

Countermeasure Study of City Industry Planning and Adjustment

【作者】 秦传滨

【导师】 刘金兰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 产业结构优化调整在经济学界是一个长久不衰的热点问题。经济发展到一定阶段,必然伴随着产业结构的调整和优化。工业要振兴,规划须先行。高起点、高水平制定重点产业调整振兴规划,是有效应对国际金融危机,引领和推进工业结构优化升级,保持经济平稳较快发展的重要基础和先决条件。2008年以来,面对国际金融危机的严峻挑战,从国家到地方各级政府深入贯彻落实科学发展观,按照保增长、保民生、保稳定的总体要求,从实际出发,采取有效措施克服困难,加快推进工业调整振兴,努力保持经济平稳较快发展。基于以上背景,本文在如下方面做了一定的研究工作:1、基于产业结构的相关概念与国内外相关文献研究成果的综述,提出了产业结构调整的理论基础,即进行产业结构调整的思路与步骤,以期指导具体的产业调整规划实施;2、对于提出的工业产业结构调整理论进行实证分析,以山东省为例,对山东省工业结构调整问题进行了研究,首先分析了山东省工业结构的现状及存在的问题,指出导致以上问题的原因主要是由观念、体制、机制以及环境原因造成的,接着提出了山东工业结构的定位,进而提出了山东工业结构调整措施;3、经过翔实调研及充分论证,在分析聊城市工业发展概况的基础上,提出聊城市工业发展方向及发展重点,应用灰色关联度方法对聊城市工业产业发展进行研究。分析结果为:企业户数与上缴利税关联最大,工业增加值与企业主营业务收入关联最大,上缴利税与企业利润关联最大,实交税金与主营业务收入关联最大,工业投入与主营业务收入关联最大;4、对聊城市有色金属产业进行深入总体的规划。首先对有色金属行业进行综合分析,包括现状与发展趋势,对聊城市的特色有色金属铜业和铝业所在行业进行环境分析,探讨聊城市有色金属行业发展自身存在的优势与劣势和面临的机会与威胁。提出聊城市有色金属工业调整规划。

【Abstract】 Industrial structure adjustment and optimization is an enduring hot topic ineconomics. The economic development to a certain stage must be accompanied by theadjustment and optimization of industrial structure. Revitalizing the industry, planningin advance. A high quality planning for the key industries’ adjustment andrevitalization should be the important base and antecedent condition to effectivelycope with the international financial crisis, to lead and promote the industrialstructure’s optimization and upgrading, as well as to maintain the stable and rapideconomic development. Since 2008, facing the critical challenge of internationalfinancial crisis, the central government and the local governments at all levels havethoroughly applied the Scientific Outlook on Development, and taken effectivemeasures in accordance with the general requirements that sustain the economicgrowth, people’s livelihood and social stability, proceeding from realities, so as toovercome difficulties, to speed up the industry’s adjustment and revitalization, and tomaintain the stable and rapid economic development.Based on the above background, following study has been done in this paper:1. Based on the conception of industrial structure and the summarize of thearticles of internal and international, the paper put forward the basic theory ofadjusting industrial structure, that is, the idea and progress of adjusting industrialstructure, to direct the practice of adjusting industrial structure.2. The paper took Shandong province as an example, reserch concerning theindustrial structure adjustment in Shandong province has been done. We analyse firstthe current status and problems caused by views, system, mechanism andenvionmental reasons. The structure positionning for Shandong is generallyconsidered in four aspects: forming the modern industrial system, the industrialclusters accumulation, the competitive product system and the cooperativeorganization system.3. Through detailed research and full demonstration,on the basis of analysis onLiaocheng’s industrial development profiles, we propose the direction and focus forLiaocheng’s industrial development, and treat Liaocheng’s non-ferrous metals industry development by means of Methods the Degree of Grey Incidence(DGI).4. We establish an in-depth and comprehensive planning for Liaocheng’snon-ferrous metals industry, we make a comprehensive analysis of non-ferrous metalsindustry, including its status quo and trends, and moreover the envionmental analysisfor Liaocheng’s characteristic non-ferrous metals sectors(copper and aluminium).Besides we discuss the existent advantages and disadvantages of Liaocheng’snonferrous metals industry development and the opportunities and menaces itconfront, as well as the adjustment planning for this sector.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F427
  • 【下载频次】424