

A Study of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist Theoretical Education

【作者】 周太山

【导师】 石云霞;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 邓小平的马克思主义理论教育思想是指邓小平关于无产阶级政党用什么样的马克思主义、为什么以及怎么样用这样的马克思主义来教育武装无产阶级和人民群众的观点体系,是由邓小平关于马克思主义理论教育的地位、作用、主体、客体、内容、原则、方法、学风等方面的认识所构成的相对独立的、科学的观点体系。邓小平的马克思主义理论教育思想形成与发展的历史条件是革命、建设和改革,理论基础是马列主义、毛泽东思想,思想来源是前人和今人、中国人和外国人的马克思主义理论教育实践经验,主观条件是邓小平的个人素质。邓小平的马克思主义理论教育思想形成发展过程的阶段划分,应该遵循科学的方法论原则,即历史性、客观性和主体性三原则的统一。邓小平的马克思主义理论教育思想形成发展的过程大体上可以分为孕育萌芽(1922年—1929年)、初步形成(1929年—1949年)、深化发展(1949年—1974年)和完善成熟(1975年—1997年)四个阶段。邓小平的马克思主义理论教育思想在其形成与发展过程中,始终展示着其特色即朴实:语言通俗、道理朴实、务实管用。邓小平认为,不同历史时期,党的中心任务不同。同时代的中心任务相比较,马克思主义理论教育处于从属地位,服从和服务于时代的中心任务。社会主义建设时期,经济建设是党的中心任务。邓小平强调要把思想政治工作放在非常重要的地位,提出了政治工作是我们的“真正优势”、“看家本领”的新论断,赋予了政治工作“生命线”地位新的内涵,强化了政治工作“生命线”地位。邓小平在不同历史时期,结合当时的历史条件,多角度地阐述了马克思主义理论教育的重大作用。建设一个成熟的有战斗力的马克思主义政党、启发工人阶级和人民群众的阶级觉悟、为革命、建设和改革提供精神动力和方向保证、巩固和发展安定团结的政治局面、促成良好的社会风气,这是邓小平揭示的马克思主义理论教育的五大作用。这五大作用构成-个有机整体,体现了建党、育人和改造世界的统一改造主观世界和改造客观世界的统一、理论和实践的统一,共同发挥着马克思主义理论教育的重大作用,体现着其“生命线”、“真正优势”、“看家本领”的地位。邓小平认为,无产阶级政党与无产阶级和广大人民群众分别是马克思主义理论教育的主体与客体。马克思主义理论教育主体主要包括:各级党委;职能管理机构:理论研究机构;专门教育机构;革命军队;群团组织;思想战线上的战士马克思主义理论教育主体的特性主要体现在历史性、阶级性、目的性、受约性等方面。马克思主义理论教育主体的特性决定了其具有育人、导向、示范、组织等作用。邓小平对马克思主义理论教育主体的个体素质要求包括思想政治素质、科学文化素质、健康素质和能力素质。其中,思想政治素质方面要求无产阶级党性坚强、理论修养较高、道德高尚、作风良好;科学文化素质方面要求掌握一定的科学文化知识,知识面要广;健康素质方面要求身体健康能够顶得住,乐观积极,心理健康;能力素质要求有鉴别是非的能力、组织能力、管理能力、指挥能力、语言文字表达能力等。社会主义建设和改革时期,邓小平提出了“人人都要改造”、“教育人民成为‘四有’人民”的思想。“人人”是指全国人民,具体地说包括工人、农民、知识分子、中国人民解放军。其中,干部是关键客体,青年是重点客体。马克思主义理论教育客体具有历史性和主体性即能动性、自主性、创造性等特性;具有决策参与、进展制约、效果体现等作用。中国共产党与工人阶级和人民群众作为马克思主义理论教育主体与客体存在着相互依存、相互转化的关系。任何人都要不断地学习,不断地改造。邓小平认为,马列主义是马克思主义理论教育最根本的内容。学习马列主义有着重大意义:学习马列主义就是在为我们的思想和我们的党打牢理论基础;只有学习马列主义,才能提高我们解决新问题的本领;只有学习马列主义,才能把马克思主义理论本身推向前进;学习马列主义,可以更加坚定我们的共产主义信念;学习马列主义,可以少犯错误,防止迷失方向和变质。毛泽东思想是马克思主义理论教育的根本内容。学习毛泽东思想意义重大:可以提高党员的水平,克服党的理论水平低的弱点,可以提高我们解决新问题的本领,可以发展马克思主义理论,可以使我们向前看,可以纯净党的组织,可以使我们少犯错误,可以澄清各种混乱思想,防止迷失方向和变质;只有以毛泽东思想为指导,党领导的中国革命、建设和改革才能取得成功;不坚持毛泽东思想,我们要犯历史性的大错误。邓小平理论是新时期马克思主义理论教育的中心内容。改革开放以来,在强调以马列主义、毛泽东思想为根本内容进行马克思主义理论教育的同时,邓小平与时俱进地创造性地提出了邓小平理论,并有意识地把它作为新时期的中心内容进行马克思主义理论教育。学习邓小平理论,是坚定不移地坚持党的“一个中心、两个基本点”的基本路线的需要;对于我们认清大局,坚定信念,坚持党的基本理论和基本路线不动摇,团结全党和全国人民做好各项工作,具有极其重要的意义。邓小平在新的历史条件下对红与专的辩证关系作了全面的精辟的阐述:专不等于红,也不等于白;专在一定意义上也可以说是红的表现;红一定要专;红专结合、红专统一。“四有”是一个有机的统一的整体,有理想与有文化,相互促进,相互补充,协调发展。邓小平主张和坚持灌输、党性、疏导、教育与物质利益相结合等马克思主义理论教育的原则。灌输是他人灌输和自我灌输的辩证统一。进行灌输,理论教育主体要有民主精神,要启发学生向着更广更深的方向发展,要注重自我教育、自我灌输,发挥马克思主义理论教育客体的主体性。改革开放新时期,邓小平特别强调了党性原则的两个方面:坚持四项基本原则;加强纪律性。坚持疏导原则有着重要意义:这是贯彻党的群众路线、保证党的领导正确的需要;这是解决人民内部矛盾、维护社会稳定的需要;这是尊重人的思想、行为活动规律的要求。正确地坚持疏导原则,必须坚持主导性与多样性的统一;又疏又导,疏导结合;疏导与法纪手段相结合。邓小平倡导理论教育与物质利益相结合,其道理有:精神文明说到底是从物质文明来的;如果马克思主义不能带来人民生活的改善,谁还相信马克思主义?其基本要求是:要把理论教育同解决群众的实际利益问题相结合;要实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的方针;既要适用于理论教育客体,也要适用于理论教育主体。邓小平提出和坚持了拿笔杆子、透彻说理、从容讨论、榜样示范、因材施教等马克思主义理论教育的方法。实现领导最广泛的方法是用笔杆子。邓小平对领导干部提出了要学会写文章的要求。透彻说理有着重要意义:只有透彻说理,才能说服群众;完全采用压制的办法,可在表面上收到一些效果但绝不巩固,更不会发扬群众的自动性,保持一致。其基本要求是采取民主的谦和的态度、循循善诱、积极耐烦、调查研究、充分说理。民主讨论的重要作用:才能使自己进步;能够集思广益;能够创新。榜样示范意义重大:党员、干部成为工作中的模范,是保证党的领导的重要条件之一;党员、干部不能成为群众的模范,就不合格;搞精神文明,关键是以身作则:国家的命运、党的命运、人民的命运需要有一个能够成为榜样的领导集体。因材施教的具体要求:要按照理论教育客体的经历、年龄、性别、阶级阶层、民族等的差异区别对待;要按照理论教育客体的才能和品德的差异区别对待;要按照时间地点的不同区别对待:对于同志的缺点或错误,要区别不同的情形采取不同的方针;对于各种错误倾向,应根据不同对象进行解释或者出而反对。马克思主义理论教育的最根本问题是学风问题。邓小平始终坚持理论联系实际的马克思主义学风。他认为,理论联系实际,就是从实际出发,把实践经验加以概括。一切从实际出发、把实践经验加以概括,本身都内含一个前提:以马克思主义的基本立场、观点和方法为指导。可以用“结合”一词来概括邓小平阐发的理论联系实际的马克思主义学风的科学内涵。“结合”,即把马克思主义普遍真理与具体实际相结合,走自己的路。邓小平认为,学风问题是确定政治路线基础的思想路线问题,是关系到党和国家生死存亡的政治问题。“学马列要精,要管用”是马克思主义学风的根本要求。学马列要“精”,就是说要精通它,把握其精髓;要“管用”包含两层意思:要能有效地解决思想理论问题;要能进行理论创新,用创新理论去有效地解决革命、建设和改革中遇到的各种工作实践问题。要“精”是要“管用”的前提,要“管用”是要“精”的目的。它们之间是学习与实践、掌握原理与解决问题、坚持与发展的关系。“要精,要管用”,就是要求我们在学马列时要做到学以致用、用以促学、学用结合。邓小平提出了实事求是、走群众路线、坚持百家争鸣的方针、提倡学术交流、端正党风、反对主观主义学风等培养马克思主义学风的途径。其中,实事求是、走群众路线是最主要的两条。邓小平的马克思主义理论教育思想是邓小平的一大贡献,具有重要的理论价值与实践价值。从理论价值上说,它以一系列新的思想观点丰富发展了马克思主义理论教育思想,在马克思主义理论教育思想发展史上起到了承前启后、继往开来的作用;全面揭示了马克思主义理论教育的本质和规律,有助于我们深化对马克思主义理论教育本质和规律的认识。从实践价值上说,它作为邓小平理论和邓小平教育理论的一部分,为建设马克思主义学习型政党和学习型社会奠定了理论基石;为推进马克思主义“三化”提供了理论指南;为我们提高思想政治教育的针对性、实效性、吸引力和感染力提供了深刻启示;为我们正确看待意识形态领域新变化贡献了卓越智慧。

