

【作者】 伍蕾

【导师】 郑向敏;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代市场变异性增强、信息技术发展、竞争的激烈化促使企业“外包”这种新型的管理模式逐渐成为了理论界和企业界的焦点,但是企业如何进行外包运作与管理仍是“黑箱”里的一部分,其导致了外包决策的模糊性和非科学化。本文旨在实际调查我国饭店业务外包现状的基础上,对饭店业务外包的模式选择及风险规避进行测度以及分析,力图打开此中作用机制的黑箱,深入剖析饭店业务外包模式选择时应该考虑的因素及其对饭店绩效的影响,为我国尚处于起步阶段的饭店业务外包实践提供一种新思维。具体而言,本文采用理论与实证研究相结合,文献阅读与调查访谈相结合、定性与定量研究相结合的方法,逐层深入地研究了以下三个问题:一是我国饭店业务外包模式如何划分?二是如何进行我国饭店业务外包模式选择;三是我国饭店业务外包风险如何规避?通过上述研究工作,本文得出以下主要结论:(1)调查结果显示:全国性饭店业务外包市场普遍存在,外包率高达92%,且不受地域、规模和星级限制。然而,目前我国饭店业务外包整体运作管理水平还不够规范和成熟,大多数停留于初期、摸索阶段,具体体现为偶然性、盲目性和非系统性。(2)笔者在借鉴前人研究基础上,建立我国饭店业务外包模式划分指标体系。该体系采用分层递阶制,按照外包特征和包容性划分成4个层级、8项指标。根据每前一级指标都涵盖了后一级指标两个方面原则,笔者将我国饭店业务外包模式划分为两大类型,16种模式。其中,两大类型是按照一级指标外包形式,从外包结构、外包选择、外包交易、外包关系、外包效果五大特性划分为紧密型和松散型;在此基础上,再按照二级(外包业务)、三级(外包程度)、四级(外包管理权限)指标依次划分为16种模式。(3)饭店业务外包模式选择主要依赖于两方面:一是选择维度,即如何进行饭店业务外包模式选择;二是选择结果,即饭店业务外包模式如何影响饭店绩效。在借鉴前人研究的基础上,笔者将饭店业务外包选择维度归纳为三个层面:外包战略、外包成本和外包关系。进而构建“模式选择-模式-绩效”概念模型,深入研究外包模式与饭店绩效的关系。在对130家星级饭店问卷调查访谈的基础上,经过理论预设、数据收集与分析,运用了探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析构建并验证相关测度量表,并采用结构方程建模的方法对所提出的概念模型进行验证与修正,深入分析外包模式选择因素及其对饭店绩效的影响。结果显示:外包战略、外包成本、外包关系是我国饭店业务外包模式选择的三大因素,进而均对饭店绩效产生正面影响。然而,在选定的业务外包模式下,其对饭店绩效影响甚微。环境动态性可以调节外包模式和绩效之间的关系。(4)笔者通过调查饭店业务外包结果与预期的差异性来确定外包风险,结果显示:尽管我国饭店经营者普遍对业务外包风险持有乐观态度,但现实中存在的成本、质量和关系三大风险后果将直接降低饭店业务外包的成功率。故笔者提出我国饭店业务外包风险规避模型:即从机会主义治理、协调和关系建立三大机制来规避风险。纵观全文,本文基于交易成本、核心竞争力、社会交换等相关理论,围绕饭店业务外包模式选择及风险规避这一基本问题,在以下三个方面进行了创新性研究:(1)以外包模式为起点来破解现阶段我国饭店业务外包早期学者对外包模式的划分主要分成两个阶段:单维度和多维度阶段,且每个阶段中都包含了定性和定量研究。但由于类型过多,缺乏系统性,也无法体现饭店行业的本质特征,故笔者分别从外包形式、外包业务、外包程度、外包管理权限四个维度来建立饭店业务外包模式划分指标体系,并在此基础上,分别从外包战略、外包成本和外包关系三维度解构饭店业务外包模式选择模型。因此,更为清晰和完整地阐述了饭店业务外包模式是什么,其划分标准和选择要素是什么,从而为饭店业务外包模式选择、建立和管理提供了理论支持。(2)构建“模式选择-模式-绩效”概念模型现有的文献对外包与绩效之间的关系分析,分别有正面影响、负面影响、无影响和混合影响四种关系。值得注意的是,绩效在现今的外包研究中并不是一个清晰定义了的度量方法,虽然论著颇多,但比较分散、不系统,且许多观点还有争议。因此,业务外包与绩效的关系是模糊不确定的。在借鉴前人研究基础上,笔者也试图通过实证研究,来确定饭店业务外包模式与绩效之间的关系,也从另一维度来决定饭店业务外包模式的选择。(3)对内外部环境给饭店带来的风险研究进行了推演。本文将Leary(1990)、Lacity & Hischheim(1993)、Cross ( 1995 )、Earl&Ne1son(1996)、Nelson(1996)、Aubert ( 1998 )、Patry ( 2000 )、Lacity&Willcooks(2000)、Rivard(2001);田晓军(1999)、杨英(2001)、徐姝(2004)、李小卯(2006)等学者的外包风险研究引入到饭店业中,在识别饭店业务外包的风险因素基础上,建立了饭店业务外包风险规避机制。

