

A Study on the Development and Management of Internationalization of Higher Education

【作者】 杨福玲

【导师】 刘金兰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在世界经济全球化的浪潮席卷而来时,世界各地的大学遇到了前所未有的挑战。顺应历史潮流,发展国际化成为全世界大学都积极倡导的主题。自从改革开放以来,中国的高等教育不断与国际接轨。随着国家明确地提出发展教育国际化的要求,理论研究和实践界摆脱了对中国的教育是否应该国际化的疑虑,以大学为代表的中国教育开始大踏步走向国际化。然而,由于国内相关的理论研究和实践经验有限,中国大学如何把握国际化发展的机遇,提高自身竞争力并培育出具有世界竞争力的人才,不仅需要理论的指导,更需要可供参考的实践经验。本研究针对这一现状做了如下研究:首先,研究追溯了大学的起源和大学国际化发展的历史,将大学自成立之日起就具有国际化特征的事实展现出来。通过分析国内外相关研究和实践界对大学国际化理念和内涵的认识,得出了大学国际化是大学发展本质特征之重要体现的结论,澄清了大学国际化的概念,以及国际化与全球化、国家化、多元化等概念的区别与联系,大学国际化的定义也得到进一步的丰富。然后,充分分析了发达国家的一流大学在全球化的浪潮中把握国际化发展机遇,将发展国际化作为学校的核心战略,通过战略整合学校资源,将分散的力量凝聚起来实现学校的发展目标,提高学校竞争力的案例。在理论研究和实践分析的基础上,研究总结了影响大学国际化发展的要素及维度,并提出研究假设,根据假设设计了大学国际化绩效结构方程模型。在小规模测试的基础上,检验了模型的信度和效度,对模型进行了修订。随后,利用中国第一所大学——天津大学制定国际化发展战略的机遇,在天津大学进行了抽样测试分析,对绩效模型进行了拟合度效果检验,得到了令人满意的运行结果,发现了在制定国际化战略中应该特别值得关注和重视的要素内容,并将研究结果应用于制定《天津大学国际化战略实施纲要(2010-2020年)》,使研究大学国际化发展的理论与实践结合起来。论文综合了理论分析和实践探索,为今后在大学国际化理论和实践领域做进一步的研究提供了经验。

【Abstract】 When the world is overwhelmed by economic globalization, Chinese universities are faced with unprecedented challenges. The key issue is to take advantage of the opportunity of internationalization and cultivate talents with global competitiveness. Although Chinese universities have been opening up together with the country since the late 70‘s of the last century, national policy did not openly encourage internationalization until last year. Yet when universities are turning their faces to internationalization, they find themselves perplexed as to exactly what internationalization means to them, and where the way out is. In trying to solve these problems, this thesis made careful studies in the following areas.A careful analysis was done concerning the history, development, connotation and significance of internationalization of higher education, and reached the conclusion that internationalization is the essential feature of higher education. Ever since their inception, universities have never been stopped by national borders. The freedom of academia has brought about its unique feature of internationalized development. Key concepts like internationalization, globalization,nationalization and diversity were differentiated, and the definition of internationalization was enriched. The next step was to study the experience of internationalization of flagship universities in developed countries including Britain, United States, Japan, and Singapore. Through careful study, the finding was that in face of globalization, these universities have devised strategies of international development through which scattered efforts could be organized to attain the university goal of excellence. Based on the analysis of theory and practice, the factors and domains contributing to internationalization of universities were sorted out, and upon which hypnoses of factors contributing positively to university internationalization were established. These hypnoses helped establish a Performance Model of University Internationalization. After testing the reliability and validity of the Model in a pilot study, the Model was improved. When the first university in China, Tianjin University, was trying to establish a strategy of internationalization, the model was applied by means of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to study the fitting degree of the Model from the samples selected from the University. When satisfactory results were obtained from the analysis, key factors to the realization of university internationalization were also found. Then the Model and the study results were applied to drafting the Outline of Action for Strategic Development of Internationalization of Tianjin University.This is an example of applying the theory of university internationalization to the practice of developing a strategy of international development for a university in China, and it will provide material for further study of university internationalization in the time to come.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期