

Research on the Development of MICE Economy in Wuhan

【作者】 王颖

【导师】 张秀生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 广义的会展通常被称为MICE,会展业属于服务业,它的发展成为一国国民经济发展、特别是第三产业发展的重要标志。会展经济,就是通过举办各类会议、展览、文体活动、奖励旅游等,在取得直接经济效益的同时,带动一个地区或一个城市相关产业的发展,从而促进经济和社会全面发展的经济现象和经济行为。当前,会展经济已成为世界上许多国家经济发展一个新的增长点。随着经济全球化的不断发展,会展业已经成为衡量一个城市国际化程度和经济发展水平的重要标志。正因为会展业产生的经济效应和社会效应日益显著,会展经济在国民经济中的重要地位也不断提升。伴随着我国会展行业迅速发展,城市与城市之间会展业发展规模与水平的差距也逐步拉开。尽管武汉是历史上著名的“会展名城”,但当前与国内许多会展业发达的城市相比,武汉市会展业发展水平是比较滞后的。大力发展现代服务业是武汉在“十二五”期间,乃至更长时间内经济和社会发展的重要任务。会展业作为现代服务业的重要组成部分,能对第三产业的发展产生显著的带动作用。因此,必须进一步深入开展关于会展经济的相关理论与实证研究,从而为武汉会展业持续健康发展提供理论支持。本研究运用政治经济学、区域经济学、公共管理学和政府经济学的理论,采用比较研究、案例分析、定量与定性分析相结合的方法,对武汉会展经济的优势机遇、制约瓶颈进行分析,并在此基础上形成研究结论,提出武汉会展业的发展思路与对策。本文对会展经济与经济发展的相关理论进行了探讨,阐述了会展活动的起源与发展,以及会展经济在经济发展中的作用。会展经济可以促进城市产业结构优化,产生直接的经济效益,带来信息传播效应,有效拉动内需并促进相关产业发展,推动科技进步和文化交流,增强城市的辐射力和美誉度。会展经济对经济发展、尤其是城市经济发展起着巨大的推动作用。立足于武汉会展业的发展情况,本文介绍了武汉会展业发展的历程和现状。共分三个阶段阐述:半殖民地半封建社会、计划经济时期以及改革开放以来武汉会展业发展的情况。运用竞争力理论,对武汉会展经济发展的优势与机遇进行分析,并指出武汉会展经济发展的问题及原因。会展业发展行业定位不明晰、相关产业发展滞后、未能依托优势产业、缺乏激励机制等因素共同构成了制约武汉会展经济发展的瓶颈。为了进一步研究武汉会展经济发展的对策,本文对中外会展发展的经验及启示进行了介绍和分析。指出武汉应当充分发挥人文和旅游资源的优势,并紧密结合优势产业驱动会展业的发展。在此基础上本文进一步提出了武汉会展经济发展的对策。主要措施有:第一,要培植知名品牌。要合理制定发展战略和目标;注重会展品牌的塑造与经营;重视节庆会展活动的发展;联合旅游业打造会展品牌;加强会展业发展的国际化水平;打造中国会展名城。第二,要构建政府、协会和企业互动机制。充分实现政府、行业协会和会展企业的互动,共同推动武汉会展经济持续健康地发展。第三,要加强区域合作。无论是企业间,还是区域间都要大力加强合作,从而提高武汉会展业的竞争力。第四,要大力发展会展专业教育。充分发挥武汉教育资源优势,为会展业发展提供充足的人力资源保证。当前,武汉正面临重要的历史机遇,各种现代化的会展基础设施不断建成。值得注意的问题是,展览馆规模大并不等于会展业发展水平先进。因此,伴随会展场馆大规模建设的兴起,必须结合科学的、先进的发展理念,借鉴其他城市会展业发展的成功经验,进行理论和实证研究,从而共同推动武汉会展业实现大跨度发展。

