

Study on the New Socialist Countryside Construction Based on Scientific and Technological Progress

【作者】 董立彬

【导师】 金浩;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 社会主义新农村建设是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,是全面构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。作为城市与农村的结合部,工业与农业的交汇点,县域经济是社会主义新农村建设的重要载体。县域经济涵盖“三农”,联结城乡,是解决“三农”问题的主阵地。金融危机对外向度较大的中心城市经济冲击与影响相对明显,造成大量的农民工返回县域,县域成为应对金融危机的缓冲区域,在危机中成为“保增长、保民生、保稳定”的生力军。因此,以县域经济为载体建设社会主义新农村,是以工促农、以城带乡的重要途径,是统筹城乡发展、扩大农村市场需求的主要任务,是解决“三农”问题、全面建设小康社会的重大战略举措。2006年中央将社会主义新农村建设列入政府的重要工作,并指出社会主义新农村建设需要科技进步的支撑和引领。在建设创新型国家的新背景下,科技进步能够有效地推动城乡一体化,缩小城乡差距,促进农业、农村经济的发展,并将成为实现农业跨越式发展的根本因素。因此,从科技进步的视角来研究社会主义新农村建设问题已成为学者们共同关注的焦点。本文阐释了社会主义新农村建设的理论内涵,全面分析了对县市科技进步发展态势和河北省新农村建设的发展现状;从科技进步与经济发展的理论出发,揭示科技进步对新农村建设的促进作用,阐述新农村建设对科技的重大需求,运用熵值法对科技进步和新农村建设指标进行相关分析,并基于VAR模型对河北省科技进步与新农村建设的互动关系进行研究;在科学性、综合性、可测性、可行性原则的基础上,围绕新农村建设的内容,结合河北省农村实际,从众多指标体系原始方案中,筛选综合,最后形成由共4个二级层次,18个具体指标构成的社会主义新农村建设评价指标体系;利用因子分析法和聚类分析法对河北省2006年-2008年新农村建设水平进行评价;采用面板数据建立新农村建设水平与其影响因素之间的关系模型,探讨影响河北省新农村建设水平的主要因素和次要因素,重点分析了科技进步对新农村建设的影响作用;最后,提出依靠科技进步推动社会主义新农村建设的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The new socialist countryside construction is a great historical mission in the process of modernization, which is essential requirement of building a socialist harmonious society. As the junction of urban and rural areas, the intersection of industry and agriculture, the county economy is an important carrier of the new socialist countryside construction, which is the main site to solve the "three rural" issue. Financial crisis has made a great impact on the larger export-oriented urban economy, which causes a large number of migrant workers to return to the county. As the buffer of the financial crisis, county is the main force of "economic growth, people’s livelihood and stability of state". Therefore, the new socialist countryside construction taking county economy as the carrier is the basic approach to develop urban and rural area and promote agriculture with industry and is the fundamental task to expand rural market demand and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, which is the major strategic initiatives to solve the "three rural" problems and build a moderately prosperous society.The government has taken the new socialist countryside construction as one of the main task since 2006, and points out that the new socialist countryside construction needs the support of science and technology. In the new situation of building an innovative country, scientific and technological progress plays an important role in the promotion of urban-rural integration and agricultural and rural economic development, which is the decisive factor for agriculture to achieve a new leap forward. Therefore, it has become the focus of attention of many scholars from the perspective of scientific and technological progress to research the new socialist countryside construction.This paper explains the theory of the new socialist countryside construction, and comprehensively analyzes the development trend of technological progress of the counties and the present situation of the new rural construction in Hebei Province. From technological progress and economic development theory, it reveals the important role in promoting new rural construction with the scientific and technological progress and describes significant demand for science and technology. The correlation between technological progress and new rural construction is analyzed using entropy method and the interaction between scientific and technological progress indicators and farmers’ net income per capita of Hebei province is studied based on VAR model. On the basis of the scientific, comprehensive, measurable, and feasible principles, it establishes the evaluation system of the new socialist countryside construction with the rural reality of Hebei province, including 4 secondary indicators and 18 specific indicators. It uses the method of factor analysis and cluster analysis to go on research of estimating the new countryside construction of Hebei province from 2006 to 2008. Panel data model of the new rural construction level and its influencing factors is established to discuss the main factors and secondary factors, and the influence of the scientific and technological progress is deeply analyzed. Finally, the paper puts forward corresponding advices and countermeasures for promoting the new socialist countryside construction of Hebei province relying on scientific and technological progress.
