

Research on Group Development of Hubei County Economy under the Background of "Central China’s Emergence"

【作者】 胡灿伟

【导师】 雷海章;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 县域经济是我国区域经济的最基本单元,是我国“三农”问题的主要承载区域,是“国本经济”的关键;县域是我国大多数国民居住和生活的地方,县域经济关系到大多数民众的生活,是“民生经济”的关键;县域又是我国国土的主要分布地区,生态建设的关键地段,“三P”(污染、人口、贫困)问题的集中区域,是“生态经济”的关键;县域是我国弱势群体主要的聚集地区,县域经济发展关系到矛盾的消解和社会的稳定。开展县域经济研究,促进县域经济快速和稳定的发展,关系到我国全面建设小康社会和社会主义新农村建设的成功。我国中部地区县域人口众多,但经济发展极为滞后,开展中部地区县域经济发展研究,寻找县域经济发展的中部模式,促进中部地区县域经济发展对于实现全国的小康建设和新农村建设具有重要的实践意义。论文在前人研究基础上,借助于发展经济学、空间经济学、农业经济学等经济学理论以及数量经济学、现代计量经济学等分析方法,分析了湖北省县域经济发展的宏观背景、模式选择和优化路径。本研究在总结国内外县域经济发展的理论和实践模式后,从中部崛起背景战略上把握湖北省县域经济发展的方向,在从历史演化、现状特征和数量评价三个方面对湖北省县域经济发展的时空特征进行总结,从理论上提出湖北省县域经济发展组团发展模式,并详细分析了县域组团发展模式的前提、规律和内涵,提出湖北省县域经济组团发展的格局。此后,围绕县域经济组团发展的四个主要机制,从空间优化、产业集聚、政府协作和要素推动四个方面,提出湖北省县域经济组团发展的优化路径。论文的主要内容如下:(1)县域经济发展的理论与实践模式梳理。总结国内外县域经济发展的经典理论,侧重对国外的农村地域(或曾经的农村地域)及其所依附的中小城市地域经济经验梳理,比较了在农业和农村发展形成典型过程和经验的美国、法国、日本三国作为借鉴对象进行分析,在系统论思想的指导下,分析我国县域经济发展模式;在理论与实践的研究基础上,总结了国内外县域经济发展可能借鉴的经验。(2)湖北省县域经济发展的宏观背景分析。从“中部崛起”角度,建立了一个区域分工的框架,在分析中部崛起历史背景的基础上,评估中部崛起战略规划对中部地区尤其是湖北省县域经济的影响,揭示湖北省县域经济发展的战略选择。(3)湖北省县域经济发展的历史演化与现状特征分析。通过对湖北省县域经济分布基本情况分析基础上,从演化角度分析对湖北县域经济发展历程,并根据湖北省县域经济发展的历史分析和比较分析,总结了湖北省县域经济发展的特征与问题。(4)湖北省县域经济发展的综合数量评价。运用区域经济学、计量经济学和空间经济学的相关理论,采用规范分析、实证分析、比较分析相结合的研究方法,在建立县域经济综合实力评价体系的基础上,对湖北省各个县域经济发展的实际情况作出总体评价,然后以GEOdata软件,对湖北省县域经济进行空间经济评价,对湖北省县域经济与市域经济发展进行耦合评价。(5)“中部崛起”背景下湖北省县域经济组团发展模式。在对湖北省县域经济发展模式特征总结和发展反思基础上,提出县域经济组团发展模式,并根据这一模式分析了中原县域组团发展实践经验,并根据湖北省县域经济发展特征,提出湖北省县域经济组团发展路径。(6)湖北省县域经济空间布局优化分析。从回顾湖北省县域经济的“点-轴”开发模式出发,分析湖北省县域经济“点-轴”开发的现状与问题,利于首位度模型、断裂点模型、城市辐射能力评价模型等分析了湖北省县域经济空间布局的困境,提出基于组团发展的县域经济空间布局优化路径。(7)湖北省县域经济产业集聚优化分析。在对湖北省县域产业结构分析的基础上,提出湖北省县域产业集群的现状和困境,并指出湖北省县域产业集群发展的导向、布局和策略。(8)湖北省县域经济发展增长要素分析。根据经济增长理论,在分析整理专家意见的基础上,结合湖北省实际情况,参考有关省市的研究成果,采用多元线性回归分析的方法建立反映经济增长与影响因素关系的增长模型;探讨影响湖北省县域经济增长的主要因素,以及不同因素对县域经济发展的促进与制约作用。(9)“中部崛起”视角下湖北省县域政府协作机制分析。在湖北省“市管县”向“省管县”行政体制变化的分析下,理清湖北省县域经济发展中县域政府之间的博弈状态,并根据博弈分析结果,提出加强湖北省县域经济组团发展的政府协作机制。本文可能的创新点在于:(1)选题的前沿性。中部地区县域经济发展问题是伴随中国区域发展战略由非均衡发展战略向均衡发展战略调整而凸现出来的重要理论和实践问题。虽然国内理论界对县域经济研究已有一定成果,东部地区也涌现出了一批经济强县,创造出多个县域经济发展模式,但在广泛借鉴东部沿海县域经济发展经验的同时,中部地区还没有培育出特色县域经济模式,中部地区县域经济发展仍然没有实现跨越发展。究其原因就在于中部地区同东部地区面临的历史环境、政策条件、资源禀赋和区域定位存在较大的差别,东部地区的县域经济发展模式可能并不适合中部地区。因此,中部地区县域经济发展问题集中表现在:“区域分工定位、经济发展历史与资源环境禀赋限制条件下,如何寻找一条适合中部地区县域经济的发展道路?”事实上,从当前研究现状看,还很少有研究从理论高度系统回答这一问题。为此,本研究以湖北省为例,对这一问题进行全面的阐释与回答,从而具有一定的前沿性。(2)在理论上有所创新。论文的根本目的就是要以湖北省为例,在中部地区现有的区域分工定位分析、县域经济现状特征分析和资源禀赋条件分析的背景下,在理论上找到一条适合中部地区的县域经济发展道路,并从政策层面提出实现这一道路的优化路径。论文在理论上得出了一系列有价值的结论,并从整体上回答了宏观背景下中部地区县域经济发展道路的选择与优化问题。结论包括:①国内县域经济发展系统演化过程是一个从无序的区域发展到有序的经济发展要素协同过程,必须走“特色起飞-综合序化-创新集聚”路径。②中部崛起战略凸显湖北省县域区位优势,明确产业定位重点,提高县域通达程度,为湖北省县域经济序化发展奠定基础。③湖北省县域经济发展呈现大城市依附性特征、小城镇集聚特征、行政区域型、独立化发展特征、资源约束特征,不利于城乡一体化统筹发展、区域经济协作发展和两型社会建设,必须组团发展加速实现县域经济发展的区域序化。④湖北省县域点轴空间特征不适应中部崛起战略目标和区域序化发展,需要进行空间布局的优化,实现网状开发。⑤县域特色产业集群未能支持产业集聚,需要优化产业的集群定位,实现集聚开发。⑥县域增长要素缺乏不能支持县域加速发展,必须充实县域的要素实力,实现跨越开发。⑦县域行政体制阻隔不能支持县域协作发展,必须革新县域的协作能力,实现协作开发。(3)在实证上有所创新。论文综合发展经济学、空间经济学和农业经济学等学科的数量分析手段,对湖北省县域经济发展的理论创新给予实证支持,得出了一系列有价值的结论:①利用主成分分析法,将湖北省县域经济分为三个梯度。利用空间计量经济手段,发现湖北省县域经济空间布局呈现“圈层结构”和“东高西低”特征、“双核结构”和“点-轴”发展特征、“金字塔”结构和“离散”发展特征、“集聚结构”和“聚合”发展特征。②通过灰色关联分析,发现湖北省县域与市域经济分为四个耦合层次。③从首位度分析看,湖北省城市规模分布属于首位分布类型。从极点城市评价看,湖北极点城市可以分为三类,综合实力均较弱。④从断裂点理论看,武汉的强弱辐射圈均较大,但不能涵盖鄂东北部分县域,内部展现序化特征;宜昌-荆州-荆门县域经济区,三个极点城市辐射半径相连,但强辐射半径仍然较小;襄阳-十堰-随州县域经济区,呈现出线性开发特征,极点城市之间辐射分散;鄂西南县域经济区,区内的点辐射处于无序分散布局状态,经济开发难度较大。⑤利用计量经济学分析发现,全社会固定资产投资完成额和城镇化水平对县域经济增长有显著正向影响;年末金融机构各项贷款余额和第三产业所占比例对县域经济增长的影响显著为负。⑥从县域间博弈结论看,县域政府机会主义行为使县域经济集群发展陷入囚徒困境、县域经济协作产业领域为互补性产业、政府考核机制的改变可以使得县域间的合作更为可能、合作利益优化分配有利于县域间合作机制的建立、有效的惩罚机制也是县域建立合作机制的重要措施。(4)在政策上有所创新。根据理论和实证研究,论文提出了一系列有价值的政策措施:①根据湖北省县域经济特征,提出湖北省县域经济组团发展格局为武汉“城市圈”单极县域经济组团、“宜昌东部-荆州-荆门”三核县域经济组团、“襄阳-十堰”双核县域经济组团、鄂西南县域经济组团以及“长江县域经济连接带”与“汉十县域经济连接带”。②县域组团发展空间优化路径选择包括建设武汉-荆州都市连绵区,提升江汉平原县域经济发展水平;打造宜昌市和襄阳市城市增长极点,以“点-轴”模式提升鄂西县域经济发展水平;强化“两轴四线”,提升县域间集聚发展能力;以多种政策加快对鄂西县域综合开发力度等。③根据湖北省的资源优势和中部崛起的战略分工要求,可以依据县域组团发展形式形成食品工业县域产业集群、高科技县域产业集群、装备制造业县域产业集群、“化工-冶金”县域产业集群、汽车配件县域产业集群、轻纺产业集群文化旅游、县域产业集群。④增强对县域经济的投资额度和金融扶持水平,提高县域的城镇化水平。⑤必须从“利益分配机制、资源整合机制、监管监督机制和政府考核机制”等方面构建县域政府协作机制。虽然论文从理论研究、经验研究和政策优化三个层面对湖北省县域经济发展问题进行了探讨,但由于县域经济发展研究是中国特有的现象,其理论基础比较薄弱,还有较多工作亟待下一步研究:理论研究方面:“县域经济组团发展的边界和内涵还可以进一步丰富,尤其是可以用数理模型进行阐释;不同县域经济组团发展的影响因子有什么不同;区域分工与县域组团存在哪些区别;县域经济组团发展中,交通设施和产业集聚等存在什么关联;县域组团内部产业如何分工”等问题还需要进一步阐述。实证研究方面:“还可以进一步用空间计量手段分析湖北省县域经济空间特征,尤其是可以用市域综合实力代替交通和人口因子分析市域经济的辐射半径:在产业集聚中,还可以用主导产业选择方法实证分析县域组团内部的产业集群”等。政策研究方面:可以进一步细化研究针对县域经济组团发展的区域规划策略和差别化政策,并通过在典型县域的调查基础上,模拟政策实施效果。

