

Studies on Treatment Technology and Processing of the Dispersed Swine Wastewater

【作者】 杨利伟

【导师】 黄廷林; 周岳溪;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 分散式养猪废水是指规模较小的散养猪户养猪废水,猪舍设在农户庭院中,其养殖规模在200头以下。由于缺乏经济可行的处理技术,大量未经有效处理的分散养猪废水排入地表水体,造成较大的污染,成为新农村建设过程中亟需解决的问题。本论文以南方丘陵地区典型分散式养猪废水为研究对象,首先对存栏小于200头猪的农村分散式养猪的污染源排放特征进行了深入研究;其次在掌握其污染物排放特征的基础上,结合流体力学、化学反应工程学原理,研发了间歇式交错流液液分离装置,有效降低被处理废水的污染物负荷,并在污染源头处实现了污染物的资源化利用。针对农村分散式养猪废水,结合流体力学、化学反应动力学、生物学原理和生态学原理,同时考虑经济性和易操作管理性,研发了源分离技术-NBSFAOSP-人工湿地的耦合集成工艺;优化了集成工艺中NBSFAOSP段中厌氧处理单元HABR的水力学参数和NBSFAOSP运行参数,研究了人工湿地的配水均匀性和利用当地廉价易得材料红壤和钢渣作为人工湿地基质的效果;通过采用离子色谱法、荧光光谱分析法、紫外光谱法等手段分析了分散式养猪废水处理集成工艺过程中的DOM的迁移转化规律,对集成工艺处理农村分散式养猪废水技术工艺性能进行了初步探讨。本论文主要研究结论简述如下:(1)湖南省分散式养猪较少使用标准饲料喂养,多数采用潲水及自制饲料进行喂养,养猪废水一般采用水泡粪工艺排放,废水水质COD为8000~18650mg/L、pH为7.0~8.7、TN为720~1470 mg/L、TP为35.4~165.7 mg/L。(2)在基本掌握了分散式养猪的污染源排放特征,采用干清粪工艺后,通过实施污染源固液分离技术、液液分离技术,污染物资源化利用等源分离技术的集成措施,实现粪、尿分离,尿液与冲洗水分离,有效降低被处理废水的负荷,实现了污染物的原位资源化利用。采用源分离技术后,分散式养猪废水平均值为:COD 1200~1800mg/L、pH 7.0~8.7、TN 280~420 mg/L、TP18~28 mg/L。(3)通过对NBSFAOSP厌氧段反应器构造研究发现:厌氧段HABR反应器总体呈现推流式流态,构造性能优良,物理死区率为9%左右。但随着隔室数的增多,反应器内部流速增加,从而导致水力死区有上升趋势。结合经济因素并考虑HABR反应器效能和有效容积利用率,确定3格的HABR反应器作为NBSFAOSP工艺的起始段厌氧生物处理单元。(4)NBSFAOSP厌氧段反应单元HABR在常温、HRT为36h的条件下,以实际分散式养猪废水的冲洗分离水为进水,需要4周左右才能完成启动。HABR反应器稳定运行后,出水COD、SS等指标基本能达到规模化《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB18596-2001)的排放标准,但对营养元素N、P的去除效能较差,出水不能够达标。同时,对反应器的抗冲击试验研究表明,添加填料后,反应器对污染物负荷冲击缓冲能力增强,填料能够很好的起到稳定废水中生物量的作用。(5)NBSFAOSP工艺运行100天结果显示:平均出水COD达到193 mg/L,平均出水NH4+-N达到68 mg/L,平均出水TP达到13 mg/L,SS为15 mg/L;COD、NH4+-N和SS低于规模化养殖《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB18596-2001)的排放标准。除磷和进一步稳定处理效果还需后续处理工艺保证。单因素试验研究表明:在单一水质运行工况下,控制好养区内合理的溶解氧浓度是脱氮技术的关键问题。研究还发现:受污水水质C/N和废水投配比是决定TN去除效率的另外一个关键要素。NH4+-N去除率要与最后一级的废水投配比有关。结果表明:分散式养猪废水处理溶解氧宜取2.5 mg/L,C/N大于5,最后一级的配水比以不超过15%为宜。(6)人工湿地运行研究表明:湿地基质红壤和钢渣具有较强的磷吸附能力,可以优先作为南方丘陵地区湿地基质。采用红壤和钢渣构成的潜流湿地总磷去除效率较高,出水TP可以控制在5mg/L以下。水温变化对总磷的去除没有明显影响。(7)源分离技术-NBSFAOSP工艺-人工湿地集成工艺运行结果表明出水COD、NH4+-N、TP及SS均优于《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB18596-2001)的排放标准。离子色谱分析表明:小分子有机酸在NBSFAOSP工艺厌氧反应段2h有机酸产生的总量达到最高,此时丙酸含量最高,随着反应时间的增长,乙酸含量逐渐增多。小分子有机酸进入好氧段后被快速降解。荧光光谱结果显示,同步荧光277nm处的峰强度与厌氧水解阶段有机酸浓度总量呈现显著相关关系;厌氧阶段污水中有机物主要以类蛋白物质为主;好氧阶段微生物对简单有机质降解速率较快,污水中类富里酸物质增多。SUVA254、E253/E203变化表明污水中溶解性有机物的芳香性和不饱和性随着水解时间增长而增加,芳环上取代基种类和数量也增多,芳环物质的稳定性变差有利于后续好氧过程对有机物的去除。

【Abstract】 The dispersed swine wastewater is the wastewater produced by smale scale hoggery, where the pigsty is built in the farmer’s yard and the scale of raising scale is less than 200 pigs.Due to the lack of economic treatment techniques, large amount of hoggery wastewater is drained to surface water body without any efficient treatment, thus resulting in severe water pollution. This issue has become cruisal on the way of developing the new countryside.This research studied the typical dispersed hoggery wastewater of the southern hilly area, firstly, deeply investigated the characteristics of drainage of the dispersed hoggery of which raising scale is less than 200 pigs. Secondly, based on the understanding of the disperse characteristic of the pollutants, combining with the fluid mechanics,the principles of chemical reaction engineering, developed the device of Intermittent crisscross flow liquid-liquid