

Studies on Chinese Modern Higher Industrial Education(1840 — 1927)

【作者】 方家峰

【导师】 吴洪成;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 教育史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 以教育现代化理论和现代系统理论为方法论基础,系统研究中国高等工业教育的早期发展历程,能够丰富和深化中国教育史学科以及我国教育基本理论的研究工作,并为当代中国高等工业教育的发展提供历史借鉴。鸦片战争,尤其是太平天国运动和第二次鸦片战争,使清王朝陷入严重的危机之中。残酷的事实证明,在西方资本主义工业生产及其科技教育蓬勃发展的时代,中国传统的手工业生产及其教育,已经无法为封建王朝摆脱内外交逼的困境提供足够的物质、技术和人才支持。以林则徐、魏源、冯桂芬等人为代表的先驱者学习西方工业科技的探索和呐喊,圆明园无情的大火,以及在镇压太平军的过程中对新式武器威力的体验,共同构成了洋务派以军工制造为开端培养新式技术人才的推动力。从19世纪60年代至90年代中期,洋务派创办了一系列近代军用和民用工矿企业,使实施近代高等工业教育成为可能和必要。经过他们的抗争与努力,一批传授西方科学技术知识、培养高级工业管理和技术人才的学堂、学馆在古老的中国陆续建立起来。这些新式教育机构,是中国高等工业教育的源头和开端,也是中国高等工业教育现代化的起点。由于处在特殊的历史时期和社会环境中,以及缺乏本土历史经验可资借鉴,起步阶段的中国高等工业教育具有诸多先进与落后、新与旧并存的特点。从甲午战败、维新运动兴起到清末新政时期,是中国近代高等工业教育最终发展成型,并在数量和规模方面得到进一步扩展的重要时期。维新运动期间不仅发生了盛宣怀等人参用美国学制创设中国第一所正规工科大学——北洋大学这样的历史性事件,而且掀起了各地改革旧式书院、创设新式书院、广泛实施科技知识教育的风潮,并出现了创立近代学制系统的设想与计划。这些都为中国高等工业教育的进一步发展夯实了基础。此外,从鸦片战争开始出现的教会教育到这一时期也逐渐发展成熟,教会及传教士的教育和文化活动对晚清高等工业教育的进一步发展也具有多方面重要影响。新政时期,清廷进行了步子更大的教育变革,对高等工业教育影响深远。尤其是“癸卯学制”的颁布实施,使高等工业教育的建设和发展在学制、层次、课程这些关键问题上从此有章可循,这是中国高等工业教育成型的标志和教育机构数量大增的原因。清朝的灭亡和民国的建立,为中国资本主义工商业的自由发展提供了制度支持,也使高等工业教育更快地发展、更好地实现现代化成为可能。以孙中山为首的资产阶级革命派一直重视工商业的发展和相关技术人才的培养,强调教育发展与社会政治变革之间的密切关系。不过,由于缺少精通高等教育办学实践的专门人才,民国初年高等工业教育的改革主要表现为机构和人员称呼的变化,而层次结构、专业以及课程设置等方面则基本因袭了清末的做法。直到1922年“壬戌学制”颁布实施,才使高等工业教育完全摆脱了清末学制的影响。从总体上看,民国前期尽管长期存在经费匮乏这种严重的制约性因素,但高等工业教育仍然艰难向前发展。这一时期不仅在彻底实现制度现代化、壮大教育规模、提高教学质量方面颇有建树,而且出现了教会大学开始创办工科、清华由留美预备学校向独立工科大学转变等值得关注的现象,从而奠定了中国高等工业教育以后进一步发展的基础和中外各种力量共同参与办学的基本格局。通过研究可以发现,中国近代高等工业教育的发展具有以“西方化”为手段实现国际化、以传统文化和教育为本土化诉求的基本资源、区域发展严重失衡贯穿始终、社会影响多元化特性明显等总体特点。在其发展过程中,既留下了适时改革,逐步提高现代化水平;重视人文,培养全面发展的科技人才;严格要求,建设高水平学校与专业;学习先进,大胆利用外国教育资源;因地制宜,开设现实针对性强的学科专业等宝贵经验,也留下了因工业生产落后、社会动荡而使发展受到严重制约和干扰,以及总体布局不合理加剧各地发展失衡、官本位管理严重影响教育效率效果、忽视创新导致未能实现跨越式发展等令人深思的教训。中国近代高等工业教育的发展历程启示我们,国家统一、社会安定是高等工业教育稳定发展的前提,提高社会生产工业化程度是高等工业教育发达的基础,合理布局是高等工业教育事业平衡发展的当务之急,而解放思想、不断改革则是提升高等工业教育质量的关键。