【Abstract】 The county territory economy is our country regional economies most elemental area, is our country "three agriculture" the question main load bearing region, is "the foundations of the state economy". The county is our most people live or live, the county economy where most people’s life, "people’s livelihood" economy.The county and is the main areas of land distribution, the three "p" (pollution and population, poverty) the concentrated area, is an "ecological"; the county economy is vulnerable groups, the county chief of economic development of social contradictions of health and social stability. In the county economy research, promote the county economy a quick and stable development and all-round development of our comparative prosperity and a new socialist countryside on the construction of success. Our country in the middle part of the county has a large population, but economic development is impeded. in the middle part of the county economy study for the county and economic development of central and promote economic development in the middle part of the county in carrying out of the country’s leading a well-off life and the new rural construction of great practical significance.Predecessors research paper on the basis of development economics, space economics, agricultural economics and economic theory and modern Econometrica number of economics, and analytical methods, the Hubei Province’s economic development of the county set, patterns to choose the path, and the strategic development strategy proposed in the background to the county economy development in Hubei Province, is from Hubei Province and county economic development mode based on the path to provide a science. The study concluded at the county economy theory and practice mode, the central strategic rise from the background of certain Hubei Province, the county economy development in the history of evolution, the status quo and quantity of three aspects of Hubei Province and county economic development of the characteristics of the review, Theoretically by the county group Hubei Province’s economic development mode of development, and detailed analysis of the county group mode of development, and the content of the Hubei Province and county economy group development. Thereafter, the county economy group the development of the four principal mechanisms, the space, industrial agglomeration offers, the government coordination and elements of the four aspects, By the county economy group Hubei Province of the path.Paper of the following:(1) The county economy theory and practice of my mode.Summary at the county and economic development of the classical theories, the emphasis on foreign countries in rural areas or rural areas (or rural areas) and the regional economic small and medium-sized town and cities my experience. Is in the agricultural and rural development is a typical procedures and experience of the United States, France, Japan, as objects in this analysis system theory ideas and guidance, the analysis of our county economic development mode. In theory and practice of the basis of summarizing the economic development and the county can learn from experience.(2) Hubei province county territory economic development macroscopic background analysis.Rise from the "central" and set up a division of the framework of regional analysis of its historical background on the basis of the central strategic planning, assessment up to the central areas in particular the county economy of Hubei province and county Hubei province of the economic development of strategic choice.