【Abstract】 Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist theoretical education refers to Deng Xiaoping’s view system on the proletarian party use what kind of Marxism, why and how to use this to educate and arm the proletariat and the masses, is the relatively independent scientific point of view system constituted by Deng Xiaoping’s understanding about the status, role, subject, object, content, principles, methods, study style and other aspects of Marxist theoretical education.The historical conditions of the formation and development of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist theoretical education is revolution, construction and reform, the theoretical basis is Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, the ideological sources is practical experience of Marxist theoretical education of past and modern people, Chinese and foreign, the subjective conditions is Deng Xiaoping’s personal qualities.The Stages of the development process of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist theoretical education should follow the principles of scientific methodology, that is the unity of three principles of historic,objectivity and subjectivity, the development process of Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist theoretical education can be divided into the breeding budding (1922-1929), the initial formation of (1929-1949), the deepening of development (1949-1974) and the improved maturity (1975-1997) of four stages. In its formation and development process, Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist theoretical education always exhibits its characteristics i.e.guileless:language popular, the reason is simple, practical works.Deng Xiaoping believes that, at different historical periods,the party’s central task is different. Compared to the central task of contemporary Marxist theoretical education is in a subordinate position, subordinating to and serving the central task of the times. Period of socialist construction, economic construction is the central task of the party. Deng Xiaoping emphasized that we should put ideological and political work on a very important position, and put forward the new thesis that political work is the "real advantage", "special skill", given the political work"lifeline" of the status of new content, and strengthen the political work "lifeline" status. Deng Xiaoping in different historical periods, combined with the prevailing historical conditions, multi-angle expounded the important role of Marxist theoretical education. To fight to build a mature Marxist political party, inspire class consciousness of the working class and the masses,to provide spiritual impetus and direction for the revolution, construction and reform, to consolidate and develop political stability and unity, to lead to a good social atmosphere, which are the five top role of Marxist theoretical education revealed by Deng Xiaoping, these five roles constitute an organic whole, reflecting the unity of constructing Party, Educating people and transforming the world, the unity of transforming the objective world and remolding the subjective world, the unity of theory and practice, commonly play a major role of Marxist theoretical education, embody the The "Lifeline", the "real advantage", "special skill" position.Deng Xiaoping believes that the proletarian party and the proletariat and the masses are the subject and object of Marxist theoretical education. The subject of Marxist theoretical education includes:all levels of party committees; functional management