

Analysis and Optimization of Air Logistics System

【作者】 白杨

【导师】 朱金福;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着航空货运量的增加,货主对货运服务的要求越来越高,单一强调航空公司空中运输能力已不能适应现代经济发展的需要,如果没有地面服务的有效衔接,空中运输的优势便无法发挥出来。因此将航空货运有机地融入现代物流服务,是现代物流发展的必然结果。航空物流以航空运输为主要运输方式,在物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程中,为满足货主需求,将各物流职能有机结合在一起,并实现效率与效益的双重目标。航空物流服务职能的实现是建立在航空物流系统有效运作的基础之上,航空物流系统是由不同服务主体以及相关设施所构成的具有高效、便捷、安全物流服务功能的有机整体,可实现航空运输的空间效益、时间效益及部分形态效益。本文以航空物流系统为研究对象,对航空物流系统的概念、结构进行探讨,并根据系统作业流程,分别对航空物流中心的进出港作业、货物的装载、运输路线以及配送等问题进行了分析及优化研究。论文根据已有的研究成果,首先给出了航空物流系统的三维概念模型,认为航空物流系统主要由网络系统、作业系统和管理系统三个部分组成,并对航空物流系统的质态结构、量态结构、空间结构和时间结构进行了分析,为实现航空物流系统的整体目标,需要从时效性、可靠性、经济性和便利性四个方向进行系统优化。航空物流系统的运作就是为了满足货物从起始地到目的地的空间和时间的移动需求,伴随其移动,产生了不同的作业环节。论文根据航空物流系统运作的流程,重点对航空物流中心作业、航空货物装载、航空货运路线和配送等问题进行了定量研究。首先,本文对航空物流中心的功能及作业流程进行了说明,重点根据航空货运出港流程建立了出港系统的随机Petri网模型和同构的马尔柯夫链,计算了马尔柯夫链的稳定状态概率,分析了该系统的运作效率和延时时间,并对提高航空货运出港系统运行效率提出了建议。其次,本文认为空运集装器装载问题是确定集装器的使用类型和数量以及装载模式,以满足货物运输的要求。论文比较分析了基于代理人和基于目的地两种装载模式,建立了空运集装器装载的混合整数规划模型,给出了一种基于有效空间的启发式算法,并对模型进行了算例分析。然后,论文分别研究了在客机腹舱和全货机载货两种情况下货运路线的优化问题。针对客机腹舱载货,论文构造了机型指派与货运路线一体化优化模型,并利用Benders分解法进行了求解;针对全货机载货,构造了飞机排班与货运路线一体化优化模型,给出了一种基于运输距离和转运次数的改进混合运输启发式算法,并对两个模型分别进行了算例分析。货物运输至目的地机场后,还需要地面配送服务,因此论文最后探讨了单物流中心、单配送目标、纯送货、有时限要求的配送问题。根据p ?中位问题的建模思路,依据航班时刻和货运量,分别建立了最少配送次数、最短配送时间和运费有折扣情况下的最低运输成本的优化模型,并对模型进行求解。论文的研究是从航空物流企业作业中存在的主要问题入手,从整体优化的角度,综合考虑各环节,主要以时效性、经济性为原则,通过数学建模的方法,实现系统优化的目标。在我国航空物流快速发展的时期,航空物流企业也必然从粗放型管理转变为精益管理,系统运作效率的提高或者运作成本的降低对于企业提高服务质量,提高服务满意度,获得更理想的效益具有重要的作用。因此本文的研究能够对航空物流企业的经营管理效率及效益的提高提供参考和帮助。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of air cargo volume, the requirements of cargo owners are higher and higher. Only emphasizing the cargo transport capacity can’t meet the economic development. If lacking effective ground operation, the advantages of air transport are unable to bring into play. Therefore, the organic combination of air cargo transportation and logistics service, is the inevitable result of modern logistics development. Air logistics is organically combined the logistics function form the origination to destination based on the air transportation, to meet the demands of shippers and relize the efficiency and benefit of the logistics service.The article discussed the concept, composition of the air logistics system. According to the cargo handling flow, the problems of import and export handling in the air logistics center, cargo loading, transportation route and distribution were researched to increase the operation efficiency and benefit of air logistics system.Firstly, the article analyzed the concept of air logistics, air cargo and air logistics system. Three dimensional concept of air logistics system was given, which pointed out that the air logistics system was composed of network, logistics activity and management. The system optimization aspects were put forward.Secondly, the article disscued the operations of air logistics center, cargo loading, transportation route and distrubition based on the the air logistics service process. The operation of air cargo export handling system influenced the speed of air cargo transportation. The article established the stochastic Petri net and the homogeneous Markov chain based on the work flow of air cargo export handling system. the article calculated steady probability of the Markov chain and studied the operation efficiency and time capability of the SPN. Then some advises were given to improve the efficiency of the air cargo export handling system. Air cargo Unit Loading Device (ULD)loading problem was to decide the type, quantity of ULD and the loading mode, so as to meet transportation requirements. The article discussed the advantages and disadvantages of two loading modes, which were Loading items of Agent and Loading items of Destination. The mixed integer linear programming model was constructed, which target function was minimum sum cost including loading cost at origin airport, loading cost at transfer airport, air freight and ULD using cost. The model was solved by using the heuristic algorithm based on effective space.The cargo is transported in the belly of passenger aircraft or the cargo aircraft, the article analyzed the cargo routing problems in the different way. According to the cargo loading in the belly of passenger aircraft, an integrated model was built combining fleet assignment and air cargo transportation problems. The model was formulated as a mixed integer program which object was to maximize the operating profit and a Benders Decomposition approach was given to solve the problem. Under the condition of cargo aircraft transportation, a model was also put forword to integrated optimization of the cargo routing and fleet routing problems. The model was sloved by a heuristic algorithm according to the transportation distance and the transport times. Lastly, the article discussed the single target delivery time points decision problem based on the p-median model. Three models were built to solve the problem. The targets of the models were minimum delivery time, least delivery times and minimum transportation cost under the condition of freight discount. And taking the air cargo transportation as a case study, the delivery points were calculated based on the models.The research of the thesis was foucs on the subject problems existing in the air logistics enterprise operation. In terms of overall optimization, considering all sectors, mainly to the principle of efficiency and economy, the goal of system optimization was realized through the mathematics models. In the period of air logistics development, air logistics enterprises must turn from extensive management into lean management. System operation efficiency increasing or reducing costs would play an important role to improve service quality, improve the satisfaction and obtain more benefits for the enterprises. From the analysis of air logistics system concept, air cargo import and export handling, air cargo loading, routing and distribution, the article should offer the references to the air logistics enterprises to increase the operation efficiency and effectiveness.

  • 【分类号】F252;F562;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1472
  • 攻读期成果