(3) Hubei province county territory economic development historical evolution and present situation characteristic analysis.Through to the Hubei province county territory economy distribution basic situation analysis foundation, from the evolved angle analysis to the Hubei county territory economic development course, and according to the Hubei province county territory economic development’s historical analysis and the comparative analysis, summarized the Hubei province county territory economic development characteristic and the question.(4) Hubei province county territory economic development comprehensive quantity appraisal.Using the regional economics, the econometrics and the spatial economic’s correlation theories, uses the research technique which the canonical parse, the empirical analysis, the comparative analysis unify, in establishment county territory economy synthesis strength appraisal system’s foundation, mmmmmmakes the overall appraisal to the Hubei Province each county territory economic development’s actual situation, then by the GEO data software, carries on the spatial economy appraisal to the Hubei Province county territory economy, carries on the coupling appraisal to the Hubei Province county territory economy and the city territory economic development.(5) "Middle rises" under the background the Hubei Province county territory economy group development model.To the Hubei province county territory economic development pattern characteristic summary and in the development reconsideration foundation, proposed that the county territory economy group development model, and according to this pattern analysis area south of Yellow River county territory group development experience, and according to the Hubei province county territory economic development characteristic, proposed the Hubei province county territory economy group development way.(6) Hubei province county territory economical spatial arrangement optimization analysis.From reviews the Hubei Province county territory economy "a- axis" the development pattern to embark, analyzes the Hubei Province county territory economy "a-axis" the development present situation and the question, favored the primacy ratio model, the point of fracture model, the city emissivity evaluation model and so on to analyze the Hubei Province county territory economical spatial arrangement difficult position, proposed based on the group development county territory economical spatial arrangement optimization way.(7) The Hubei province county territory economical industry gathers the optimized analysis. To the Hubei Province county territory industrial structure analysis’s foundation, proposed that the Hubei province county territory industry colony’s present situation and the difficult position, and pointed out the Hubei Province county territory industry colony develops guidance, layout and strategy.(8) The analysis of growth factor about the county economy of Hubei province. Based on economic growth theories, on the basis of the analysis of the expert opinions, with the situationof Hubei province, consult the relevant provincial research efforts, using the method of multiple linear regression to establish the growth model which reflected relation about the economic growth and influence factors. To study the Major factors which impact on economic growth of Hubei province county, and the various factors to the county’s economic development about promote and constraints, in order to consult the Power source and development models of economic growth of Hubei province county to offer some regularity Cognition and support.