

The Study of Marx’s Critical Theory of Religion

【作者】 邵长虎

【导师】 黄海德;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 马克思宗教批判理论在继承全部近代哲学思想理论成果的基础上实现了彻底的革命性变革,颠覆了近代以来哲学家们的全部批判思想,以历史唯物主义的世界观和方法论原则对宗教现象和宗教问题进行了科学的审视和解读,在人类宗教史上第一次科学地阐释了宗教产生和发展变化的客观规律,实现了宗教批判的革命性转向。辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是马克思宗教批判理论的基石,对宗教本质和宗教发展历史的探究,必须考察宗教现象产生的物质基础和宗教每一个发展阶段的社会物质生活条件的发展和变迁,探究宗教现象的发展演进和变化历程与现实社会生产力发展水平以及由生产力发展状况所决定的生产资料所有制关系之间的现实联系。马克思宗教批判理论是马克思对当时的客观社会现实问题和宗教问题进行系统探讨和研究的思想结晶,表明了马克思致力于人类社会的解放事业而奉献毕生精力的思想理论体系在宗教问题上的反映。宗教批判是西方近代哲学发展过程的一个重要特征,确证信仰与理性、神性与人性的关系既成为近代西方哲学发展的内在动力又是近代西方哲学家们必须解决的一个重大问题。马克思宗教批判思想的发展过程经历了由少年时代的宗教虔诚信仰者、中学作文时期表达出的反宗教情结,到大学时代对黑格尔哲学思想的崇拜和青年黑格尔派时期萌发的唯心主义宗教立场,最后发展到建立在历史唯物主义基础之上的科学的宗教批判思想的确立。就马克思本人思想发展的时间顺序来看,马克思对于宗教的批判主要集中体现在马克思青年时代的有关文献中,后期的批判主要立足于经济、政治和社会现实的批判。宗教批判是马克思哲学批判的理论基础和其它一切批判的前提,马克思正是通过宗教批判实现了其哲学思想的革命性变革。马克思从宗教领域的异化现象中发现了经济生活领域中的异化现象,通过对费尔巴哈唯物主义思想的了解和体悟以及对费尔巴哈关于人和宗教的关系的阐释以及异化问题的探究,论述了必须用人的社会本质、人的社会活动和人的社会实践去揭示宗教的本质和人的宗教感情的现实基础,并提出了改变客观世界的社会实践要求。马克思指出:“宗教的本质是现实的、社会的人的本质。宗教感情是社会的产物。社会的人是属于一定的社会形式的。要把社会现实、社会事物、人的感性当作人的感性活动,当作实践去理解。哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,而问题在于改变世界。”马克思关于人的本质理论的阐释彻底超越了费尔巴哈的唯物主义。马克思宗教批判的目的在于实现人的自由和全面的发展,而实现人的全面发展的现实道路是一个现实的而不是虚幻的过程,它以人类社会发展的历史事实为基础,强调必须要摆脱人们对物的依赖性从而构建人的独立性以实现人自身的全面发展。