

A Research into the Optimization and Efficiency Evaluation of Development of Teaching Materials or Agricultural Higher Education

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现代农业是以科技为依托、技术密集型的农业,现代农业的发展过程,实质上是先进科学技术在农业领域广泛应用的过程,是依赖不断发展的新技术投入,用现代科技改造传统农业的过程。“农业与农村社会发展”是我国现阶段的重大战略问题,为农业与农村发展输送专门人才、产出重大科研成果并提供服务是高等农业教育的中心任务,而教材建设是发展农业教育的重要环节。大力发展高等农业教育,培养和造就适应社会需要的高科技人才,必须重视高等农业教育的教材建设与改革。本研究选择了“高等农业教育教材建设效率评价及优化研究”这一课题作为研究对象,着力从宏观的高等农业教育教材建设体系设计和微观的院校教材建设体制建立、机制创新等方面,集成对高等农业教育教材建设的相关问题研究。前人对教材建设的研究绝大多数是对一般教材的内涵建设和建设管理等方面的普遍性规律进行探讨,针对高等农业教育教材方面的研究成果甚显不足。基于此,本论文的研究旨在丰富我国高等农业教育的教材建设理论,探究形成一套体现农业教育自身特点的教材建设实践应用成果体系。通过发挥教材建设在人才培养中的基础性作用,为培养高素质的农业科技人才服务。论文首先对高等农业院校教材的有关理论进行了定性分析。同时,通过对高等农业教育教材建设发展历程的回顾,梳理、总结、分析了不同时期高等农业教育教材建设的成绩、经验、创新与不足。随后文章系统分析了高校农业教育教材建设的现状,分析结果指出,高等农业教育的教材建设仍存在一些突出问题。论文进一步研究认为,这些问题出现的根本原因集中体现在教材建设的评价方法和教材自身建设这两个要素上。由此论文开展了两方面的研究与写作,一是对教材质量评价指标体系进行了优化;二是运用经济学的资源配置理论和实证方法,实证检验了教材建设状况对学校教育效率的重要作用,现状实证分析结果和教材建设相关理论为解决存在问题指明了研究路径。论文最后从宏观的高等农业教育教材建设体系设计和微观的学校教材建设体制建立、机制创新等方面提出了建议。本论文研究过程分别应用了书斋式研究、问卷法、比较法、实测法、系统分析法、哲学分析法,以及经济学的资源配置理论和实证分析等研究方法。注重书斋式研究与现场研究结合,理论研究与实证分析并举,定性研究与定量研究结合,宏观研究与中观、微观研究协作,纵向研究与横向研究配合进行了论文的研究与写作。论文首先在梳理国内外教材建设研究和自身理论的基础上,对高等农业院校教材建设的基本概念及历史演进状况进行了定性分析。其次,完整地回顾、介绍了新中国成立以来我国高等农业教育教材建设的历程。第三,文章整理分析了高等农业教育教材建设的现状,分析形成了影响高等农业教育教材建设的要素。第四,重新优化构建了高等农业教育教材质量评价指标体系;第五,通过经济学方法,使用建立在优化后教材质量评价指标体系基础上对教材现状进行调查中得出的相关数据,采用Tobit回归方法,实证检验了高校资源配置效率的影响因素。同时,分析形成了问题解决的针对性措施。文章的最后就教材建设中存在的突出问题,通过分析研究分别给出了问题解决方法。本论文可能具备的创新点集中体现在以下四个方面:第一,首次提出将高等农业教育教材建设的历程分为五个时期,填补了国内该方面研究的空白。在回顾历程的基础上,梳理、总结、分析了不同时期高等农业教育教材建设的成绩、经验、创新与不足,为今后高等农业教育的教材建设和科学研究形成了重要的可借鉴资源。第二,论文对原有教材质量评价指标体系进行了较为全面、系统的优化,使其维度界定更加清晰,内涵更加明确,操作性更强。第三,论文应用经济学实证分析方法,在该研究领域首次分析计算了包括教材建设在内的高等农业院校本科教育阶段的资源配置效率。文章第一次将教材建设作为其中的一项解释变量,实证检验了影响高等农业院校资源配置效率的因素。第四,就今后一个时期高等农业教育教材建设的管理、编写、出版、选用机制和开展教材质量评价的方法等方面进行了多维度的理论研究和实践探索,形成了一整套理论支持充分、实践基础可靠;理念先进、操作性强、针对性好;科学、系统、较为完整的教材建设体系设计与机制建立、体制创新建议。