(9) Under the rise of central China perspective about the coordination mechanism of the county government in Hubei province. In Hubei province, under the analysis of the administrative structure about "The charge of county" to "The charge of province", to clarify game state of the county economy development in Hubei province county government, based on the analysis results of game state to strengthen the county economy Hubei province of the government coordination mechanism. This is possible points:(1) The cutting-edge topics. Currently, the county economic development in central China’s regional strategy is accompanied by a non-balanced development strategy for balanced development strategy to adjust the prominence of the important theoretical and practical issues. Although domestic economic research on the county’s relevant economic theory and policy have been some results, but the unique regional division of labor in central location, historical and economic development, endowment of resources and environment determine the county’s economic development the central region should have its not the same model, Must draw on the problem of multi-disciplinary theories and methods, based on reality. Undoubtedly the central region of the county’s economic development system has important theoretical and practical significance, but rather a lack of domestic research also:County economic development is a macroeconomic problem, most of the current study domestic "County of County" limited scope of the study "One County micro-economy", the lack of a regional strategy from the perspective of macro-county economic development; county economic development is a system problem, the current study is not strong, the lack of systematic analysis of the county economy; county economic development issues A regional economic issue, summary of existing research in the eastern part of multi-county economic development experience, very few of the central region of the county for economic development.(2)It requires innovations in theory. In previous studies, through the integration and application of development economics, regional economics, spatial economics, theories, systems analysis to the central region of Hubei Province in central China Strategic Economic Development Model background of choice, come to a series of valuable results:evolution of the county’s economic development system is a regional development from disorder to order elements of collaborative process of economic development is the new structure from the old structure to the evolution of self-organization; county economic development must follow "Characteristics off-Comprehensive ordering-Innovation Cluster" path; County of Hubei Province of central China’s economic development is the basic background to determine the county’s industrial division of Hubei Province, clusters, and laid the basis of the transport facilities network and promotion of economic development together elements, also proposed the development of Hubei Province, the purpose of county economic development and development path; and the County economic development group must take the development mode. These results raised the county’s economic development policy in Hubei Province adjustment. (3) We should have innovation in the empirical paper. In recent years, there is little empirical paper about the county economy development in China, in particular the systematic analysis of county economic development of the empirical study is less. In this paper has done a good try, such as:paper utilization principal component analysis, multi-index evaluation method, spatial and gray relational analysis evaluation of the overall system status of county economic development of Hubei Province; comprehensive utilization of the first evaluation method and breaking point model to analyze the poles of Counties coverage of the economic groups; using the panel data fixed effects models examined the development of county economic development and the key elements of the relationship between the county to promote economic development in refining the key elements. These studies support the theory from an empirical research perspective.(4) In terms of policy there is innovation. In the theoretical and empirical research, based on the thesis put forward some interesting policy recommendations, such as the establishment of coordination mechanisms County Economic Cooperation Development; to county economic development cluster assessment; rational distribution of county economic development and so on
