

Community of Macrobenthic and Shorebirds in YanCheng Nature Reserve

【作者】 侯森林

【导师】 鲁长虎;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 鸻鹬类是典型的湿地鸟类,是海岸和湖泊等自然生态系统中的一个非常重要的组成成分,其数量的多少是衡量湿地重要性的标准之一。中途停歇地的食物供应对鸻鹬类补充能量以便顺利完成迁徙并成功繁殖至关重要。盐城自然保护区是东亚-澳大利亚候鸟迁徙路线上鸻鹬类重要的中途停歇地,为了研究盐城自然保护区对鸻鹬类的支持作用,为鸻鹬类的保护提供科学依据,本课题选在射阳河口滩涂,研究该区内作为鸻鹬类食物的大型底栖动物的资源情况、分析潮间带底栖动物的生态位及互花米草对大型底栖动物的影响;继而对该区迁徙期、越冬期鸻鹬类的资源情况以及春、冬2季大型底栖动物和鸻鹬类的关系进行研究。主要结果如下:1、研究地潮间带共有大型底栖动物16种,各生境的物种数不同。生境条件与潮间带大型底栖动物群落组成结构有一定的关系,同一生境大型底栖动物群落季节间差异不显著。焦河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula ustulata)和明细白樱蛤(Macoma praetexta)的生态位较宽,中国绿螂(Glaucomya chinensis)和四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis)较窄。不同的物种间生态位重叠值差异较大。物种生态位宽度、物种之间的生态位重叠值与物种的时空分布和数量密切相关。2、研究地滩涂共发现大型底栖动物22种。米草区和非米草区的物种组成不同,不同生境中的互花米草对底栖动物的影响不甚相同:潮间带互花米草的入侵降低了大型底栖动物的物种数、密度、生物量和多样性;潮沟米草的入侵提高了大型底栖动物的物种数、密度和多样性;而潮上带米草入侵对大型底栖动物的各指标影响不一。3、研究地内共统计到鸻鹬类22种,这些种类在春季均能看到,秋季13种,冬季仅8种;黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)是3个季节共同的优势种,春季、秋季和冬鸻鹬类的数量比值约为3:1:1.5;3个季节鸻鹬类的密度在生境间的差异均显著;3个季节,鸻鹬类物种数和Shannon-weinner多样性指数最多的均是潮沟,密度较高的是高潮带光滩、中潮带光滩和潮沟,数量最多的高潮带光滩和中潮带光滩;养殖塘也有一定数量的鸻鹬类分布,但密度较低,多以栖息为主;春季多数鸟类的迁徙高峰在4月中下旬,结束于5月中下旬,不同的类群迁徙高峰略有差异。4、底栖动物密度较高的生境,鸻鹬类的密度也较高。春季,嘴长50mmm以上鸻鹬类的密度与甲壳类密度显著正相关,嘴长25mm以下鸻鹬类密度与双壳类密度及底栖动物总密度显著正相关,嘴长25-50mm鸻鹬类密度与任何一类底栖动物均未表现出明显相关性;冬季,三种嘴长的鸻鹬类与各类型底栖动物均未表现出相关性。春季,视觉连续型觅食策略鸻鹬类密度与甲壳类密度显著正相关,触觉连续型觅食策略鸻鹬类密度双壳类密度及底栖动物总密度显著正相关,而奔——停型觅食策略鸻鹬类密度与栖息地内的各类底栖动动物均无显著相关性;冬季,3种觅食策略鸻鹬类与各类底栖动物均未表现出明显的相关性。春、秋季各类别鸻鹬类比例与面上型和面下型底栖动物的比例相关性均不显著。觅食策略相同的物种或主要食物的组成上存在差异,或主食食物的种类较多。取食行为与食物的可得性关系密切,对于同一类别的食物它们更倾向于取食密度较高的种类。