马克思认为,共产主义运动的产生具有历史主体性的特征,是一种自我扬弃、自我超越。共产主义是在社会生产力高度发达的基础上消灭异化劳动和生产资料资本家私人占有制的运动,是社会自身矛盾发展的必然结果。共产主义运动的目的是要彻底改变那种与人相异化、相对抗的社会关系,是这种社会关系包括各种生产关系重新回归与人、为人支配的客观状态。共产主义作为一种理论,它既是一种实践活动,也是一种对未来社会的美好的理想,其最终目的就是要实现人的自由和全面的发展。马克思的哲学思想的发展脉络正是以宗教批判作为切入点,揭示了人在现实的物质资料生产过程中的自我异化现象,阐释了宗教批判、哲学批判、政治批判和社会批判之间的辩证关系,奠定了马克思实践批判的理论前提。共产主义思想作为实现人类解放的重要理论,它具有过程性和历史性的特征,这种过程性和历史性只有在现实社会的矛盾运动和发展中才能得到真正的解释和说明。马克思在宗教批判上取得的理论成果可以视为对于西方传统的宗教批判方式的彻底变革,即从理性的批判到实践的批判,从而确立了马克思宗教批判理论在西方宗教批判史上的重要理论地位。我们应当以西方宗教批判思想发展及其演变的历史为基本线索,解读马克思从人的感性活动出发将宗教归结为全部社会意识形态的一个重要组成部分,并由此重新对宗教本身进行批判和解构。宗教绝不是人类理性的产物,而是人们社会实践活动的产物,宗教是劳动异化后人们生产活动的副产品,从而将对于宗教的批判由理性领域推进到社会生产领域,实现从理性批判到实践批判的革命性变革。马克思和恩格斯认为要实现人们的彻底解放,实现人类的真正幸福,仅对宗教进行理论上的批判不可能消灭宗教,只有通过社会革命唤起人民的觉悟,摧毁宗教赖以产生和生存的社会世俗基础。因为“意识的一切形式和产物不是可以用精神的批判来消灭的,也不是可以通过把他们消融在‘自我意识’中或化为‘幽灵’、‘怪影’、‘怪想’等等来消灭的,而只有实际地推翻这一唯心主义谬论所由产生的现实的社会关系,才能把它们消灭”。说明要消灭潜伏在人们“自我意识”中的“幽灵”、“怪影”和“怪想”,就必须依靠无产阶级通过暴力革命来推翻造成这种现存状况的剥削阶级和剥削制度本身,从而彻底铲除宗教赖以生存的世俗根源,实现人类的真正解放,达到共产主义社会的理想状态。马克思宗教批判理论是马克思哲学思想的重要组成部分,是党和政府在建设有中国特色社会主义进程中正确认识和处理宗教问题的指南。但是,在建国以后的很长时间内,对马克思主义宗教批判理论缺乏实事求是的研究,因此,我们应当把历史唯物主义的发展史和历史唯物主义宗教批判理论的发展史紧密结合起来,深刻把握马克思宗教批判思想的转变历程和历史唯物主义宗教批判理论的形成过程,通过对马克思主义宗教批判理论更加准确完整地加以理解和掌握,为党和政府制定适合中国国情的社会主义宗教政策与构建社会主义和谐社会服务。

