Then the formulas to calculate the top lateraldisplacement under three typical lateral forces were proposed. The sensitivityanalysis of the diagrid tube main parameters was carried out and the sensitivity orderof these parameters was given.(2) A simplified analysis method on linear elastic interaction behavior of diagridtube-core tube structures under lateral loads was presented, considering the flexuraldeflection and shear deflection of both inner and outer tubes. The analytical solutionsof structure lateral deflection and distribution of the applied lateral load betweeninner and outer tubes under typical lateral loads are obtained based on the equilibriumdifferential equations of the tubes through the continuum approach. The interactionbehaviors of tubes are summarized and the effects of grid forms are researched.Besides this, the crucial parameter to judge the optimal diagrid forms is obtainedfrom the structure lateral deflection and material usage point of view. The method toobtain the optimal inclined column angle from diagrid tube height-width aspect ratiois proposed at last.(3) The typical CFST diagrid tube-cocrete core tube structures were analyzed byModal Pushover method and elastic-plastic time history analysis method. Thestructure plastic development process and the component yield order weresummarized. The failure path and the space performance of the diagrid tube werepresented. The force distributions of diagrid and core tubes were researched and thereasons of force redistributions between them were explained by analyzing the changes of diagrid tube forces. The reason for structure lateral stiffness degradationwas discussed based on the development process of diagrid and core tube lateralstiffness. The key components of structure lateral stiffness and plastic energydissipation were achieved and the anti-seismic concepts were given.(4)Pseudo-static test of diagrid tube structure typical model was carried out,theresearch results of structure seismic perfomanc such as components plasticdevelopment process, diagrid tube faiure path and the column yield mechanism wereproved to be correct. The research results were applied to an actual project and againthe research results were proved to be correct and guided the practical applicationeffectively.(5)The main parameters that affect the structure seismic performance werediscussed and the structure failure modes were analyzed based on plastic energydistribution. At last the structure optimal failure mode uner rare earthquake wasachieved base on structure seismic conceptual design.(6)The mechanism of the diagrid tube structure was researched and the harmfulstory drift was used as structure failure control index. The method to calculate theharmful story drift was proposed and the main parameters were discussed. After thata method to get the diagrid tube lateral force degradation performance index fromdiagrid tube parameters was presented. Then the structure failure control index of thecore tube was given to reach the seismic fortification goal of“no collapsing withstrong earthquake”.

  • 【分类号】TU399;TU311.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】314
  • 攻读期成果