institutions; theoretical research institutions; specialized educational institutions; revolutionary army; mass organizations; fighters on the ideological front.The characteristics of subject of Marxist theoretical education is mainly reflected in the historical nature, class nature, purpose nature, subject nature. The characteristics of subject of Marxist theoretical education decides its the role of Educating people, guidance, demonstration, organization. The individual quality requirements of Marxist theoretical education subject put forwaid by Deng Xiaoping includes the main ideological and political qualities, scientific and cultural qualities and health qualities and ability and quality. Among them, the ideological and political quality requires a strong proletarian party, theoretical training, high moral character, good style; scientific and cultural qualities requires to master certain aspects of the scientific and cultural knowledge, knowledge should be broad; the health is healthy to hold up, optimistic and positive, mental health; ability and quality requires the ability to distinguish right and wrong, organizational skills, management skills, command capability, language skills and so on. The period of socialist construction and reform, Deng Xiaoping proposed the "everyone must reform", "educate the people as’Four’ people" thought. "Everyone" refers to people across the country, specifically including workers, peasants, intellectuals, the PLA.Among them the cadres is the key object, youth is the Emphasis object. The subject of Marxist theoretical education has the characteristics of historic and Subjectivity i.e.the initiative, autonomy, creativity; with the of role of participation in decision making, progress constraints, the effect is reflected. Chinese Communist Party and the working class and the masses as the subject and object of Marxist theoretical education are interdependent and mutually transforming relationships. Everyone has to keep learning, continue to transform.Deng Xiaoping believes that the Marxism-Leninism is the most fundamental educational content of Marxist theoretical education. Studying Marxism-Leninism is of great significance:studying Marxism-Leninism is laying a solid theoretical basis in our thoughts and our party; only studying Marxism-Leninism can improve our ability to solve new problems; only studying Marxism-Leninism can advance Marxist theory; studying Marxism-Leninism can be more firmly to our belief in communism; studying Marxism-Leninism can make fewer mistakes, to prevent disorientation and deterioration. Mao Zedong Thought is the fundamental content of Marxist theoretical education. Studying Mao Zedong Thought is of great significance:can increase the level of party members, the party’s theory of the low level of overcoming the weaknesses, can improve our ability to solve new problems, to develop Marxist theory, allows us to look ahead can clean the party’s organization, can so that we make fewer mistakes, to clarify a variety of confused thinking, disorientation and to prevent deterioration; only puting Mao Zedong Thought as the guide, the party leadership of the Chinese revolution, construction and reform to be successful; do not adhere to Mao Zedong believes, we commit a historic error.Deng Xiaoping Theory is the center content of Marxist theoretical education of the New era. Since reform and opening, Deng Xiaoping emphasizes on Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought as the basic content of Marxist theoretical education, at the same time,he creatively put forward Deng Xiaoping Theory, and consciously use it as a central content of the new era of Marxist theoretical education. Studying Deng Xiaoping Theory is need to firmly adhere to the party’s "one center, two basic points" of