【Abstract】 Marx’s critical theory of religion achieved a complete and revolutionary change, which is on the basis of the inheritance of all the ideological and theoretical achievements of modern philosophy. It subverted all the critical thought of the philosophers since the modern times and used historical materialism view and methodology to examine and analyze religious phenomena and religious issues scientifically. It was the first time that man explained the religious generation and development and change of objective laws in the religious history of mankind, achieving the revolutionary shift of religious criticism.Dialectical materialism and historical materialism are the cornerstone of Marx’s Critique of Religion theory. The investigation of the religion nature and the development history of religion must be based on the study on the substantial foundation on which religious phenomena occur, and the progress and change of social substantially living standards in each religious development stages, and explore the development and change of the religious phenomenon during evolution and development of social productive forces and the reality relationship between the production material ownership relationships determined by productivity development statusMarx’s religious criticism theory is the thought crystallization to the social reality, religion’s thoughtful mind. This is Marx’s commitment to the liberation of human society and life-long dedication to the ideological theory of reflection on religion. It is also an embodiment of Marx’s great intelligence and outstanding social insight.The critique of religion is an important feature in the development of modern Western philosophy, the confirmation of the relationship between belief and rationality, divine and human nature becomes both the intrinsic motivation in the development of modern Western philosophy and a major problem that modern western philosophers have to solve. The development of Marxist religious critical has the following processes: devout religious follower in the boyhood, emotion against religious in the secondary period, worship to Hegel’s philosophy at college age during the Young Hegelians idealism religious , and finally built science religious criticism on a foundation of historical materialism.According to the time of the development of Marx’s own thinking, Marx’s critique of religion mainly reflected in the literature of Marxism in his youth, his later criticism is mainly for the economic, political and social reality. Marxist critique of religion is the theoretical basis of philosophical criticism and all other critical prerequisite and he achieved his revolutionary change of philosophy by critique of religion. Max finds the alienation in the areas of economic life from the alienation in the religion. By means of understanding and experience of the Feuerbach’s materialism and Feuerbach’s interpretation of the relationship between human and religion and the exploration of alienation, Max expounds that we must use man’s social essence, social activities and social practice to reveals the essence of religion and realistic basis of religious sentiment, putting forward social practice demands to change the objective world.Marx pointed out: "Religion is the essence of reality, of human nature and of society. Religious affections are products of society. Social person belongs to certain social form. The social reality, social issues and human sensibility must be understood as a human perceptual activity and practice. The philosophers only interpreted the world in different ways, but the problem is to change the world.”Marx’s theory of human nature interpretation is completely beyond the materialism of Feuerbach. Marx’s Critique of Religion aims to achieve the free and comprehensive development of the human, and the realization that man’s comprehensive development is not an illusory process, but a real process, It based on the history facts of development of human society, stressed the need to get rid of man’s dependence on things, so that to construct their own independence in order to achieve the comprehensive development of human.Marx believed that the generation of the communist movement of the characteristics of a historical subject, is a self-abandon and self-transcendence. Communism is a movement based on highly developed social productive forces, and elimination of alienated labor and capitalist private ownership of production movement, it is the inevitable result of its own contradictions. The purpose of the communist movement is to completely change the kind of people compared with the alienation of social relations to confront is that of social relations, including relations of production to re-return to the people, the objective state of human domination. Communism as a theory is both a practical activity and a beautiful ideal for future society, the ultimate aim is to achieve human freedom and comprehensive development.The religion criticism was a start point in the development of the Marxist philosophy thought, exposing people’s self-alienation in the reality of material in the production process, it explains the religious criticism, philosophical criticism, political criticism and the dialectical relations between social criticism, and established the theory of Marx’s practice critical prerequisite. Communist ideology as the realization of the important theory of human liberation, has a historical process, and the characteristics of this process and history only in the real contradictions of society and development process to get the real explanation and description.Marx’s Critique of Religion can be regarded as the revolution of the traditional western criticism of religion, namely from the rational criticism to the practice criticism, thus it established the important theory status of Marx’s in religious criticism among the history of western religious criticism. We should take the thought and evolution of the western religious criticism as a basic clues, explaining Marx starting from man’s sensuous activity and make all religion interpreted as a social ideology, and also re-critique and deconstruction of this religion itself. Religion is not the product of human reasion, but is a product of social practice. Religion is by-product from people’s productive activity after the labor alienation, so the criticism of religion in rational transform into the field of social production, from a practical critique of rational criticism to the revolutionary change.Marx and Engels argued that to achieve the complete liberation of people the real happiness of mankind, only a theoretical critique of religion can not eliminate religion. only through the social revolution to arouse people’s awareness, destroying the social secular basis which the religion rely on .Because "consciousness of all forms and product is not can use spirit of critical to destroy, nor can they melt by in the ’self-awareness’ or ’and’ to ’phantom’ and ’strange strange shadows to’ to eliminate, and only through the actual overthrow this idealism fallacy by the reality that produced the social relations, can they destroy". TO eliminate the potential in people "self-consciousness" of the "ghost" and "strange shadow" and "strange think", we must rely on the proletarian revolution to overthrow by violence caused by the exploitation of the existing situation and the exploitation of the class system itself. Thus it can eradicate the secular roots of religious survival in order to achieve the true liberation of mankind, and achieve the ideal communist societyMarx’s critical theory of religion is an important part of Marx’s philosophy, and a guide for correctly knowing and handling religious problems for the Party and the government in constructing socialism with Chinese feature. However, for a long time after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, there is a lack of study of Marx’s critical theory of religion based on reality. Therefore, we should combine the Marx’s historical materialism development and historical materialism critical religious theory; deeply understand the change history of Marxist religious criticism ideological and forming process of historical materialism critical theory of religion. We should also formulate socialistic religion policies and build a socialist harmonious society service that fit for the situation of China by a further accurate and complete understanding and grasp of Marxism critical theory of religion.

【关键词】 马克思恩格斯宗教宗教批判唯物史观
【Key words】 MarxEngelsReligionReligious criticismMaterialism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期