

Study on Provincial Total-Factor Energy Efficiency of China Based on Non-parametric Frontier Method

【作者】 汪克亮

【导师】 杨宝臣;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在全球面临化石能源枯竭和气候变暖严重威胁的现实背景下,作为仅次于美国的世界第二大能源消费国和二氧化碳排放最多的发展中国家,中国必须肩负节能减排的艰巨历史责任和使命。为了适应自身发展和国际社会要求,最大程度的缓解能源与环境危机,实行提高能源效率的能源战略势在必行。为此,科学、系统研究中国省际能源效率及其相关问题,并在此基础上制定行之有效的能源与环境政策,对于深入贯彻落实科学发展观、全面建设社会主义和谐社会和实现中国经济、社会全面、协调可持续发展都具有重大现实意义。本文基于非参数前沿分析方法,在全要素能源效率框架下比较了中国各省份、三大地区能源利用效率及能源技术水平的高低,在此基础上探讨了中国省际全要素能源效率的时空演变规律及其影响因素,并引入能源利用的环境效应,在经济、资源与环境多目标约束下更系统、科学的研究中国能源效率问题,以期为中国各省份制定节能减排政策提供有效决策支持。论文的主要研究成果和创新如下:1.基于DEA方法和方向性距离函数(DDF),提出了基于节能增产联合目标的全要素能源效率模型并就中国省际数据进行了实证研究。该模型将节能目标和经济增长目标有效结合在一起,共同融入到全要素能源效率指标之中,在理论上丰富了全要素能源效率的内涵,也更符合我国宏观经济发展实际。2.提出了“能源强度效率”的概念,以反映中国各省份“现实能源强度”与相对“最优能源强度”的差距,为“单要素能源效率”和“全要素能源效率”两种方法提供了联系的纽带,并为中国各省份制定切实可行的节能降耗目标提供了理论依据。3.充分考虑到中国三大地区(东部、中部和西部)之间存在的能源技术发展差距,基于非参数共同前沿(metafrontier)理论,分析了中国全要素能源效率及能源技术的区域差异,为制定地区针对性的节能减排政策提供了理论与实践依据。4.在基于节能增产联合目标的全要素能源效率测度方法的基础上,引入非参数Luenberger指数考察了中国全要素能源效率的时空动态演变规律,将全要素能源效率变动分解为技术效率变动和技术进步,寻找出推动生产前沿面向外移动的能源技术“创新者”省份并采用面板数据模型检验了影响中国省际全要素能源效率变动的主要影响因素。5.从系统论的角度出发,考虑到能源利用的负外部性,将环境污染引入全要素能源效率框架,利用DEA方法测度了考虑环境效应下中国各省份、三大地区的全要素能源效率并将其分解为纯技术效率和规模效率;提出了中国省际能源利用效率的四类模式并利用Tobit模型分析了中国全要素能源效率地区差异的形成原因。6.利用环境DEA技术和方向性距离函数(DDF)构建中国省际能源利用的环境效率测度模型并进行了实证研究,将“环境规制”思想引入到研究体系之中,测算了中国各省份环境规制导致的效率损失以及规制成本。

【Abstract】 With the background of the overall world facing energy depletion and climate change, China, the world’s second-largest energy-consumed country after the Unite States and the Number one carbon dioxide-emitting developing country in the world, should undertake arduous mission and responsibility for energy conservation and emission reduction. In order to relieve the energy and environmental crises to the greatest degree and adapt to the requests from own development and international community, it is necessary to carry out the energy strategy of improving energy efficiency for China’s government. As a result, to study China’s provincial energy efficiency and related problems scientifically, on the basis of which draw up some effective energy and environmental policies, is to have great realistic meaning for thoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development, building socialist harmonious society and the realization of overall, harmonious and sustainable development of economics and the society of China.Based on non-parametric frontier method, this dissertation compares energy utilization efficiency and energy technology level under the framework of total-factor energy efficiency, on basis of which this dissertation probes the temproal and spatial evolution and impact factors of China’s provincial total-factor energy efficiency. Then, we study China’s energy efficiency problem under the restrains of economy, resource and evironment more systematically by introducing the environmental impacts of energy utlization in order to provide decision supports for China’s each province drawing up energy conservation and emission reduction polices. The main work and innovations of this dissertation include:1. Total-factor energy efficiency model based on the joint goals of energy conservation and output growth is put forward by using DEA method and Directional Distance Fucntion (DDF). This model combines energy conservation goal and output growth goal effectively, and integrates into total-factor energy efficiency index, which makes the connotation of total-factor energy efficiency more plentiful and better conforms to our country’s macroeconomic developments acutal.2. To reflect China’s each province’s gap between“actual energy intensity”and relative“optmal energy intensity”, the conception of“enegy intensity efficiency”is put forward, which establish a bond beween“partial-factor energy efficiency”and“total-factor energy efficiency”and provides the theory basis for China’s each province to draw up practical targets for enegy conservation.3. Giving plenty of consideration to the technology development gap among China’s three major areas (Eastern area, Central area and Western area), this dissertation analyzes the regional differences of China’s total-factor energy efficiency based on non-parametric metafrontier theory, and provides theory and practice basis for each province to draw up appropriate energy conservation and emission reduction policies.4. On the basis of total-factor energy efficiency model based on the joint goals of energy conservation and emission reduction, this dissertation uses non-parametric Luenberger indicator to investigate the temporal and spatial evolution of China’s total-factor energy efficiency and decomposes the indicator into technical efficiency index and technical progress index. Then, the energy technology“innovators”which shift the frontier among China’s 29 provinces are determined. Additionally, a panel data model is used to test the major impact factors of the change of China’s provincial total-factor energy efficiency.5. From the standpoint of system theory, considering the negative externalities from energy utilization, this dissertation puts environmental pollution into the study framework of toal-factor energy efficiency. DEA method is used for measure China’s total-factor energy efficiency of 29 provinces and three major areas including environmental effects. In order to study China’s each province’s technical efficiency and scale efficiency, we decompose total-factor energy efficiency into two indexes of pure techncial efficiency and scale efficiency. Consequently, four kinds of models of China’s provincial energy efficiency were put forward and Tobit model was used to investigate the formulation reasons for the regional difference of China’s total-factor energy efficiency.6. Environmental DEA technology and Directional Distance Function are used to build up the model of China’s provincial environmental efficiency of energy utilization. In the course of empricial study,“environmental regulation”is introduced to the dissertation’s study system, on the basis of which China’s all provinces’losses of efficiency and regulation costs from environmental regulation are measured.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】F224;F426.2
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2144
  • 攻读期成果