【Abstract】 Modern agriculture is technology-dependent and technology-intensive in nature. The process of development for modern agriculture is in essence one of wide-spread application of advanced technology in the field of agriculture as well as one of transforming agriculture with modern technology with the continuous development of new technological inputs. The development of agriculture and agricultural society is an important strategical issue, and it is the central task of agricultural higher education to deliver talents for agricultural development, to end up with significant academic achievement and to provide service. That makes material development the major tache of the improvement of agriculture education. The great value of material development and reformation is vital to striving to develop agricultural higher education and cultivating high-caliber innovative talents specialized in agricultural technology. In light of this, this dissertation selected the topic of“A Research into the Optimization and Efficiency Evaluation of Development of teaching Materials for Agricultural Higher Education”as the object of research, striving to integrate relevant issues on the development of agricultural higher education into a whole with special emphasis on the establishment of the system of teaching materials for agricultural higher education on the macro-level and such aspects as the teaching material development mechanisms and institutional choices for the institutions of higher learning on the micro-level.The previous studies were mainly discussing the universal rules about the contents development and management of regular material, and there is not enough research in agricultural higher education. Based on that, the dissertation endeavor to enrich the theoretical basis for agricultural higher education in China, to explore and form a material development practical application results system which reflects its own characteristics of agricultural education. By giving full play to the foundation station of material development in cultivation of talents, we concentrate on cultivating High-caliber talents.The dissertation begins with a qualitative analysis of the basic concepts and historical evolution of the development of teaching materials for agricultural higher education. At the same time, On the basis of historical retrospect, the dissertation sorts out, summarizes and analyzes the accomplishments, experiences, innovation and drawbacks in the field of teaching material development in different phases. Following that, the dissertation analyses the current situation of the teaching material development for agricultural higher education, with the view that there are still some outstanding problems in this field.The author believes the underlying reason for such problems lies in two aspects: the evaluation method for the development of teaching materials as well as the self-improvement of teaching materials. The dissertation researchs and writes from two aspects: the first is to optimize the system of teaching material quality evaluation, and the second is to employ economic theories of resource allocation and empirical methods to prove the extremely important role of the situation of teaching material development plays in the efficiency of education, and the empirical analysis results of the dissertation and the relevant theories of teaching material development point out the paths of research for the existing problems. At last, the dissertation offer suggestions about the establishment of the system of teaching materials for agricultural higher education on the macro-level and such aspects as the teaching material development mechanisms and institutional choices for the institutions of higher learning on the micro-level.Applying study research method, questionnaire method, comparison method, measurement method, systematically analysis method, philosophical analysis method, and the economic theories of resource allocation and empirical methods. The author combines study research and field research, develops theoretical research and empirical research simultaneously, intergrates qualitative research and quantitative research, collaborates macro research, medium research and micro research, coordinates longitudinal research and cross-sectional research during the research procedure.On the basis of sorting out the past researches and theories on the development of teaching materials for agricultural higher education domestically and internationally, the dissertation begins with a qualitative analysis of the basic concepts and historical evolution of the development of teaching materials for agricultural higher education. It then fully recalls and introduced the history of the development of teaching materials for agricultural higher education since the founding of the People’s Republic. Thirdly, the dissertation analyses the current situation of the teaching material development for agricultural higher education, analysing the factors affecting the material development in agricultural higher education. Fourthly, the dissertation optimizes and rebuilds a whole system of quality evaluation indicators for teaching materials for agricultural higher education in close combination with the objectives for cultivating talents and the relevant educational evaluation theories for agricultural higher education in China. Fifthly, the dissertation employs economic theories, and then uses the relevant data from the current situation surveys built on the basis of the emerging system of teaching material quality evaluation indicators to verify empirically the factors affecting the efficiency of resource allocation in the institutions of higher learning by adopting the Tobit regression method. Meanwhile, it finalizes targeted measures by analysing the problems. Lastly, the dissertation proposes solutions to the outstanding problems in material development.The possible innovations are: first, the dissertation states for the first time to divide the process of agricultural higher education into five stages, filling the gap in this field in China. On the basis of historical retrospect, the dissertation sorts out, summarizes and analyzes the accomplishments, experiences, innovation and drawbacks in the field of teaching material development in different phases, leaving important referrence for future material development and scientific research of agricultural higher education. Second, the dissertation optimizes the system of teaching material quality evaluation roundly and systematically, making the dimension definition clearer, clarifying the connotation, and strengthening in the operability. Third, the dissertation analyses and calculates the resource allocation efficiency of agricultural institution college including the material development, using the economic empirical analysis for the first time. For the first time, the dissertation takes the material development as one of the explanatory variables, verifying empirically the factors affecting the efficiency of resource allocation in the institutions of higher learning. Fourth, about the management, formulation, publishing and selecting mechanisms for teaching materials development, the dissertation proceed a dimensional theoretical study and practical exploration, forming a whole suggestion system of theory-supportive, practice-basic, advanced-idea, operable, targeted, scientific, systematic, complete material development system design, establishment of mechanisms and mechanisms innovation.

  • 【分类号】S-4;G642.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】507
  • 攻读期成果