the basic line;is extremely important for us to understand the overall situation, strong faith, uphold the Party’s basic theory and basic line, uniting the whole Party and all the people doing the work, are extremely important.Under the new historical conditions, Deng Xiaoping provides a comprehensive and brilliant exposition about Dialectical relationship Both red and Professional:Professional does not mean red or white; in a certain sense, Professional is the performance of the red; red must be Professional;Red and Professional must integrate. "Four possessing" is an organic unity, "possessing ideal " and "possessing culture" promote each other,complement each other, coordinately advance.Deng Xiaoping Stands and adheres the principles of Marxist theoretical education such as indoctrination,party character, persuasion, education and material benefits of combining. Indoctrination is the dialectical unity of self-taught and other-taught. The subject of Marxist theoretical education should have the spirit of democracy, inspire students toward broader and deeper direction, focus on self-education, self-indoctrination, exert the Subject of the object of Marxist theoretical education. New era of reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping emphasized two aspects of the Party’s principles:adhere to the four cardinal principles; strengthen discipline. Adhering to the principle of persuasion has great significance:This is in line with the Party’s mass line, ensuring the needs of the correct leadership of the party; it is to solve contradictions among the people, the need to maintain social stability; This is respect for human thought, behavior requirements of the law. In order to Adhere to the principle of persuasion rightly, we must adhere to the dominance and diversity in unity; sparse and guidance, combining with persuasion; sparse and guidance combining the means of law and order. Deng Xiaoping initiates the combination between theoretical education and material interests.the reason are: spiritual civilization in the final analysis comes from the material; If Marxism can not bring to improve the lives of the people, who believe in Marxism? The basic requirements are:theoretical education should address the masses with the combination of the practical interests; to encourage the implementation of the spirit-based, supplemented by the principle of material incentives; theoretical education should not only apply to the object, but also for theoretical education subjects. Deng Xiaoping adheres to Marxist theoretical education methods such as taking the pen, thorough reasoning, calm discussion, model demonstration, individualized education.Deng Xiaoping put forward the requirements for the leading cadres to learn to write. Thorough reasoning is of great significance:only thorough reasoning can convince the masses; completely suppressed way, you can receive some effect on the surface but not consolidated, the masses will not carry forward automatically, maintaining consistent. The basic requirement is to take democracy and humble attitude, patience, positive patient, research, and the full reasoning. The important roles of democratic discussion are:to make their own progress; to brainstorming; to innovation. Great significance of Model demonstration are:Party members and cadres to become a model for the work, is to ensure that the leadership of the party one of the important; party members, cadres can not be a model for the masses to fail; engaging in spiritual civilization, the key is to set a good example:the fate of nations, the party’s fate, the fate of the people need a collective leadership could become a role model. Individualized specific requirements:theoritical education is in accordance with the object of experience, age, gender, class, class, ethnic