

【作者】 杨青松

【导师】 宋则;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 产业经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 农产品流通是关系国计民生的重要问题,高效的农产品流通模式是解决农产品买难卖难,实现供需匹配继而促进农民增收、社会稳定的有效途径。本文以流通模式多样化、流通主体多元化且与消费者联系紧密(蔬菜消费约占家庭消费支出的5%)的蔬菜为例,研究农产品流通模式及内在的运行机制,试图为我国现阶段蔬菜流通模式的选择提供有效的科学依据。文章通过一系列分析认为:蔬菜流通的模式不是参与主体(组织)简单的一种抽象形式,是在一定经济体制下、一定生产力发展水平下,主观和客观因素共同影响下的形式抽象。以超市为零售终端的现代蔬菜“农超对接”流通模式在经济学理论上具有很大的优势,能够实现生产者、消费者、超市的三方共赢,是我国蔬菜流通模式发展的必然方向,但是其模式形成,受资产专用性成本的影响,只有在一定规模条件下,才会真正的实现共赢;以批发市场为核心的传统蔬菜流通模式虽然由于流通环节过长,放大了其初始成本,引致了流通效率的损耗,但鉴于批发市场具有强大、快速的集散功能,在一定条件下,流通链条的社会总成本小于以超市为核心的“农超对接”模式的成本,其模式的存在是市场选择的结果。同时美国、日本等发达国家高效的农产品流通模式,都提醒我们农产品流通模式并不是唯一的,在一定条件的约束下,是可以优势互补并存发展。因此我国农产品流通模式绝不可以搞“一刀切”,要因地制宜地发展不同的流通模式,要循序渐进地引导生产端的发展和壮大,不能用模式的发展去“倒逼”生产端的进化,坚持适宜发展就是最好的。在通篇分析基础上,本文认为:以批发市场为核心的蔬菜流通模式和以超市为核心的蔬菜“农超对接”模式不是此消彼长的发展,而是有交叉点的错位式发展,在一定条件下是可以相互促进,共同发展。条件成熟时,较高级的流通模式在一定的条件下会选择性地替代传统的流通模式,形成因地制宜,适合的流通模式格局的分布。本研究在第一章介绍本文的研究背景、研究意义和创新之处;第二章在对相关概念进行界定的基础上,对国内外相关文献进行梳理和述评,并给出本文研究的理论基础;第三章从历史的角度回顾了农产品经济体制的改革,演绎了蔬菜作为重要的农产品在农产品流通体制改革的进程模式的演化;第四章从中国蔬菜产业发展入手,剖析了蔬菜的生产、流通状况,在上述研究基础上,进一步分析了我国现阶段蔬菜流通的模式及作用机理,并对以批发市场为核心和以超市为核心的蔬菜流通模式进行优势、劣势、机会、威胁分析,同时从整体流通链条角度,阐述了蔬菜流通存在的问题,为以后的研究打下坚实的理论基础;第五章以交易成本理论、博弈理论等新制度经济学、古典经济学分析方法为核心支撑,从流通模式的动力机制、导向机制、制动机制分了适合中国蔬菜流通的模式。并从制度创新的角度对这种模式的问题与趋势进行分析。为了更好地选择适合我国农产品流通模式,我们对美国、日本的蔬菜流通运行机制进行了详细的剖析,借鉴了美国、日本等发达国家农产品流通模式的成功经验,并总结了其流通过程中成功的共性;第七章在全文分析的基础上,从促进产业发展的角度,提出了农产品流通发展的政策建议;第八章结论与展望:汇集本文的主要观点,并展望下一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The agricultural products circulation is an important issue for the people livelihood, an efficient circulation model is a way to solve the difficult of buying and selling agricultural products, is a way to match supply and demand in turn increasing rural incomes, social stability.In this paper, we take vegetables for example which has many circulation pattern main and closely connected with consumers (vegetable consumption account for about 5% of household consumption expenditure) to research the circulation patterns and internal operation mechanism in order to provide effective scientific basis for selecting vegetables Circulation models at present in China.By a series of analysis: we think that vegetables circulation pattern is not a simply abstract form by participate is an abstract effected by the subjective and objective factors in a certain economic system, a certain productive forces. The "agricultural super-docking" model has a great advantage in economics theory, it achieve the win among the producers, the consumers, the supermarkets, but the pattern is formed by the impact of the cost of asset specificity. Only in a certain size, it real win, while at present the level of the organization can’t effectively match and link the retail end, so this model is the future direction; The wholesale market which is the traditional vegetables circulation because of flow pattern is too long to resulting in a loss of circulation efficiency, But in view of the strong, fast distribution functions, in our existing productive forces and production relations, it is able to effectively link small-scale production and big market, to achieve the meaning of the agricultural products circulation.Under certain conditions, the social cost is less than the supermarket as the core of the "agriculture super-docking"model, it is the result of market choices.This article considered that the wholesale market circulation pattern and the supermarket "agricultural super-docking" model are not parallel, nor is the shift in the development, but there is cross point of the dislocation type development, In a period, they can promote the development of each other, when the conditions are ripe, the higher pattern will selectively replace the traditional flow model, under certain conditions. But for our country, this should be long period, traditional and modern mode should develop according to local conditions co-exist.In this study, the Chapter I of this research introduces the background, significance and innovation; The Chapter II based on the definition of relevant concepts, we sort out and review the literature at home and abroad. And giving the theoretical basis of this study; The Chapter III reviews economic system reform on agricultural products of the historical perspective, deducing the evolution of the vegetables as an important agricultural products in the circulation system. The Chapter IV starting from China’s vegetable industry, analyzes the production, circulation status of the vegetable, based on these studies, further analyzes the pattern and mechanism of vegetables, and analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of two circulation models.At the same time from the perspective of the overall flow chain, we described the problems during circulating for future research. The Chapter V we use transaction cost theory, game theory and other new institutional economics, classical economics analyzes the circulation model for Chinese vegetables from dynamic mechanism, guiding mechanism, brake mechanism to analyze the problems and trends. In order to better select the appropriate mode of agricultural products circulation, the Chapter VI we jump out of China to learn successful experience from the United States, Japan and other developed countries, through detail analyzing the their operating mechanism of vegetables circulation, and summarizing the success of the process flow to to learn from experience; The Chapter VII of the text, put forward policy proposals on the development of agricultural products circulation basing on the promotion of industrial development; The Chapter VIII concludes and outlook the main points and looks further research.

  • 【分类号】F323.7
  • 【被引频次】29
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