

Study on Credit Evaluation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Based on Social Capital

【作者】 殷琦

【导师】 韩东平;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中小企业在我国经济中的地位日益重要,但融资困难制约着中小企业的发展壮大。为了解决中小企业融资难的现实问题,国内理论界以及实务界在各个方面作出了积极地尝试。面对我国当前以国有大型商业银行为主导的金融体系以及中小企业直接融资渠道不畅通的现状,在目前和今后一段时间内,大型商业银行信贷将是中小企业主要的资金来源。对于商业银行而言,中小企业存在治理结构不健全,财务质量差,抵押担保不足等问题,这些问题成为制约商业银行信贷支持中小企业的瓶颈。通过有效的信用评价挖掘具有较高信用能力的中小企业是商业银行信贷支持中小企业发展的关键环节,是搭建优质中小企业与信贷资金的桥梁。目前,关于如何提高中小企业信用评价水平在理论上和实践上还存在一些亟待解决的问题。因此,本文拟从社会资本的角度研究中小企业信用评价问题,以丰富和完善中小企业信用评价的理论与方法,为引导信贷资金流向优质中小企业提供理论指导以及方法工具。本研究从中小企业实际特点以及信用评价理论出发,遵循着构建理论框架、影响因素分析、评价指标选择、评价模型构建的研究逻辑,对中小企业信用评价问题深入研究。研究共分为四部分:首先,界定中小企业信用评价的概念和特点,建立基于社会资本的中小企业信用评价理论框架,明确中小企业信用评价的主要内容,提出基于社会资本的中小企业信用评价的概念及内涵,在此基础上,深入分析中小企业社会资本的主体界定,并结合中小企业外部关系网络的实际情况,提出中小企业社会资本的维度划分方法。其次,从中小企业的财务能力、企业社会资本、企业家社会资本三个因素构建中小企业信用评价概念模型,通过对问卷的分析,证实了上述三方面因素对中小企业信用水平的正向影响,证明了概念模型的有效性。然后,从财务能力、企业社会资本、企业家社会资本三方面选取指标构建指标体系,并运用主成分分析的方法,在保证信息含量不变的基础上,降低指标体系维度。最后,引入支持向量机作为核心算法,运用信用数据精选参数、通过对模型的训练,得到了预测精度达到90%的中小企业信用评价预测模型。

【Abstract】 The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of our country play more and more important role in the economy, but their development are restricted by the constrictive financing policies. To solve this difficulty in financing of SEMS, the scholars and practicers in our country have made some positive attempts. Our country’s finance system is still leading by the large-scale state commercial banks and the financing of SMEs is difficult and constrained, so the large-scale commercial banks are still the main financing source of SMEs for some time.The imperfect corporate governance, finance condition and mortagage ability are bottleneck to SMEs to obtain financial supports from commercial banks’credits. The effective evaluation of the credit ability of SMEs is key process of commercial banks to support the development of SMEs with efficient funds. Now there are still some theoretical and practical questions about how to improve the evaluation process and ability of the credit of SMEs should be solved. So this research aims to analysis the credit evaluation of SMEs based on the social capital, enrich and develop the theory and methods of the credit evaluation of SMEs, and finally offer some theoretical guidelines and methodology to lead the credit funds to those capable SMEs.Starting from the analysis of SME’s features and credit evaluation theories, this paper constructs the theoretical framework of credit evaluation of SMEs based on the social capital, analyzes the influencing factors, selectes the evaluation indexes and establishs the evaluation model to study the credit evaluation of SMEs in depth. This research is divided into four parts.Firstly, this study defines the concept and feature of the credit evaluation of SMEs,constructs the theoretical frame of credit evaluation system based on social capital, reveals the main content of credit evaluation of SMEs, and propose the concept and definition of credit evaluation of SMEs based on social captial. And then defines the main body of the social capital of SMEs, and proposes the classifying method of the social capital according to the real condition of outside social network of SMEs. Secondly, analyzes the factors influencing the SMEs’credit from financial ability, corporate social capital and entrepreneurial social captial. Empicial data is collected through the face to face interview and survey. The depicting statistical analysis of the informants shows the background information of entrepreneurs, and the reliability and validity analysises confirm the reliability of the data. The structural equation model is formed and testified based on fit indexes to test the hypotheses and to reveal the degree and direction of factors influencing the credit of SMEs.Thirdly, constructs the credit level evaluation index system of SMEs which includes the financing ability, corporate social capital and entrepreneurial social capital three first level indexes. The principal component analysis is applied to simplify the structure and reduce the internal correlation of data to optimize the evaluation indexes.Finally, the credit evaluation model based on social capital of SMEs is formed. Because the credit evaluation process of SMEs always face some difficulties, such as small sample size, non-linear and partial minimum, the support vector machine (SVM) is selected as the core arithmetic of the model to effectively solve these difficulities. The LIBSVM software package is usded to train this evaluation model. The RBF kernel function is chosed as the core function of SVM and the key parameter is confirmed through crossing verification technology, and the forecast precision is testified. The case study is performed to testify the effect of the credit evaluation model.

  • 【分类号】F276.3;F832.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1355
  • 攻读期成果