

Research on the Effect of Talent Accumulation in SME Based on the Role Management

【作者】 张敏

【导师】 陈万明;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着市场经济体制逐步建立和国家一系列政策的扶持,我国中小企业得到了长足发展,成为推动国民经济高速发展的一支重要力量。但是,经济全球化进程的日益加快,使得国内、国际市场竞争愈发激烈,中小企业虽有自身的一些优势,但人才的缺乏、管理的相对滞后、核心竞争力和创新能力弱等问题严重影响着中小企业的健康持续发展。因此,如不能对中小企业人才缺乏的现状加以重视并有效改善,必然会使中小企业陷入“人才缺乏――资金不足――技术落后――效益低下”的恶性循环中。本文从中小企业人才聚集效应入手,探讨如何通过发挥人才合力,解决中小企业人才管理中的人才规模、使用效率等要害问题,开拓性地设想将以“人”为最小管理单位的人才管理方式转变为以“角色”为最小管理单位的虚拟人才管理方式,通过人才细分、角色配置、角色激励等手段,发挥“一人多用”的优势,实现角色聚集,从而达到人才聚集经济效应的效果,为解决中小企业人才危机提供有效的途径。本文的主要工作和结论有:第一,人才规模、人才配置和人才激励是实现人才聚集效应的关键成功要素。影响人才聚集效应的因素有人才规模、人才品质、人才结构、人才分布、人才流动、组织目标、激励机制、组织文化、经济环境、组织沟通以及组织凝聚力等。本文通过对以上因素的聚类分析,最终得出人才规模、人才配置和人才激励是实现人才聚集效应的关键因素。即当人才规模达到并超过一定规模,通过合理配置和恰当激励,可以推动人才聚集现象向人才聚集效应转化。第二,面向角色的管理方法能够有效解决中小企业人才聚集效应的实现困境,使得人才聚集效应在小规模人才环境下得以实现成为可能。本研究主要借鉴角色理论和虚拟人力资源管理理论,开拓性地设想将人才进行细分,以能力或特长为基础划分为众多角色,通过角色的再组合形成新的角色联盟,完成企业任务。每一个角色联盟就像是一个虚拟人才。企业可以像管理内部人才一样,进行全面协调管理,于是企业内外部人才的界限模糊了,人才规模在角色的划分与再组合过程中得到了有效放大。第三,与“云计算”、“云存储”、“云安全”相比,面向角色的管理可形象地称之为云管理。一是,角色资源是云管理最小管理单位,也是目标导向的,自适应的自治开放单元,可以像“计算资源”、“存储资源”、“安全资源”一样,以“服务”的形式通过网络提供给中小企业使用。二是,云管理具有明显的分形结构特征:自组织、自相似和动态变化性。角色在分形组织中,层层组合,形成多级角色联盟,角色联盟以角色群的形式完成企业复杂任务。第四,云管理从人才规模、人才配置和人才激励三个关键因素入手解决中小企业人才聚集效应问题。一是,云管理利用公共云和私有云通过吸引外部人才和角色的再组合扩大中小企业人才规模。二是,利用蚁群算法,引入学习系数、遗忘系数和信用系数,对云管理中角色进行任务分工,实现中小企业人才聚集效应中的角色配置。三是,通过同一角色类、非同一角色类以及角色联盟之间的角色聚集,并利用信任、职务、情感、目标、荣誉、行为等激励法,最终实现角色聚集效应。第五,云管理在中小企业中的实现,包括公共云和私有云两个方面。在公共云建设中,涉及政府、中介机构和企业三个方面。政府和中介机构设立公共角色库,建立各中小企业入口,为其提供角色资源。私有云建设包括两个过程:一是对角色的管理,包括角色的划分、角色库的形成、虚拟人才的建立过程,属于企业的人事管理范畴;二是对任务的管理包括获取任务后,任务的激励、紧急程度的调节、角色权限的分配以及任务历史库的建立等,属于企业的生产管理范畴。本文根据私有云的建立过程,开发完成了私有云管理系统,该系统包括人才及角色管理、任务管理、公共云接入管理三个子系统,对企业内角色资源进行全面管理。第六,本研究通过角色管理在中小企业人才低规模状态下实现人才聚集效应的设想和方案的试用取得了基本成效。本研究选用具有一定代表性的潍坊市某汽车用品公司进行了应用分析。该案例中,由于公共云需要政府搭建系统平台,因此仅就私有云环境进行了模拟。通过角色划分、角色配置及激励,最终提高了该企业人才管理效率。在云管理思想的帮助下,该企业“金龙七”开发项目,从设计、开发到生产,缩短了周期,提高了效率,产品推向市场后,得到了认可。本研究力图在中小企业人才虚拟化管理方法等方面做出创新,为中小企业人才聚集效应的实现探索一条有效的途径,主要创新之处为:一是,变以“人”为最小管理单元为以“角色”为最小管理单位,努力解决中小企业人才聚集效应中的规模困境。二是,根据角色理论,开创性地提出云管理的理论,实现中小企业人才聚集效应中的角色配置,进一步丰富虚拟人才的管理思想和方法。三是,借鉴“威客”理论,提出公共云建设思路,提高云管理的可操作性。四是,应用分形理论及群智能算法进行人才聚集效应研究。