【Abstract】 With the increased variability in the modern market, information technology development, strategic management theory of the development and intensification of competition , it enables companies to "outsource" . The new management model has gradually become one focus of theory and business circles. But the business operation and management of outsourcing is still a "black box" , which led to decision-making fuzzy and non-scientific in outsourcing. This article aims to investigate the actual outsourcing of hotels in china, measure and analyze the model of the hotel business outsourcing options and risk aversion . Trying to open the black box mechanism herein, in-depth analysis of hotel business outsourcing model should be considered in the choice of factors and their impact on hotel performance, in order to offer a new way of thinking for China’s outsourcing practice. Specifically, this paper has combined with three methods, such as theoretical and empirical research, literature to read interviews with the survey, qualitative and quantitative research. And has studied three following questions: First, how should our hotel business outsourcing division? Secondly, what the hotel chose the outsourcing model? Thirdly, how to avoid the risk of outsourcing in hotel?Through this research, the paper reached the following conclusions:(1) Survey demonstration: The National Hotel outsourcing market is shaping, the outsourcing rate reaches 92% without geographical, size and star limit. However, the overall operation of Hotel management outsourcing is immature. Most hotel outsourcing stay in the early exploration stage, it keeps Fortuitousness, blindness and non-systematic.(2) Based on previous studies in reference,the author established division index system of hotel outsourcing . The system uses a hierarchical method, in accordance with the features and inclusive, which be divided into four levels, eight indicators. Based on the principles of indicators under each cover before, the author divided the model of Hotel business outsourcing into two types, 16 models. The two major types of outsourcing in accordance with a target level of the outsourcing structure, selection, transactions and relationship, are divided into compact and loose outsourcing; On this basis, in accordance with the second type (business importance), third type (outsourcing range), forth type (administrative privileges) , then divided into 16 kinds of patterns.(3) Choice of Hotels outsourcing depends on two aspects: one is the selection of the dimensions, the other is the selection of a result. On the basis of previous studies, the author choose the hotel outsourcing dimensions into three levels: strategic outsourcing, outsourcing costs and outsourcing relationships. And then construct the "Mode Selection - Model - performance" concept model, in order to research the relationship between hotel performance and outsourcing model deeply. The results showed that: outsourcing strategies, outsourcing cost, outsourcing relationship are the three factors of model of hotel choice ,which have a positive impact on hotel performance. However, different outsourcing models had no effect on hotel performance. Dynamic environment can adjust the outsourcing model and performance relationship.(4) The author determine the risk of outsourcing through surveys . The results showed that: Although our hotel operators generally hold optimistic about outsourcing risk, but there are three consequences, such as the cost, quality and relationship ,which will directly reduce the success rate of outsourcing in hotel. So the author made hotel business outsourcing risk avoidance model, try to avoid risks from the opportunistic management, coordination and relationship building mechanisms.As a whole, based transaction costs, core competence, social exchange theories, etc, and focusing on the hotel business outsourcing patterns and risk aversion, this paper conducted some innovation as follows:(1) As a starting point, outsourcing model solves the present stage of Hotel Business OutsourcingEarly scholars classified the outsourcing model into two stages: single-dimension and multi-dimensional , and each consists of a qualitative and quantitative research. However, it can not reflect the essential characteristics of the hotel industry. The author build the outsourcing model index system of hotel division, from the degree of outsourcing, business importance, the scope of outsourcing, the authority of management. And on this basis, respectively, deconstructed the hotel business model of outsourcing Mode ,from the outsourcing strategy, cost and relationship.(2) Construction of "Mode choice - Mode - performance" concept model,Performance in today’s outsourcing research is not a clearly defined measurement method. Existing literature on the relationship between outsourcing and performance analysis, respectively, have a positive impact, negative impact, no impact, and mixed effects Relationships. Based on learning from previous studies, the author also tries to determine the relationship between performance and hotel business outsourcing model by empirical research , and make the decision of the choice of hotel outsourcing model from another dimension .(3) Internal and external environment to the risks of the hotel were deduced.This paper introduced previous scholars’ study of the risks of outsourcing into the hotel industry. Based on the identifying risk factors for outsourcing, the author established a outsourcing risk avoidance mechanism in hotel business.

【关键词】 业务外包模式选择风险规避
【Key words】 outsourcingMode selectionrisk aversion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期