

The History of Researching on German Ideology in China

【作者】 邓伯军

【导师】 朱进东;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 研究史属史学范畴。“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”乃是严格依照史学研究的编年体例进行分期研究,乃是对《德意志意识形态》这部专门著作的研究进行史学考证、史学解读、史学评论、史学实践的系统研究。“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”,共分成前后相继的四个历史时期。“绪论”主要以释义学的方法论对“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”这个题目作诠释。《德意志意识形态》这部马克思主义经典著作,是马克思恩格斯1845年11月至1846年夏,清理其以往哲学良心而合著的一部著作;主要针对的是费尔巴哈、鲍威尔、施蒂纳所代表的现代德国哲学,以及各式各样先知所代表的德国社会主义流派;被誉为马克思主义哲学新视界的奠基之作。按照马克思主义中国化的历史分期,根据历史与逻辑相统一的原则,笔者将我国《德意志意识形态》研究史依次分成四个阶段,它们分别是“民国时期”(1930年4月—1949年9月)、“共和国成立后的十七年”(1949年10月—1966年5月)、“遭受挫折时期”(1966年5月—1978年12月)、“改革开放新时期”(1978年12月—今天)。以研究史体例对《德意志意识形态》在中国的翻译、注释、介绍、解读、创新、实践的状况进行研究,明确了其研究的性质和特征,揭明了其研究的对象和方法,明朗了其研究的目的和意义,明晰了其研究的超越和创新。“民国时期”(1930年4月—1949年9月),《德意志意识形态》研究总体上尚处译介和解读性研究阶段。从总体上讲,虽然当时的政治界和学术界对《德意志意识形态》的译介和解读的苏联教条模式的缺陷性已有所认知,但是依然囿于其学科体系和理论框架之内,没有历史地还原和再现马克思文本学的解读模式,更没有对其作出具有自主知识产权的理论创新。期间,在中国传播的马克思主义经典著作,主要是恩格斯著作和苏联人关于马克思主义经典著作的解读之作,而体现马克思主义哲学新视界的《德意志意识形态》,直到1930年以后才有高语罕、杨东莼和宁敦伍、荃麟等分别节译的部分段落;19世纪30年代末40年代初有了《德意志意识形态》第1章的节译本;也有一些富于学术敏感力的学者对《德意志意识形态》进行了介绍和初步的研究。但是《德意志意识形态》尚未被列入马克思主义经典著作系列,而是将其纳入苏联哲学教科书体系之中去对其作出解读和阐释。毛泽东思想作为民国时期马克思主义中国化的最大理论成果,实乃“以苏解马”的马克思主义中国化实践的理论飞跃。从历史视域观之,应承认“以苏解马”的马克思主义,对我国完成民族独立和人民解放这两大时代主题的历史性意义,但“以苏解马”的高扬“斗争哲学”这一历史局限性,也造成我国在现实实践中阶级斗争扩大化的历史性的悲剧。“共和国成立后十七年”(1949年10月—1966年5月)时期,《德意志意识形态》译介工作由分散的、零碎的、无系统的状态,进入集中的、有组织的、有系统的状态。从总体上讲,由于苏联社会主义建设的成功经验对“以苏解马”模式的进一步强化,使政治界和学术界对《德意志意识形态》的翻译、解读和研究进一步教条化,具有自主知识产权的马克思主义经典著作的解读也无可奈何地搁浅了。对《德意志意识形态》的解读性研究,只是一种学习性领会,一种领会经典的精神、与自身实际相结合的理论应用,而尚未推进到真正的发掘性学术研究层面。这一时期在苏联社会主义模式的示范效应下,中国人选择了以高度集中的政治经济体制著称的“斯大林版”马克思主义。以俄文第2版为母本的《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷全译本编译出版。长期以来该版本成为《德意志意识形态》在中国的主导版本。该版本对于普及和宣传马克思主义意识形态的积极意义功不可没,但由于将该版本定于一尊也导致了《德意志意识形态》文献学研究的滞后。对《德意志意识形态》的解读性研究,也是将其纳入苏联哲学教科书“辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义”的框架体系和解读模式。这种解读模式起到了推进马克思主义哲学的大众化、通俗化、系统化和时代化的作用,却也因其把哲学的党性原则政治化,从而致使学术探讨变成政治声讨、学术批评变成政治批判、学术争鸣变成政治运动;这就不仅造成了学术领域的阶级斗争扩大化,而且给马克思主义中国化实践带来了难以估量的消极影响。“遭受挫折时期”(1966年5月—1978年12月),《德意志意识形态》研究总体上处于异化状态。十年“文革”期间,马克思主义经典著作的翻译被赋予了沉重的政治任务。《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷《德意志意识形态》版本被定于一尊,并且被节选入中国人自己选编的《马克思恩格斯选集》。这对于巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的主导地位是有其积极意义的,但这也进一步拉开了与国外《德意志意识形态》文献学研究的距离。《德意志意识形态》“研究”,仅仅表现以“简要介绍”、“专题汇编”、“语录”等形式的学习性“研究”。这种学习性“研究”是与当时的群众性“学哲学用哲学”运动联系在一起的,其对于在广大工农群众中普及马克思主义理论与方法有着积极的意义,但由于广大工农群众的基本哲学功底的欠缺,从而造成了《德意志意识形态》“研究”的误读误解。因此这样的“研究”对马克思主义中国化实践的消极影响显而易见。“后文革”时期,伴随政治空气的松动,《德意志意识形态》不同版本始被译介到我国。由此,在带有“文革”意识痕迹的态势下,拉开了我国《德意志意识形态》文献学研究、发掘性研究的序幕。“改革开放新时期”(1978年12月—今天),《德意志意识形态》研究逐渐开始将文献学研究、文本解读和思想研究相结合,从而使研究真正从解读性研究提升到发掘性研究。从总体上讲,对《德意志意识形态》的研究真正开始了从“以苏解马”的教条模式到还原再现马克思文本学解读模式的历史性转变,取得了一个又一个马克思主义理论创新的成果,具有中国人自主知识产权的《德意志意识形态》解读模式也正在生成过程中。在翻译方面,多种《德意志意识形态》节译本或全译本问世:有巴纳发现的《德意志意识形态》第1章手稿片段中译本、根据新德文版编译的《德意志意识形态》第1章《费尔巴哈》中译单行本、《德意志意识形态》的中译节选本、广松涉版《新编辑版<德意志意识形态>》的中译本等等。在文献学研究方面:有文献目录学的研究,其对于确定马克思主义经典著作意义重大;有文献考据学研究,着眼于《德意志意识形态》中《费尔巴哈》章文稿结构的校正勘定、辑佚复原、翻译审校;有文献版本学研究,在澄清《德意志意识形态》版本来历、梳理版本历史、进行版本比较、作出版本评价等方面,取得了令人瞩目的进展。在文本解读方面:《德意志意识形态》解读模式发生转换,《费尔巴哈》章文本解读,由“以苏解马”到“以西解马”再到“以马解马”;对《圣布鲁诺》章的文本解读,重在解读布鲁诺自我意识批判哲学,领会对布鲁诺的批判是完成费尔巴哈批判的前提;对《圣麦克斯》章的文本解读,成为该时期马克思主义经典著作文本解读的焦点,解读者着眼于解读因现代性而导致价值虚无主义蔓延;在“普世价值”凌厉攻势下,对《“真正的社会主义”》章的文本解读,将成为马克思主义经典著作文本解读的新的热点。在思想研究方面:伴随着改革开放以来的思想解放的逐渐深入,对《德意志意识形态》的思想研究已经走向成熟,从“以苏解马”模式到“以西解马”模式再到“以马解马”模式,中国人基本具有对《德意志意识形态》研究的自主话语权。也就是说,要以马克思本人的文本、要以历史的眼光、要以发展的视野,对《德意志意识形态》作出与时俱进的发掘性研究。对《德意志意识形态》的全面系统地研究,对于当代中国马克思主义工程的建设,对于中国化马克思主义哲学新形态的建构,对于马克思主义中国化的现实实践,都具有十分重要的意义。“马克思主义中国化视域中《德意志意识形态》研究史论析”,对《德意志意识形态》在中国的研究作了系统总结和深度反思,其展示了《德意志意识形态》在中国研究所取得的丰硕成果。