separation,efficiently decreased the loads of pollutants in the wastewater,realized the resource-oriented untility of pollutants at their source.Focusing on the wastewater produced by dispersed hoggery in rural area, integrated with the principles of fluid mechanics, biology and ecology , considering the feasiblility of the economy, operation and management, developed the integrated process composed of source separation technology-NBSFAOSP-constructed wetland.Optimized the parameters of hydraulic and the NBSFAOSP operation for the anaerobic unit in NBSFAOSP of the integrating processing, studied the even distribution of the manmade wetlands and the results using red soil and steel slag which are cheap and easy to get at local market as the substrate of the manmade wetlands.Adopting some methods such as ion chromatography、Fluorescent Spectromet、ultraviolet spectrometry, analyzed the rules of migration and transformation of DOM in the integrated treatment processing of the dispersed hoggery, initiated the discussion of the capabilities of the integrated treatment processing of the dispersed hoggery.The conclusions of this research are as the following:(1)In Hunan Province, hogwash and home-made forage is adopted by the dispersed hoggery to feed the pigs, rather than the standard forage. The water quality parameters of the wastewater are: COD is 8000~18650mg/L、pH is 7.0~8.7、TN is 720~1470 mg/L、TP is 35.4~165.7 mg/L.(2)Based on the understanding of the discharging characteristics of the source pollutants of the dispersed hoggery, adopted the processing of dry cleaning manure, decreased the loading of the treated wastewater efficiently by adopting the pollutants’source separating techniques, such as solid-liquid separation,liquid liquid separation, resourse utilization of pollutant,etc. realized the resource-oriented utility of the pollutants. Treated by the pollutants’source separating techniques, the water quality parameters of the dispersed hoggery wastewater are: COD 1200~1800mg/L、pH 7.0~8.7、TN 280~420 mg/L、TP18~28 mg/L.(3)The findings of study the configuration of anaerobic reactor of NBSFAOSP are:Pushing flow regime is presented generally in the anaerobic unit of HABRreactor, The capabilities of the cofiguation are excellent,The percentage of physical dead corner is about 9%, However, the the increasing of the isolated units, the flow rate in the reactor has increased, therefore, results in the increasing of the dhydraulic dead corner. Integrated the economic factors and considered the energy efficiency and effective capacity utilization, HABR reactor with three units has been adopted as the initiated anaerobic treatment unit of the NBSFAOSP processing.(4)Under normal temperature and 36h HRT, if the inlet water is real dispersed hoggery wastewater, it will take anaerobic unit,HABR, of NBSFAOSP 4 weeks to finish the initiative operation. When the operation is stable,the index such as COD, SS and so on, can meet the discharge standard of《mass Disharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding》(GB18596-2001), but the efficiencies of removing nutrition elements, such as N and P, are not ideal,can not meet the standard. Furthermore, the impact resistance of the reactor shows that the capability of the cushion of pollutant load of the 3 reactors has increased, the filling could stablize the biomass in the wastewater very well.