【Abstract】 Generalized exhibition is usually called MICE, which belongs to service industry. The development of MICE becomes an important indicator of the development of national economy, especially in the development of tertiary industry. MICE economy is an economic phenomena and economic behavior which thereby promotes the comprehensive development of the economy and society, through the organization of conferences, exhibitions, events and incentive tour to obtain direct economic benefits in the same time, to promote the development of related industries in a region or city. At present, MICE economy has become a new growth point of the development of national economy in many countries. With the continuous development of economic globalization, exhibition industry has become a measure of the degree of internationalization of a city and an important indicator of the level of economic development.Just because the economic and social impact which MICE industry brings is increasingly significant, the status of exhibition economy in the national economy has strengthened. With the rapid development of MICE industry in our country, the scale and level of MICE industry has gradually opened the gap from city to city. Although Wuhan is the famous "exhibition city", compared with many domestic developed exhibition cities, the development of MICE industry in Wuhan lags behind.The development of modern service industry, which is an important task for the economic and social development in "the twelfth five-year-plan" period or even longer period. As an important part of modern service industry, MICE industry plays a significant leading role in the development of tertiary industry.The theory of empirical research should be researched further in-depth, so as to provide the theoretical support for the sustainable and healthy development of MICE industry in Wuhan. This research adopts theories of political economics, regional economics, public administration and governmental economics, and methods of combining comparative research, case analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, to analyze the advantages, opportunities and the bottleneck of exhibition economy in Wuhan. And on this basis we have made a conclusion, in which the development and countermeasures of MICE industry of Wuhan have been pointed out.The relevant theories of MICE economy and economic development have been discussed in the paper, such as describing the origin and development of MICE, the role of MICE economy in economic development. MICE economy can promote urban industrial structure optimization, generate direct economic benefits, bring the message propagation effects, stimulate domestic demand, promote the development of related industries, promote scientific and technological progress and cultural exchange, and enhance the radiation and reputation of the city. MICE economy plays an important role in promoting economic development, especially urban economic development.Based on the development of MICE industry in Wuhan, the author reviews the history and situation of the development of MICE industry of Wuhan. It is divided into three stages to describe:the period of semi-feudal period, the period of planned economy; the period of market economy.By competitiveness theory, the author analyzes the advantages and opportunities of the development of MICE economy in Wuhan, and indicates the problems of MICE economy and causes. After analyzing the development of MICE economy in Wuhan, the author points out the restricting reasons for the development of MICE economy in Wuhan, such as:the unclear positioning of MICE industry in Wuhan, the lagging of related industries,not relying on the competitive industries, the lack of incentives, which become the bottlenecks of the development of MICE economy in Wuhan.In order to further study the strategies of the development of MICE economy in Wuhan, the paper has introduced and analyzed the experiences and enlightenment of the development of MICE industry at home and abroad. It is indicated that we should give full play to human and natural tourism advantages and make use of competitive industries to develop MICE industry. On this basis, the paper further proposes strategies of the development of MICE economy in Wuhan.Firstly, the author proposes to cultivate famous brands. Specific measures are:to make reasonable development strategies and objectives, to focus on MICE brand building and management, to pay more attention to the development of events in holidays and celebrations, to joint with tourism to build MICE brand, to strengthen the international level of MICE industry, to build the famous MICE city in China. Secondly, it is proposed to build interaction mechanism among the government, associations and enterprises to realize the interaction of the government, industrial associations and MICE enterprises, to jointly promote the sustainable and healthy development of MICE economy of Wuhan. Thirdly, it is proposed to strengthen regional cooperation.Whether it is between enterprises, or between regions, cooperation should be vigorously strengthened to improve the competitiveness of MICE industry in Wuhan. Fourthly, we should vigorously develop major education of MICE industry. We should take full advantage of educational resources in Wuhan, to provide adequate human resources for the development of MICE industry.At present, Wuhan is facing an important historical opportunity. Kinds of modern exhibition infrastructures have been completed. It is noticed that large-scale exhibition venues do not mean the advanced level of MICE industry. Therefore, with the rise of large-scale exhibition venues construction, we must integrate scientific and advanced development concepts, learn successful experience of MICE economy from other cities, and make theoretical and empirical research, to jointly promote the large span development of MICE industry in Wuhan.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期