

Modeling and Applying on Management of Incorrupt Construction

【作者】 李钢

【导师】 陈立文;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 腐败是社会进步的绊脚石,现在社会上仍然存在滥用职权,损公肥私的不良风气和行为,这极大地阻碍了我国社会的发展和社会主义和谐社会的建设,因此廉政建设对于中国社会健康发展显得极为重要。虽然我国已经进行了50多年的反腐倡廉探索,但是长期以来主要以单纯的定性研究廉政问题为主,当然这具有一定的现实意义,但是这些研究成果给实践提供理论指导具有一定的局限性,没有形成一套行之有效的廉政建设管理方法。对此本文提出新的廉政建设管理模型,即通过定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,及时发现廉政建设状态异常,科学判断实际廉政状态,有效分析廉政建设中存在的主要问题,并科学分析问题根源,最终为实施科学廉政建设管理,提高廉政建设状态提供一套科学方法和流程。本文具有创新性的主要研究成果包括以下几个方面:(1)以廉政预警研究为基础提出了廉政建设中的廉政预警机制,并基于该机制对廉政建设水平进行了状态划分,研究了状态转移的规律,进而建立一个廉政建设管理模型框架,并针对该框架中的被审查单位选取方案进行了深入研究。研究成果为定量研究廉政建设管理提供了理论保障。(2)针对廉政建设管理模型中的廉政建设状态判定方案的制定问题,分别针对腐败高发部门和腐败低发部门就廉政建设状态判定方案的具体内容,以及方案中最优参数的选取问题进行了深入研究,为科学合理的廉政建设状态判定方案的制定提供了理论依据,也进一步丰富了本文提出的廉政建设管理模型理论。(3)针对科学的廉政指标体系在廉政建设评价中的关键地位,提出了基于廉政预警系统划分的指标体系构建思路,并初步构建了廉政建设状态评价体系,为了避免指标之间的相关性,并全面反映廉政建设状态,本文应用聚类-因子分析法对指标体系进行了优化研究,最后针对指标数据的采集进行了深入的研究。研究结果为廉政建设状态评价研究提供了基础。(4)分别针对模糊综合评价,判别分析和神经网络应用于廉政建设评价的理论和流程进行了详细介绍,为不同特点的廉政建设管理部门选取不同的评价方法提供了理论基础。进而,采用排列图法进行廉政建设主要问题的判别分析,应用因果图对廉政建设主要问题的根源进行深入查找分析,从而为改进廉政建设措施的提出提供依据。(5)为了验证本文提出的模型和方法对河北省廉政建设管理是行之有效的,应用河北省纪委监察厅针对腐败现象较低的某部门长期实施廉政建设状况进行监督检查所得的数据,根据本论文提出的廉政建设管理模型进行案例分析,及时发现廉政建设状态异常,科学判断实际廉政状态,有效分析廉政建设中存在的主要问题,并科学分析问题存在的根源,为廉政建设状态的改善提供了依据。在本论文的最后,对全文研究工作进行了总结,指出了论文的不足之处,并对今后进一步开展的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Corruption is the obstruction of society’s development,there are still some bad morale and behavior in modern society,such as some leaders abuse their rights in order to obain benefit themselves but it is harmful to our country. This phenomenon hinders the country’s development and the construction of harmonious society. So it is very important to construct probity systems.Although we have already built it for 50 years , the study is almost pure qualitative .Certainly,qualitative study is useful to practice,but the directive function is limited and the inconrrupted constructive effective management have not been built.For this,I will propose a new model of probity construction in the article.The model could check out the abnormal situation in time,discriminate the real status,analyze the problem in the construction and the root by the means of both the quantitative and the qualitative method.So it will provide a scientific method and process for probity management and construction.The innovative achievements in the paper include the contents as follows:(1)The probity warning system which is proposed based on the study,and according to this system we divide the situation of probity construction,for parts,discuss the status’ transition discipline,then built a management model of the construction,and selected schemes to study the units under review.The results of warning system provide the theory security for the building of and incorruptible government .(2)For judging the status of the probity construction in the model,the details and parameters of judging program is proposed based on the study of sectors which have high corrupt rate or low rate.The further study on the content above is the foundation of judging system,and it makes the model in this article more scientific and reasonable.(3)Because of the indicators’ important position in the judging system,the building of indicators system is proposed based on the probity warning system,and form a system which is used to judge the construction’s situation of a clean and honest administration.In order to avoid correlation of different parameters and reflect the status perfectly,we have use the method named clusters-factors analysis to optimize indicators system,and then have a further study on the collection of data.This part is the basis of study on judging the status in the building of and incorruptible government.(4)Have a detail introduction of probity construction’s theory and process of judging system by the means of fuzzy composite evaluation,judging analysis and neural networks.So the selection of judging method in different sectors is practical.Furthermore,pareto method is mainly to judge the construction of a clean and honest administration,causality diagram is used to search for the roots and then take the actions to solve the problem.(5)To prove the model and the method proposed in article is effective in building and managing of and incorruptible government in HeBei province,we use the data which is collected in low rate sectors by commission for discipline inspection and supervision department to analyze the cases with the model and check out the abnormal situation in time,discriminate the real status,analyze the problem in the construction and the root.So it will provide a scientific method and process for probity management and construction.At the end of the article, there is a summary which points out the shortcoming of this paper and the bright future of the study in this domain.