对《德意志意识形态》的文献把握,开始跳出“以苏解马”的框架,开始超越“以西解马”的局限,开始走上具有自主知识产权的“以马解马”模式;对《德意志意识形态》的运思,从经验理性的阐发,到科学理性的传播,再到主体精神的弘扬,甚至是阶级斗争的高扬,在某种意义上讲,乃是传播现代精神和现代思维方式的启蒙运动;对《德意志意识形态》的实践,无论是学术的现实主义运动,还是哲学的大众化运动都将马克思主义的“理论联系实际”的学风发挥到了极致,都推进了马克思主义的中国化,也在一定程度上推进了中国现代性的建构。其揭示《德意志意识形态》在中国研究存在的不足。对《德意志意识形态》的文献把握,“以苏解马”曾使我们对之作出了简单化、贫乏化、教条化、僵化的解读,“以西解马”曾使我们对之作出了西方“人本主义”和“科学主义”两大对立模式的解读,而“以马解马”模式对学院哲学的钟情,又使我们生发了对其现实性的担忧。对《德意志意识形态》的运思,从实用理性的复燃到斗争哲学的火红,从科学主义的误区到人本主义的陷阱,使我们认识到在马克思主义中国化的理论创新中,无论是反对封建化还是反对“全盘西化”都任重而道远。对《德意志意识形态》的实践,无论是哲学政治化的旧错,还是实践拜物教的新误,都使我们的马克思主义中国化面对着现代性的悖论。而今面对中国特色社会主义建设新形势、新问题和新要求,就要在前现代、现代、后现代的共时性存在话语背景下对《德意志意识形态》在中国研究作出前瞻。“国学复兴”的背景,使我们的研究更多的考虑的是二者的互补性;全球化的视野,使我们的研究更多的是在人与世界关系的层面作出解读;和谐社会的视域,使我们的研究更多的是在“以人为本”的科学发展观的高度作出解读。总而言之,多视角的共存为马克思主义中国化理论创新提供了新视界,为马克思主义中国化实践创造提供新境界。“结语”在学理层面对“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”的规律进行了总结,总结了“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”对经典文献把握的基本规律,总结了“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”的理论运思的基本规律,总结了“《德意志意识形态》在中国研究史”的现实实践应用的基本规律。总而言之,《德意志意识形态》在中国研究正是在马克思主义中国化的实践历程中一步步走向成熟的。

【Abstract】 The history of researching belongs to the category of history.“The History of Researching on German Ideology in China”is to have been studied strictly according to the chronological style of historical research, and to have systematically researched on the textual criticisms, historical readings, historical views, and historical practice concerning German Ideology.“The History of Researching on German Ideology in China”was divided into four different periods of the history.In“Introduction”, I interpreted the title“The History of Researching on German Ideology in China”primarily with the methodology of hermeneutics. As classical text of Marxism, German Ideology is a work co-authored by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels at the period of from November 1845 to the summer of 1846, by which they cleaned up the conscience of their own previous philosophy; mainly aimed at the German modern philosophy represented by Feuerbach, Bauer and Stirner, as well as German schools of socialism represented by all kinds of the prophets at the time; acclaimed as the foundation-laying work of new horizon of Marxist philosophy. In accordance with the history of Marxist Sinicization and according to the principle of the unity of history and logic, I have divided“The History of Researching on German Ideology in China”into four successive stages:“The Period of the Republic of China”(i.e. RC)(1930-1949),“The 17 Years after the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China”(i.e. PRC)(1949-1966),“The Period of the Suffered Setback”(1966-1978),“The New Period of Reform and Opening-up”(1978-).The research that the situations of translation, annotation, description, interpretation, innovation and practice of German Ideology have been studied in the style of the history of research cleared the nature and characteristics of its research, exposed the objects and methods of its research, made the purposes and meaning of its research bright, and caused the exceeding and innovation of its research distinct.During“RC”(1930-1949) the research of German Ideology as a whole is in the stage of the translation and interpretation. Generally speaking, though the academic and political circles had known the cognitive defects of the translation and interpretation of the mode of Soviet dogma to German Ideology, they still was limited in the its disciplinary system and theoretical framework, so that they had not historically reduced and reproduced the interpretation mode of the Marx’s textual reading, and had not made theoretical