

Modular Spatial Scheduling Modeling and Algorithm in Block Assembly Shop

【作者】 郑俊丽

【导师】 陈强; 江志斌;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 船舶工业是为航运业、海洋开发及国防建设提供技术装备的综合性产业,对关联产业有较强的带动作用。近20年来,我国船舶工业获得了高速发展,综合实力稳步提升,已挤入世界造船业第一梯队,但仍处于由大到强的转变过程中。在关键造船指标上,如年人均造船吨位、人均年产值和造船周期与日韩等有巨大的差距。尤其随着我国经济的发展和市场需求的增加,传统的低劳动力成本优势逐渐消失,船舶制造业直面日韩造船业严峻的压力。改进现有的造船模式,缩短造船周期,建立以“中间产品为导向”的现代造船模式,是关系我国船舶制造业生死存亡与发展壮大的重要问题,是提高船舶制造企业参与国际市场竞争能力的战略举措。模块化造船应用模块化设计与制造的思想,改进传统船舶设计和制造流程,能够显著缩短造船周期,大大降低单船分摊的场地、设备和工装等费用,加快资金周转,提高市场竞争力。在这种模式下,船体进行模块划分、分阶段分区域加工和船坞大合拢,生产计划及其动态控制显得尤为关键。只有制订准确的生产计划、有效配置物料、设施和人工等资源,并对全生产过程进行动态控制,才能发挥模块化造船的优势。本文针对船舶制造关键路径上最耗时且占用船厂最宝贵资源的船舶分段制造车间的生产调度问题,以缩短模块制造最大完工时间为目标,在工序约束、空间约束和资源约束下寻求合理的模块空间布局和加工次序,建立模块空间调度模型并设计模块空间调度算法。本文主要解决如下几个问题:(1)分析模块和工作台特征、船舶制造全过程资源配置和设施使用状况,以及影响船舶制造周期的典型约束,建立模块、工作台和典型约束的数学描述,为构建模块空间调度数学模型建立数学基础;(2)在分析船舶模块的二维平面布局问题基础上,引入时间维度提出模块排序和空间布局的三维描述,构建以最小化最大完工时间为目标的船舶模块空间调度数学模型;(3)针对模块空间调度的NP-hard特性,按照flow-shop和job-shop两种生产类型提出分批和不分批调度算法。并且根据模块的形状特性、工艺特性和资源约束特性,设计一系列启发式模块空间调度策略,并基于这些策略开发启发式模块空间调度算法;(4)针对船舶模块空间调度问题复杂多样,如需要满足准时交货、最小化最大完工时间、最小化最大延误,以及提高设备设施使用效率等目标,本文还结合评价船舶制造企业竞争力的关键指标,以最小化最大完工时间和准时交货为目标,提出一种满足多目标的模块空间调度方法;(5)基于启发式模块空间调度算法构建了船舶模块空间调度系统,并应用船厂实际模块数据进行仿真验证。将文中提出的启发式算法与栅格算法、遗传算法、Cplex求解法和人工调度方法进行对比。结果表明,综合完工时间、空间利用率、系统计算时间及解决大规模模块调度问题等几个指标,提出的启发式模块空间调度算法有明显的优势。船舶是大型产品,属于订单式制造类型。船舶模块空间调度方法可拓展至其它大型单件装备制造企业,如火箭制造和飞机制造等,为有效提高这类装备制造企业的生产车间调度水平和效率提供参考。

【Abstract】 Shipbuilding is an integrated industry that provides huge and heavy furnishments for shipping, ocean developing and national defence, which has great promotion to the industries related. In recent 20 years, shipbuilding industry of China has gained high-speed progress, and China has become one of the greatest countries in shipbuilding turnout in the world. But there is a huge gap between China and other powerful countries such as Japan and Korea in some key shipbuilding indexes, such as yearly DWT per worker, yearly turnover per worker and shipbuilding period. With the great economic development and the increase of market demands, However, China is still weak in shipbuilding competition especially in the traditional advantage of low human power cost. Chinese shipbuilding companies encounter cruel pressure from Japan and Korea. It is a very important for Chinese shipbuilding companies to improve existing construction mode, shorten shipbuilding period and implement modern shipbuilding mode guided by semifinished products. It is also a strategic measure for the companies to improve the competition in participating in international shipbuilding market.Modular shipbuilding is an advanced mode based on modular design and modular fabrication. Under this mode, ship design and fabrication procedure can be improved, shipbuilding period can be thus condensed obviously, the expenses of fields, equipments and fabrication per ship can be reduced greatly. Hence, capital turnover can be expedited and market competition can be improved. Through modular shipbuilding mode, hull is decomposed into many modules, modules are fabricated based on process stage and area, and hull erection in dock. In the mode, production plan and dynamic control on it is very important. To exert the advantage of modular shipbuilding, production plan must be drawn exactly, resources such as material, facilities and human must be distributed effectively, and whole production process shall be controlled dynamically.Module fabrication in assembly shop, which is on critical production path, consumes most periods and occupies large quantity of expensive facilities. This dissertation takes it as the research focus to seek optimal modular layouts and processing sequence under the constraints of technology, space and resources. A modular spatial scheduling model is established and scheduling system minimizing makespan is developed in the dissertation. Several key issues are addressed in the dissertation as follows:(1) The characteristics of module and workspace, resources distribution in the whole process, facilities utilization, and typical constraints on shipbuilding are analyzed in a mathematical method. A computer recognition method for module, workspace and typical constraints is established. This lays the mathematical foundation for developing modular spatial scheduling model.(2) On the basisi of analysis on the problem of two-dimensional projection of shipbuilding module, and by adding a dimension of time, the modular spatial scheduling problem is put forward in a three-dimensional view. A mathematical model of modular spatial scheduling in shipbuilding is established with the objective of minimizing makespan.(3) Considering the NP-hard features of modular spatial scheduling, algorithms for batch and non-batch are given according to the production styles of flow-shop and job-shop. Based on the shape features, technology features and resources constraints, several heuristic modular spatial scheduling strategies are designed. Moreover, a heuristic modular spatial scheduling algorithm is developed using the above strategies.(4) Condidering that modular spatial scheduling is complex and diverse, such that many objectives should be satisfied such as on-time delivery, minimizing makespan, minimizing maximal tardy and improving facilities utilization ratio and so on, a multi-objective modular spatial scheduling algorithm is proposed with the objective of minimizing makespan and on-time delivery.(5) Modular spatial scheduling system in shipbuilding is established and exemplified with real data from a shipyard. The proposed algorithm is compared with grid algorithm, genetic algorithm, Cplex and manual methods. The result shows that the algorithm has comprehensive advantages in makespan, space utilization, computation time and solving large quantity modular scheduling issue.Ships are very large products and manufactured under make-to-order mode. The modular spatial scheduling algorithm developed in this dissertation can be extended to other similar heavy equipment manufacturing industries such as rockets and airplanes. The scheduling algorithms proposed in this dissettation can be made as references for improving production scheduling and manufacturing efficiency of such manufacturing industries.