【Abstract】 Shorebirds (Charadriiformes) are typical waterbirds wading in wetlands, as a very important component of the coastal and lake ecological system, the number of shorebirds is a measure of wetlands value. The food provided by stopover sites along the flyway are vital for shorebirds to refuel and finish their migration to the breeding ground. Yancheng Nature Reserve is an important stopsite for shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF). In order to study the role of Yancheng Nature Reserve on supporting the migration of shorebirds and provide scientific data to shorebirds conservation. In Sheyang estuary, the macrobenthos are the main food resources of shorebirds, the paper studied the resources status of macrobenthos, analysed the niche of macrobenthos on the tidal flat and the effect of Spartina alterniflora invasion on them.in addition, studied the resources status of shorebirds during the northward and southward migration and wintering period and the relationship between macrobenthos and shorebirds in spring and winter. The main results were as follows:1.We found a total of 16 species of macrobenthic on intertidal flats of Sheyang estuary, Yancheng Nature Reserve. The species numbers found at 4 sampling plots (intertidal zone with Spartina alterniflora, high, middle and low tidal flat without plants) were different. The habitat variation was much more important reason of macrobenthic community distribution than the season. The Potamocorbula ustulata and Macoma praetextadensity had broader niche breadths, however the Glaucomya chinensis and Mactra veneriformis were narrower. There were great differences in the niche overlaps among all the species. The niche breadth and niche overlaps had close relationship with the species spatio-temporal distribution and quantity.2. We found a total of 22 species of macrobenthic on tidal flats in Sheyang estuary, Yancheng Nature Reserve. The compositions of species between 2 contrast team(area with Spartina alterniflora and area without Spartina alterniflora) of each group were different. The effect of Spartina alterniflora from different habitats was different: either reduced the number of species, density, biomass and biodiversity in intertidal flat or enhanced these indices except for biomass in creek, however, the effect of Spartina alterniflora invasion on all indices was inconsistent in supralittoral zone.3. A total of 22 species were observed at Sheyang Estuary, Yancheng Nature Reserve., we can found all spcies in spring,13 species can be found in autumn, there were only 8 species in winter. The Dunlin(Calidris alpina) was the dominant species in 3 seasons and the percentage of number of shorebirds was 3:1:1.5 in spring, autumn and winter. The density of shorebirds existed significant difference among habitats in spring, autumn and winter; the great number of species and Shannon-weinner diversity index were all found at creek in 3 seasons, The density of shorebirds was the much bigger at the high tidal flat without plants, middle tidal flat without plants and creek, the number of shorebirds were the biggest at high and middle tidal flat without plants; the shorebirds were also found at aquaculture ponds, but the density was very low and most of them inhabited in there. The migratory peak period was the last ten to twenty day in April, and finish at the last ten to twenty day in May, different species had few difference at the migratory peak period.4. The habitat with higher density of macrobenthic had much more shorebirds. the densities of shorebirds with bill-length beyond 50mm were remarkable positive correlation with the densities of Crustacean, the densities of shorebirds with bill-length below 25mm were remarkable positive correlation with the densities of Bivalve, however, the densities of shorebirds with bill-length between 25-50mm weren’t remarkable correlation with the densities of several forms of macrobenthic in spring; but the densities of shorebirds with 3 kind of bill-length weren’t remarkable correlation with the densities of several forms of macrobenthic in winter. The densities of visual continuous shorebirds were remarkable positive correlated with the densities of Crustacean, the densities of Tactile continuous shorebirds were remarkable positive correlation with the densities of Bivalve, however, the densities of Pause-travel shorebirds weren’t remarkable correlation with the densities of several forms of macrobenthic in spring; 3 foraging strategy shorebirds weren’t remarkable correlation with the densities of every forms of macrobenthic in winter. The percentages of each categories of shorebirds weren’t remarkablely correlated to the percentages of epifauna and infauna life forms. The species with same foraging strategy had either different main food or many kinds of food. the gained food affect foraging behaviour of shorebirds, for same type food, they are apt to select the species with high density.

  • 【分类号】Q958.8
  • 【下载频次】239