innovation with independent intellectual property rights. During this period, the disseminated classics of Marxism in China were mainly the works of Engels and the Marxist classics which had been interpreted by Soviet scholars, and yet some paragraphs of German Ideology, which reflects the new vision of Marxist philosophy, had not been translated into Chinese by GAO Yu-han, YANG Dong-chun, NING Dun-wu, and QUAN Lin until 1930s; the first chapter of German Ideology had not been translated in part into Chinese until the late 1930s and the early 1940s, of course, there were some introductions and preliminary research on German Ideology from some scholars sensitive to academy. German Ideology, however, was not included into the classic series; on the contrary, it was incorporated into philosophy textbook of the system of Soviet Union in order to read and interpret it. Mao Zedong Thought as the greatest theoretical achievements of Marxist Sinicization at this period is actually to become the theoretical leap of Marxist Sinicization to understand Marx from Soviet Union Interpretation mode. From the historical perspective, we should acknowledge that the Marxism with Soviet Union Interpretation mode is significant to realize the major themes of the national independence and liberation, but we should also be aware that Soviet Union Interpretation mode is of some historical limitations because of its highly lifting philosophy of struggle, as led to the tragic result of class struggle magnification in the real practice.During“The 17 Years after the Establishment of PRC”(1949-1966) the translation of German Ideology was from scattered, fragmented, non-systematic condition to centralized, organized and systematic condition. Generally speaking, as the successful experiences of Soviet Union socialism further strengthened the Soviet Union Interpretation mode, the translation, interpretation and study of German Ideology were further dogmatized; the interpretation of Marxist works with independent intellectual property rights also had come to deadlock helplessly. The research only was a kind of theoretical application which understood the spirit of the classic combining with their reality, and had not yet advanced to the real level of academic research. During this period, under the exemplary effect of the Soviet socialist model, the Chinese have chosen Stalin’s Version Marxism known as highly centralized political and economic system. The vol.3 of the Chinese version of the Complete Works of Marx and Engels, which took the second Russian version as the copy, was fixed the dominant version. This version played an important role in popularizing and disseminating Marxist ideology, but it was looked up to one version as the highest authority, so as to lead the backward of the research of German Ideology. The interpretative research was incorporated into the frame system and interpreting mode of the Soviet Union philosophy textbooks“Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism”. The Frame system and interpreting mode advanced the popularization, simplification, and systematization to a certain extent, but that principle of party spirit was politicized, thus the academic research had become political denunciation; academic criticism had become political criticism; and academic contention had become political movement, therefore these not only resulted in the class struggle magnification in academic field, but also has brought immeasurable negative impact in the practice of Marxist Sinicization.During“The Period of the Suffered Setback”(1966-1978) the research of German Ideology was