

Research on the Education Function for Career

【作者】 王博

【导师】 庞学光;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 教育职业服务功能指教育活动对个人职业存在与发展,对社会“人才——职业”间结构所产生的作用和影响。此类功能的实现既需要教育者和学习者共同创造的教育成果的支持,也受到来自社会用人需求、学习者职业意愿、同业者间竞争等多重复杂因素的影响。它不是单纯的教育问题,而是涉及教育系统、经济系统和个人心理的综合问题,对其实现模式的研究不能仅限于教育学的视野之下,而应在跨领域的多方面视角下展开。本文在总结前人相关研究成果的基础上,借鉴系统论、演化博弈论、演化经济学的思想与方法,引入了系统演化分析的研究手段,以对职业存在及发展模式研究为起点,对教育职业服务功能实现模式研究为核心,对学校教学管理方式改革研究为落脚点,逐步展开,对教育之于职业的影响性问题进行了作用机制和演化趋势层面的剖析。教育职业服务功能问题的主导一方不是教育行为而是职业状态,我们的关注重点应是职业需要教育为它做什么,教育能够为职业做什么的问题。本文以职业研究为起点,提出了揭示现代市场经济环境下体现职业存在基本特征的“职业存在的功能、需求、收益间交易模型”,就职业与个人能力、个体需要、社会环境等因素间的关系,职业发展的本质和基本规律,人与人之间的职业竞争状态对个人职业存在和发展的影响性等问题进行了研讨、分析。本文以“职业存在模型”为分析框架,以高等教育大众化为时代特征,通过分析教育活动对个体功能特征、个人需求特征、外职业环境特征、职业演化与发展规律等职业存在影响因素的作用机制,对教育职业服务功能的实现模式及其有限性特征进行了说明。并立足现实,就如何更好地达成教育职业服务功能的理想目标,即最大程度促进学生就业与职业发展、满足社会人才需求结构,最大限度保证教育公平与教育效益,进行了可行性路径分析,为教育者的策略选择提出了务实的建议。在实践层面,本文对从基础教育到职业教育、本科教育、硕士研究生教育等不同层次教育在职业服务方面应如何进行功能分配与教学设计提出了设想;对具有鲜明职业服务导向的职业教育和高等教育提出了以“分步决策、阶段教学”为特征的专业教学组织形式和“分层管理、动态协调”为特征的专业设置管理方式的改革建议;并对与“阶段教学”相适应的课程组织方式、师资配置结构问题提出了一系列建设性思路,以期能够在务实可行的基础上,促进教育职业服务功能实现的最优化。

【Abstract】 The education function for career points the effect, which is produced by educational activities in fields of individual career existence and development, and social“talent---career”structure. Implementing this function needs the joint effort form educators and learners, it is also influenced by those complexity factors such as employment needs of society, career will of learner, competition among the same job. It isn`t a simple education question, it is a synthesis problem that involved education system, economic system and individual psychological. Researching its implementation model must be expanded form multidisciplinary field, not only in education field.Based on the results of previous studies, drawn on the method and thinking of systems theory, evolutionary game theory, evolutionary economics, introduced the research method of system evolution analysis, started on explaining the career existence and development rule, this paper studied the implementation model of education function for career and the reform of teaching management in college, and analyzed how education can influence and promote career development.It is occupational status that dominant problem of education function for career, not education behavior. So we should focus on the problems what is career needed education to do for, and what is education can do for career. This paper proposed the“career existence model”, which based on the trading behavior of“career function—requirement—return”, and explained the relationship between career and personal capacity, individual needs and social environment, discussed the nature and basis law of career development, analyzed how the professional competition can affect career existence and development.Used the“career existence model”as the analytical framework, to the mass higher education as times characteristics, by analyzing the mechanism that how education can affect those career existence influence factors, such as individual function, personal needs, occupational environment, career evolution and development law, this paper illustrated implementation model of education function for career and its limited features. Based on the reality function, for realizing the ideal targets of education function for career, we analyzed the feasibility path, maked practical recommendations for education`s strategic choice.At the practical level, from basic education to vocational education, undergraduate education, graduate education, this paper proposed some suggestions about function distribution and instructional design in field of how to implement the education`s career function; for vocational-service oriented education, such as vocational and higher education, we suggested the new organizational form of major teaching with the character“Distribution decision and stage teaching”, the new specialty setting management with the character“hierarchical management, dynamic coordinate”; and proposed a series of building thinking about the curriculum organization way, configuration structure of teachers adapting to“stage teaching”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期