【Abstract】 To study the early development of Chinese higher industrial education, on the basis of Education Modernization Theory and modern System Theory, will give a boost to the research on the history of Chinese education and the basic theory of education, as well as provide some historical reference to the development of higher industrial education in contemporary China.The Opium Wars, especially the second one, together with the Taiping Rebellion, made the Qing Dynasty fall into serious crisis. It was definitely proved that the traditional Chinese artisan industry and education could no more satisfy the material, technology and talent requirements of the Qing Dynasty to cast off the difficulties both inside and outside, while the capitalism industrial production and technological education were booming in the west. At that time some pioneers such as Lin Zexu, Wei Yuan and Feng Guifen tried to urge the people to study the western industrial technology. Their voices, as well as the large, destructive fire in the Imperial Garden Yuanmingyuan and the impressive power of new weapons used in repressing the Taiping Rebellion, made the Westernization Group begin to train modern technological personnel for military industry.Many industrial and mining enterprises for army and civilian use were set up from 1860s to 1890s, which made it possible and necessary to establish higher industrial education. With the great efforts of the Westernization Group, the first batch of schools and colleges were successively set up, on the land of ancient China, to impart the western science and technology, and train talents of industrial management and technology. These new educational institutions marked the source and origin of Chinese higher industrial education as well as the beginning of its modernization. Because of the special historical and social condition, in addition to the lack of domestic experience, the new educational experiment of this period in China presented such characteristics as coexistence of advancement and backwardness, as well as the new and old factors.From China had been defeated in the First Sino-Japanese War and the booming of Modernization Movement to the New Deal Period of Late Qing Dynasty, it witnessed an important period that the higher industrial education in China was finally moulded, and extended on a broader scale with a larger number. Meanwhile, Sheng Xuanhuai et al., referring to the American educational system, set up Peiyang University, the first formal technological university in China. It also came into being that conventional colleges were reformed and new-style ones were established all over the country, to spread scientific and technological knowledge. The idea and plan to systemize the modern education also came up. The above mentioned laid the good foundation for the further development of higher industrial education in China. Another thing to be mentioned was the missionary education, firstly emerging during the Opium Wars and becoming matured at this time, also had a significant impact on the further development of higher industrial education in many ways in late Qing Dynasty. Up until the New Deal Period, the Qing Dynasty took a broader approach to educational reform and had a greater impact on its development. Especially the issue of 1904 School System set rules for the higher industrial education to follow, on the crucial problems such as the system, level and courses. It marked the maturity of Chinese modern higher industrial education and since then the institutions were greatly increased in number.The death of the Qing and the birth of the Republic of China provided the institutional support for the free development of the national capitalism industry and commerce, and made possible faster development and modernization of higher industrial education. The bourgeois revolutionaries, with Mr. Sun Yat-sen as the leader, always attached great importance to the growth of industry and commerce, and the cultivation of the talents needed. They stressed the relevance between the education and the social political reforms. However, due to the short of special talents who were skillful at running higher-education schools, during the first years of Republic of China, the higher industrial education reform only showed the changes in the names of institutions and personnel. But the other aspects like hiberarchy, major and course framework remained almost the same as in the late Qing, which lasted until the issue of 1922 School System. In general, these years saw a hard time for the higher industrial education. But even with the long-time serious fund shortage, it kept going on, and made some great progresses, such as the sufficient system modernization, the scale expansion and the quality improvement. In the meantime, some other notable events occurred, such as the engineering as a major opened in some missionary colleges, the transferring of Tsinghua from an preparatory school for Sending Students to America to an independent technological university. All these laid the foundation of the further development of industrial education. Also the pattern was then formed that foreign and domestic powers jointly participated in running higher industrial education school in China.It’s concluded that the development of Chinese early modern higher industrial education generally characterized by such factors as internationalization via“westernization”, localization based on the traditional culture and education, the unbalance of regional development from beginning to end, as well as the obvious diversity of social effects. During the course of development, the industrial education were gradually matured and modernized, by timely carrying out reforms, training all-round technical personnel, building high-level schools, making bold use of foreign educational resources, and opening majors fit to local conditions. These were all the precious experience left to us. But there were also some thought-provoking lessons: the development seriously obstructed by the backward industrial production and unsteady social situation, the unbalanced development arising from the unreasonable holistic overall arrangement; the severely-restricted efficiency as a result of the official-oriented management system, the absence of leap-forward development due to the neglect of innovation. From the historical experience, it’s enlightened that the steady advancement of higher industrial education must be made on the premise of national unity and social stability, its maturity lies on the highly-industrialized level of social production, while its quality improvement comes mainly from the efforts to emancipate the mind and unceasingly deepen the reforms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期