in the state of alienation. During the 10 years of Cultural Revolution the translations of Marxist classics have been given a heavy political task. The vol.3 of the Chinese version of the Complete Works of Marx and Engels was looked up to one version as the highest authority, and was partly indexed into the Selected Works of Marx and Engels. It played an important role in consolidating the dominant position of Marxist ideology, but also further widen with the foreign literature research of German Ideology. There were only learning Research such as Brief Introduction, Thematic Compilation, and Quotations in the research of German Ideology. The learning Research was linked with the movements of Learning and Applying Philosophy, played an important role in popularizing the theory and method of Marxism; but broad masses of workers and peasants lacked basic philosophical foundation, and yet resulted in misreading to German Ideology. Of course, the negative effect of Research on the practices of Marxist Sinicization is very obvious. During Post-Cultural Revolution, with the atmosphere of political freedom, the different versions of German Ideology have begun to be introduced into Domestic, thus opened the prelude of the literature research and excavating research under the traces of Cultural Revolution.During“Reform and Opening-up”(1978-) bibliography, text Interpretation and thinking was united in the research of German Ideology, so this made it from understanding research up to excavating research. Generally speaking, the research of German Ideology had made historical changes from the dogmatic mode of Soviet Union Interpretation to the interpretation mode of Marxist textual reading, made the many results of the theoretical innovation of Marxism, and produced the interpretation mode with independent intellectual property rights. In the field of translation, there are many of part or full version of translations such as Chinese versions of manuscript fragment of chapter.1 of German Ideology translated by Bana, separate Chinese edition of chapter.1 Feuerbach of German Ideology according to the new German version, abridged Chinese version of German Ideology, Hiromatsu version of German Ideology which edited newly and so forth. In the field of research on literature, there was bibliographic research which had important significance in defining the Marxist classics; there was documentary textology whose tasks were assigning correction, collection recovery and translation revision; and there was science of documentary edition which had made progress in clarifying origin of version, combing history of version, being compared to version and making evaluation to version. In the field of textual interpretation, there mainly was textual interpretation about Feuerbach of German Ideology whose interpretive mode from Soviet Union Interpretation to Western Interpretation to Marxist Interpretation. There was textual interpretation about San Bruno, which key is interpreting critical philosophy of self-awareness, which understood the premise of criticizing Feuerbach. There was textual interpretation about Saint Max, which textual interpretation becomes the focus of the research of classic works of Marxism because of spread of nihilism led by modernity. There was textual interpretation about Real Socialism, whose textual interpretation becomes newly central issue of the research of classic works of Marxism under Scrambling from Universal Values. In the field of ideological research, along with ideological liberation from reform and opening-up, the ideological research of German Ideology become