【Abstract】 After reform and opening, SME(small and medium-sized enterprises) in china develops well and becomes important force promoting the rapid development of national economy. However, with the acceleration of economic globalization, domestic and international market is more competitive. Under the new situation, SME has its own advantages, but a serious lack of talents and lagging management affect SME’s healthy and sustainable development. Therefore, if not improving attention on the talent status of SME, it will certainly enable SME into a vicious cycle of "shortage of talent - insufficient funds - backward technology - low efficiency". Starting from the effect of talent accumulation, this paper resolves important problems of talent scale and using efficiency in the talent management through displaying the joint effort of talent. In addition, it points out the virtual talent management of considering the "role" as the smallest management unit. Through talent segmentation, role allocation, role of incentives and other means, one person can make several things at the same time. Then, it can achieve role accumulation and reach the effect of talent accumulation. This is a effective way for resolving talent crisis of SME. The main conclusions of this research can be summarized in the following areas.First, talent scale, talent allocation and talent of incentives are the key success factors for realizing the effect of talent accumulation. Factors influencing the effect of talent accumulation have talent size, talent quality, talent structure, talent distribution, talent flow, organizational goals, incentives, organizational culture, economic environment, organizational communication and organizational cohesion. Through cluster analysis, it obtains that talent scale, talent allocation and talent incentives are the key success factors for realizing the effect of talent accumulation. That is when the talent to reach and exceed a certain scale, through the rational allocation and appropriate incentives, it can promote the phenomenon of talent accumulation to the effect of talent accumulation.Second, role management can resolve the plight of realizing the effect of talent accumulation in SME effectively. It is possible for SME to realize the effect of talent accumulation under the environment of small-scale talent. Based on the role theory and virtual human resource management, this study makes talent subdivide and talents are divided into a number of roles based on the ability or expertise. Then, Roles are combined to form a new role union that can complete business tasks. Every role union is like a virtual talent. Enterprises can make comprehensive management as managing internal talents. Therefore, it is blurred of the boundaries of internal and external talents. Finally, talent scale is effectively amplified in the process of role division and re-combination.Third, comparing with "cloud computing", "Cloud Storage", "Cloud security", role management can be called "cloud management" vividly. On the one hand, role is the smallest management unit and is also goal-oriented, self-adaptive open unit. Just like "Computing resources", "memory resources" and "Security Resources", it can be provided to SME by network in the form of "service". Roles can be divided as knowledge structure, flow and other ways. Different subjects and research emphasis have different dividing methods. On the other hand, "cloud management" has obvious features of fractal structure: self-organization, self-similarity and dynamic variability. In the fractal organization, roles combine layer after layer and form multi-role unions which complete the complex task of enterprise in the form of role group.Forth, starting from the talent scale, talent allocation, and the talent incentive, "Cloud Management" solves the problem of the effect of talent accumulation in the SME. On the one hand, using "public cloud" and "private cloud", "cloud management" enlarges talent scale by attracting external talents and role re-combination. On the other hand, using ant algorithm, introducing learning coefficient, forgetting coefficient and the credit coefficient, it conducts task division and realizes role allocation in the effect of talent accumulation. Then, using trust, duty, feelings, goals, honor and behavior incentive methods, it realizes the effect of role accumulation through role accumulation among the same role class, different role class and role union.Fifth, "cloud management" includes "public cloud "and "private cloud". In the construct of "public cloud", it involves governments, intermediary organizations and enterprises. Governments and intermediary organizations set up public role database which supplies role resource through building SME portal. The publication of the "private cloud" clouds two processes. One is role management which includes role division, the form of role database and the building of virtual talent. This belongs to the areas of personnel management. The other is task management that includes task incentive, adjustment of urgency, distribution of role right and the building historical database of task. This belongs to production management. According to the building process of "private cloud", this paper develops "private cloud" management system which includes three subsystems: talent and role management, task management and access management of "public cloud". It manages role resources of enterprise comprehensively.Sixth, through role management, it is effective for SME to realize the effect of talent accumulation under low-scale talent. This research chooses one Auto Accessories Company of Weifang that have certain Representation as case. In this case, as the "public cloud" requires the government set up the system platform, so it only simulates environment of "private cloud". It improves the efficiency of enterprise talent management ultimately through role differentiation, role allocation and incentives. Under the help of "cloud management", the project of "golden Longqi" shorten the cycle, increases efficiency and is recognized.The main innovations of this paper include: first, it considers the“role”as the smallest management unit and resolves the scale plight in the effect of talent accumulation; second, based on the role management, it points out“cloud management”and realizes the role allocation in the effect of talent accumulation; third, it comes up with the methods of the construction of“public cloud”based on the“wetkey”theory and improves the operability of“cloud management”;forth, it studies the effect of talent accumulation using fractal theory and ant colony algorithm.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F276.3;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】948
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