and other differences in discrimination; to be in accordance with the object of theoretical education and the distinction between morality; to the different time and place according to different treatment; For the comrades of the shortcomings or mistakes, to distinguish between different situations to take a different approach; for a variety of erroneous tendencies, should be interpreted according to different objects or out of the opposition.The most fundamental problem of Marxist theoretical education is the study style. Deng Xiaoping always adhere to the Marxist study style of the combination of theory and practice. He believes that the combination of theory and practice theory is that Proceeding from reality, summarizing the practical experience. Proceeding from reality, summarizing the practical experience, contain a premise:take the basic stand, viewpoint and method of Marxist as a guide.We can use "combination" to summarize the scientific content of the Marxist study style by Elucidated by Deng Xiaoping."Combination", that is, the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete reality and go its own way. Deng Xiaoping believes that study style is a problem of ideological line to determine the basis of the political line, a political problems relating to the survival of the party and the country’s political."Studying Marxism-Leninism must be refined, be effective" is the fundamental requirement of the Marxist study style. To study Marxism-Leninism "fine", that is to master it, to grasp its essence; to be "effective" contains two meanings:to be able to effectively address the ideological and theoretical issues; to be able to carry out theoretical innovation, with innovation theory to effectively address the revolution, construction and reform work in the practical problems encountered. To be "fine" is the prerequisite of to be "effective",to be "effective" is the purpose of to be "fine". The relations between them is the study and practice, to master theory and to solve the problem, sticking and development. "To be fine, to be effective" requires us to study Marxism-Leninism is the time to do apply their knowledge to promote learning, learning with a combination. Deng Xiaoping put forward ways of culturing Marxist study style,such as Seeking truth from facts the, following the mass line, adhering to the principle of lively debate, promoting academic exchanges, correcting party style, fighting against the subjective study style.Among them, Seeking truth from facts, follow the mass line is the most important of the two.Deng Xiaoping’s Thought on Marxist theoretical education is a major contribution of Deng Xiaoping, having important theoretical value and practical value. From the theoretical value, its puts forward series of new ideas and views to enrich and develop the Thoughts on Marxist theoretical education,in the history of Marxist theoretical education plays a link between past and future of role; fully reveals the essence and law of Marxist theoretical education,which will help us further understand and grasp the essence and law. From the practical value, as part of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Deng Xiaoping educational theory,lays a theoretical foundation to learning to build a Marxist party and the learning society; provides a theoretical guidance to promote the Marxist "three transformations"; provides a deep inspiration for us to improve the ideological and Political relevance, effectiveness, attractiveness and appeal; contributes an outstanding wisdom for us to correctly view the new changes in the ideological field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】A849;G40-09
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1752
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