

Study on the Development of Processing Technology and Equipment of Chinese Furniture Industry in the 20th Century

【作者】 陈铭

【导师】 吴智慧;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 家具设计与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪中国家具工业经过一个世纪的发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就。回顾总结20世纪中国家具工业加工技术与设备发展的历史,可以进一步完善中国家具史学内容与体系。另外,从家具加工技术与设备的角度来解读20世纪中国家具工业的发展轨迹,并总结出相关经验与结论,将有助于家具业界进一步完整地理解中国家具工业发展的脉络和趋势,从而保证中国家具工业在现今复杂多变的背景下能继续高速健康发展。本文通过一系列科学的调查总结、归纳分析之方法,提出20世纪中国家具工业加工技术与设备发展特点,并总结出其发展之规律与模式。利用德尔菲法(Delphi)研究中国家具工业未来5-20年家具加工技术与模式,并进行相关关键技术的预测。进而提出中国家具工业加工模式发展和应用的要点与趋势。具体研究内容和结论如下:(1)20世纪中国家具工业发展早期(即1901-1949年)属于“传统手工与设备萌芽”阶段。此阶段,加工技术以手工操作为主;加工设备以手工工具为主;存在极少量引进的国外家具制造设备,加工设备自主研制生产能力极度匮乏。传统家具生产采用手工工具进行制作,锯、刨、凿、钻、雕、镶和嵌等传统工艺和工具仍在沿用。机械加工设备以进口为主,国内极少企业只能生产一些简易设备,家具加工机械设备制造行业处于萌芽阶段。(2)20世纪中国家具工业发展中期(即1949-1978年)属于“自主研制与半机械化”阶段。此阶段,加工技术前期手工操作为主,后逐步半机械化,辅之以手工操作;加工设备以单机机加工机械为主,测绘仿制与自主研制并重。各地家具企业研制大量土制家具加工设备,随后在建国前的几个木工机械企业的基础上建立众多家具木工机械企业,初步形成了家具制造设备的生产体系。金属、软体等新型家具种类也促使设备演变与发展。(3)20世纪中国家具工业发展后期(即1978-2000年)属于“大量引进与吸收创新”阶段。此阶段,加工技术以机械化为主,辅之以信息化;加工设备机械化程度增大,自主研发能力加强,加工设备品种与质量都有所提高,非木质家具加工技术与设备发展加快。家具加工技术和设备发展采取一方面加大引进吸收,另一方面加大自主创新的方式。家具制造设备的机械化程度也有了很大的改观,部分设备具备了信息化加工的能力。同时,国内的家具机械设备制造业也发展迅速,改变了中国家具工业加工制造的技术水平和面貌。(4)通过分析归纳,将20世纪中国家具工业加工技术与设备发展过程中产生过较大影响的因素总结为①家具加工机械设备制造业发展水平;②新材料、新工艺与新家具类型;③政治经济体制的转变,等等。(5)分析了台湾家具木工机械业发展过程与轨迹,总结其发展规律,得到以下有益结论:①保持价格优势,加快交货速度;②提高产品操作性,强化零部件易取性;③政府加强扶持,行业协会领头;④加大产品研发,提高数控水平。(6)分析中国家具工业制造模式现状与趋势,整理制造模式的研究与应用进展。采用德尔菲法(Delphi)调查研究中国家具工业未来5-20年家具加工技术与模式,并进行相关关键技术的预测。指明了家具制造模式的改进与更新是中国家具工业制造水平提高的重要方法和途径。研究得到了适用于目前中国家具工业的综合性先进适用制造模式种类的应用重点。

【Abstract】 The splendid achievements of Chinese furniture industry in the 20th century have been made after 100 years’development. A retrospect of furniture processing technology and equipment in the 20th Century can help complete the Chinese furniture history. Otherwise the experiences and conclusions would be summarized after unscrambling the development course of Chinese furniture industry in the 20th century under the angle of furniture processing technology and equipment, which would be helpful to understand the course and trend of Chinese furniture industry. And then, the Chinese furniture industry would continue the healthy and high-speed development under the complicated and unconstant background nowadays.The history of processing technology and equipment of Chinese furniture industry in the 20th century has been classified by means of serial scientific methods, the rules and modes were sumed up. The processing technology and manufacturing styles of Chinese furniture industry in the next 5-20 year have been studied by Delphi method, and the related key technologies have been predicted.The important points and trends of Chinese furniture industry manufacturing Styles were indicated ulteriorly.The study contents and results are as follows:(1) The forepart of processing technology and equipment of Chinese furniture industry in the 20th century(1901~1949) is "the phase of traditional handicraft and equipment origination"In this period, the furniture was manufactured by handcraft methods and tools; only few equipment was imported abroad, the ability of furniture manufacturing equipment was weak. Traditional furniture was made by handcraft tools, such as Ju(saw), Bao(plane), Zao(chisel), Zuan(bore), Diaoke(graver), xiangqian(mosaic), etc. The modern equipments almost imported abroad; few domestic enterprises could manufacture few simple equipment. The furniture equipment manufacture industry was just begun.(2) The interim of processing technology and equipment of Chinese furniture industry in the 20th century (1949~1978) is "the phase of manufacture independently and half-mechanization".In this period, the furniture was manufactured by handcraft methods and tools at the beginning, then changed to half-mechanization step by step; the equipments were manufactured independently or strypped-down by mapping. Many furniture enterprises started manufacture home-made equipments. Subsequently, many furniture woodworking machine factories were established under the base of several woodworking machine factories upbuilded before 1949, which formed the manufacture system of furniture equipment industry. Other kinds of furniture also were of advantage to the development of furniture equipment. (3) The anaphase of processing technology and equipment of Chinese furniture industry in the 20th century(1978-2000) is "the phase of indraught and innovation".In this period, the furniture was manufactured by mechanization equipment, even informationization equipment; the mechanization level of equipment was getting higher, the ability of innovation was getting stronger, the sort and quality of equipments was enhanced; the processing technology and equipment of other furniture kinds was developed rapidly.The processing technology and equipment of furniture industry was developed by bay-line and independent innovation. The furniture equipments were mechanised, integrant equipments indeed had informationization machining capability. At the same time, the domestic furniture equipment manufacturing industry was also developing rapidly that changed the whole processing condition of Chinese furniture industry.(4) The primary influencing factors are summarized as:①development level of furniture manufacturing machinery industry;②new material, new technics and new furniture categories;③politics and economy system transformation.(5) The development course and current situation of Taiwan furniture woodworking machinery industry were analysed. The development rules were summarized. Subsequently the useful conclusions are concluded, such as:①keeps price predominance, speeds consignment;②increases product maneuverability, intensifies easy accessibility of accessory;③government supports, industry association leads;④increases product innovation, improves numerical control level of product.(6) The actuality and trend of Chinese furniture industry manufacturing styles were studied. Then the main manufacturing styles and the research actuality of them were summarized. The processing technology of Chinese furniture industry in 5~20 years were studied by Delphi method, and the key technologies were foresighted. The development trends and application points were concluded. Finally, the conclusion that amelioration of manufacturing styles is the key to improve the level of Chinese furniture industry was pointed out.

  • 【分类号】F426.4
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