(5)After 100 days operation of the NBSFAOSP processing, the operation results reveal: Average values of the discharge are: COD 100 mg/L、NH4+-N 66mg/L、TP is 13 mg/L、SS 15 mg/L. The values of COD、NH4+-N and SS are lower than the discharge standard for the mass breeding《Disharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding》(GB18596-2001). Phosphor removing and advanced stable treatment will need support of the successing treatment processing. Single factor experiment results show: under the operating of the single water quality, controlling the concentration of the dissolved oxegen within a reasonable range is the crucial factor of the N removal technique. Meanwhile, the study also finds: the other two key factors affecting the removal efficiency of TN are the C/N of receiving water body and the adding ratio of wastewater. The experiment results are: the concentration of the dissolved oxgen of the dispersed hoggery wastewater should be 2.4 mg/L, the C/N should not less than 6,water distribution ratio of the last step should not over 15%.(6)The operation of constructed wetlands presents: As the substrate of the wetlands, the red soil and steel slag have great absorptivity of phosphor, so they could be the prior choice for the hilly area of southern China. Using subsurface flow constructed wetland formed by red soil and steel slag, TP in effluent can be below the 5mg/L. TP removal rate wasn’t obviously influenced with the change of water temperature. Assist to artificially supply oxygen, the nitrogen removal capabilities of wetlands can be increased by 15%.(7)The operation results of the processing which integrated source separating technique, NBSFAOSP processing and constructed wetlands reveal that the index of COD、NH4+-N、TP and SS in the discharge are better than the discharge standard of《Disharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding》(GB18596-2001) The analysis of ion chromatography.hows that the total amount of organic acid as reached the highest point at NBSFAOSP process anaerobic stage 2h, at this point, the content of propionic acid reach the highest point too. With the proceding of the reaction, the content of acetic acid has gradually increased. Small molecular organic acids will be degradated rapidly in the aerobic stage.The anlalysis of fluorescence spectrum presents that there are apparent correlationship between the peak intensity of Synchronous flourimetry 277nm and the concentration of organic acid in Anaerobic hydrolysis stage; plastein are the predominant organics in the wastewater in anaerobic phase; microorganism can degradate the organics rapidly in aerobic phrase, fulvic like in the wastewater will increase at the same time. The changes of SUVA254、E253/E203 present that the aromaticity and unsaturation of the dissolved organics in the wastewater will increase with the increasing of the hydration time, the species and amount of the substituents of the aromatic ring will increase too. The decreasing of the stability of aromatic ring material will benefit the removal of organicsin in the succesding aerobic phrase.