mature. Chinese have held speaking right in the research of German Ideology from Soviet Union Interpretation mode to Western Interpretation mode to Marxist Interpretation mode. In other words, we want to make excavating research of German Ideology keeping pace with the times according to Marx’s own texts in historical vision. The comprehensive and systematic research of German Ideology would play an important role in building the Chinese contemporary Project of Marxism, constructing the new forms of Chinese Marxist philosophy, and realizing Marxist Sinicization.“That we analyze the History of Research on German Ideology in the View of Marxist Sinicization”systematically summarized and deeply reflected the laws of the research on German Ideology in China and showed the fruitful result. The bibliographic grasping of German Ideology came to be free from the framework of Soviet Union Interpretation, to go beyond the historical limitation of Western Interpretation, and to embark on Marxist Interpretation with independent intellectual property. The theoretic thinking of German Ideology was from elucidating of ration to disseminating of scientific ration to carrying forward of subjective spirit, and even to lifting of class struggle, as was a kind of enlightenment which spread modern spirit and thinking mode. In the practice of German Ideology, either academic realist movement or popular movement of Marxist philosophy or the academic atmosphere of Theory with Practice pushed forward development of Marxist Sinicization, and also promoted building of modernity. The shortcomings of the research of German Ideology had revealed in China. In the bibliographic grasping of German Ideology, Soviet Union Interpretation has enabled us to make simplistic, poor, dogmatic and rigid interpretation; Western Interpretation has enabled us to make two opposing models of Humanism and Scientism interpretation; and Marxist Interpretation was deeply in love for academic philosophy, as enabled us to worry about its reality. In the theoretic thinking of German Ideology, from recrudescence of practical reason to fiery redness of struggle philosophy, from Scientism errors to Humanism traps, we recognize whether going against feudalism or going against Total Westernization would be arduous and long-term process. In the practice of German Ideology, whether the old fault of politicized philosophy or the new error of practical worship make Marxist Sinicization facing the paradox of modernity. Now in confronting the new situation, new problems and new requirements in the course of socialist building with Chinese characteristics, the research of German Ideology should be prospected in the co-existing befall of pre-modern, modern, and post-modern time. The backgrounds of national study revival have us to be more considerate of the complementarity; the view of globalization makes our research in the level of relation between man and world, and the view of harmonious society makes our research in the high degree of scientific development. In summary, the co-existence of multiple perspectives provides the theoretical innovation of Marxist Sinicization with new horizon, and practical creation of Marxist Sinicization with new realm.In“Conclusion”, the laws of“The History of Researching on German Ideology in China" are summarized at the level of academy and theory, summing up the basic law of grasping literature, the basic law of theoretic thinking, and the basic law of practical application. All in all, the researches of German Ideology in China become mature step by step in the process of Marxist Sinicization.
