

Study on the Planning of Non-Constructional Land in Urban Area of Chongqing

【作者】 舒沐晖

【导师】 黄光宇; 邢忠;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 城市非建设用地的研究日益得到重视,本研究将之作为城市物质空间的一个重要的组成部分,纳入当前城市总体规划的规划对象,通过探讨科学布局和实施管理的方法,从而真正将之引入到日常规划工作中去,弥补当前规划和管理中的不足,改善当前城市非建设用地保护和发展中不利的局面。为此本论文以重庆市都市区的城市非建设用地为研究对象,在理清概念界定和理论基础的前提下,以问题为导向,以现状保护和发展中存在的问题和规划中的不足为现实问题基础,开展了其属性的理论反思,并结合山地特色形成规划方法的完整性调适,再应用到重庆市都市区的城市非建设用地规划研究中,完成对现有总体规划中城市非建设用地的布局和实施进行了调整实践。本文共分为五部分、七个章节:第一部分是研究背景部分,即第一章。明确本研究是在城市化快速发展、城市生态环境恶化和城市规划转型的背景下开展的,希望能够具有对重庆市实践帮助和生态城市理论实践样本的研究意义。为此,本研究对国内的研究状况和国外典型概念的研究状况进行了总结。第二部分是研究基础部分,即第二章。从概念研究的发展脉络和现行研究中的分歧中,梳理出本研究的概念界定着重于“以自然特色为主、对城镇功能和空间结构上的生态支撑作用”的内涵,并指出本研究的指向。为此,本研究“以理想主义的生态城市理论为指导下,以理性主义的复合生态系统理论为支撑,以实用主义的精明增长理念为借鉴”来形成理论基础,并梳理现有的相关规划方法。第三部分是现状问题分析和理论反思调整部分,即第三、四两章。第三章梳理重庆市都市区城市非建设用地在保护和发展中存在着的问题,以此来审视现有的规划编制和实施管理,发现其存在着对其规划地位的忽视、生态效应认知的模糊、和整体性把握的缺失等三个本质属性认知缺乏所带来的不足;从而在第四章分别在生态城市理论和生态系统理论指导下,从哲学和生态学的角度对其地位和生态效应属性进行了再认识,结合山地环境下的适应性要求,在生态城市协调平衡的发展思路和生态整体规划方法的指导下,形成了在规划视角具备、规划目标解析、规划要素组织、规划功能实现、规划管制实施等五个方面在山地环境下的调适。第四部分是布局和实施调整部分,即第五、六两章。第五章将规划方法调适应用到重庆市都市区城市非建设用地的布局中,形成相应的布局导向、布局侧重点、规划要素、规划功能和规划工作程序,在都市区以辨析和平衡形成空间格局指引、用地边界控制和用地布局三个方面的布局优化成果;在中心城区以网络化为重点形成三个廊道类型和五片区相对独立的廊道网络;并进行定量化的辅助评价。第六章将规划方法调适提出的城乡统筹策略应用到城市非建设用地的实施管理之中,确立了管理统筹的导向,形成在规划编制体系、专项规划内容和实施管理构架三个方面进行管理统筹的成果。第五部分为结语,对本研究进行归纳总结,指出论文的不足并提出进一步研究的领域和方向。

【Abstract】 The study to Non-constructional Land is earned widespread respect. In this thesis, it study the methods of layout and the implement of manage, in order to complement the shortage in practical work, improve the wrong end of the stick, as the constituent of the substance-space of urban, the object of planning. As the research object in urban area of Chongqing, based on the problem in the Protection and development to the Non-constructional Land in urban area of Chongqing, the thesis intent to analysis the attribute, and regulate the approaches with the feature of Mountain environment, and practices is advanced, with the perspicuity to the conception and theoretical basis, and oriented by the questions. It includes five portions and seven chapters:Part one, the background of the study, includes chapter one. Definituded the background with tremendous urbanization,worsening ecological environmenta and the revolution in urban planning, and assistation to the development of Chongqing,the practice to the eco-city is expected. And correlative study is summarized.Part two, the theoretical basis of the study, includes chapter two. From the history and divarication at present,the concept emphases in“Naturalness, sustaination of function and framework to the city”,and the pointing of study is advanced. The Basic theory is affirmed with“eco-city, Complex-ecosystem, Smart Growth”,and the method is summing-up currently.Part three,the analysis to problem,re-ponder and adjustment in theory, includes chapter three and four. In chapter three,author analysis the problems in protection and development,and examine the planning, the“ignored to the equal status; confused to the Eco-effect; deficiency of integration”is represented which absenced of cognition to the of Non-constructional Land. And author nail down the attribute of status and Eco-effect by philosophy and ecology in chapter four guided by the Eco-city and Eco-system,and the method focus on the integrality in“the angles possessed, the analysis to target of planning, the organization to factor of eco-environment, the achievement to function of non-constructional land, the actualization to control of non-constructional land”is advanced with the mentality of harmonize and macrocosm by eco-city by the adaptation of Mountain environment.Part four, adjustment of layout and actualization, includes chapter five and six. In chapter five,the method applied to the layout in urban area of Chongqing,and the orientation,emphases, element,function and procedure of the layout is engendered. Analysis and harmonization is the emphases of the layout in urban-area,and the induction of framework,the boundary and layout of land-use is the achievement; Network is the emphases of the layout in downtown,and three types of Corridor, five region of Network is the achievement.In chapter six,the method applied to the implementation of planning with integrality of urban-rural, the integrality in management is the orientation,and the planning-system of Urban-rural planning, content of specialized planning, management framework of implementation is the achievement.Part five, conclusion and deficiency in this thesis, and the expectation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期