

Sustainable Urban Water Resources Planning and Water Eco Environment Rehabilitation

【作者】 彭澄瑶

【导师】 张杰; 李冬;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 土木工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 全世界各个地区都正处于历史上最大规模的城市化进程中,我国更是有数百个正在规划或者建设的城镇。城市化带动了城市人口的剧增以及生产生活需求的不断提高,水资源的无序、过度开采情况也在加剧,原本已经不堪重负的水生态环境遭到了更为严重的打击。但是,城市的规划依然多以空间布局和用地规划为主导,基础设施、能源与水源规划作为辅助,很少把水资源规划与社会、经济、产业发展、人文等因素真正看作一个有机的整体,绝大部分城市和地区的水资源可持续规划依然停留在理论层面上,城市水资源短缺的现象仍然存在且日益严重。只有能够适应现代城市发展特性的、合理的、可持续的并且可以被实践的水资源规划才能保证我们以及我们的后代能够享用地球上有限的水资源。本课题旨在将水的社会循环与水的自然循环之间的辩证关系作为理论根基,深入研究水在现代城市的生产生活形态下其社会循环形态的变迁,以及与水的自然循环形态之间新的互动。在此基础之上,研究现代城市的发展形态对水资源需求的发展与变化,探讨城市对水资源的显性与隐性需求以及各供需组分之间的平衡和契合点,总结出优化城市水资源配置和可持续利用的新思路。课题还将充分借鉴国外先进的城市敏感性水资源规划的概念,重新审视我国现有的城市取水、用水、排水以及水资源配置模式,分析不同的水资源规划情景对于城市发展各个方面的影响及其敏感程度,寻找能与现代城市发展相契合并且充分尊重水环境生态功能的和谐用水新模式。通过研究国外著名的流域管理案例,不难发现城市的水资源不可持续问题症结不仅在城市发展本身,大多也要归咎于流域水生态环境的不可持续发展状态。因此,必须要跳出城市的范畴以流域观的角度去审视城市水环境的健康循环状态与流域内水生态环境健康状态之间的关系,通过研究流域内水环境所面临的问题从而寻求解决城市水资源短缺问题的有效途径。在理论研究的基础上,笔者亲身参与了中新天津生态城的水资源规划与水生态环境修复。将对水的社会循环与自然循环之间辩证关系的新理解予以实践,结合当地的资源条件和城市规划定位,在生态城的水资源配置规划中研究如何达到水资源显性与隐性需求的平衡,寻求可替代的非传统水源以优化水资源配置结构。运用城市敏感性水资源规划的思路,把规划中的生态城的水环境、生态环境、生活环境与生产环境作为一个整体,把生态城的水环境与规划区周边的水环境构成的流域作为一个整体,分析水资源规划中各个指标的设定与实现的技术路径对城市发展各个方面的显性和隐性影响,通过对城市的敏感度分析的整合来决策水资源规划。同时,在生态城的水生态环境修复过程中实践了流域观的概念,研究如何修复严重污染的地表水环境以保证流域内水体达到功能区水质要求,结合空间布局搭建起城市内的水系并研究维持修复后水体功能的污水排放标准和水系补给方案。考虑到我国的国情,水资源的可持续利用不仅是技术上的规划和工程上的实践,更离不开政策性的引导和普及性教育,生态城的水资源规划也包括了对于节制用水和水资源管理举措的研究。本课题的创新之处在于对水的自然与社会循环关系在现代城市发展形态下的全新理解,以及在此指导下的对城市水资源显性与隐性需求的解读,强调了通过研究各供需组分之间的平衡与契合点来优化城市水资源配置的必要性。课题中研究了城市敏感性水资源规划与水资源规划和水环境修复的流域观这两个重要的概念,并且将其实践于中新天津生态城的水资源规划与水生态环境修复这一个真实的案例当中,同时也检验了理论研究的可实施性。在我国快速的城市化进程中,本课题的理论研究与结合我国国情的应用实践为如何从根本解决城市水资源短缺及水生态环境被严重破坏等问题、寻找适合生态新城发展的和谐用水模式以及实现城市的水资源可持续利用提供了参考。

【Abstract】 The whole world is experiencing the fastest urbanization in its history, not to mention over a hundred new city development projects taking place in China. Urbanization brought along rapid population growth and increasing resources demand. Uncontrolled and over exploitation of water resources has worsen the water environment’s health which has already been destroyed over years. However, spatial layout and landuse planning still drives new city’s development while infrastructure and resources planning are considered as supplementaries. It’s rarely seen that water resource planning is integrated organically with social, economical, industrial development and society building. Most of the so called sustainable water resources planning are still stuck at theoretical level. Urban water resources shortage is still seen and getting worse in most cities and regions. It’s is known that only suitable, sustainable, practical water resource planning which corresponds to specific urban development characteristics that could ensure we could enjoy the limited water resources on earth, as well as for generations to come.This research aims to use the dialectical relationship between water’s natural recycling and social recycling as theoretical foundation to analyze the development and transition of water’s social recycling status under modern urbanized settings and the dynamic correspondence of water’s natural recycling status. Upon this, the development and transition of water demand from urban development could be drawn. The study on explicit and implicit urban water demand and the balance between their supply and demand counterparts would help draw the strategics for urban water resources allocation and sustainable planning. Adopting the advanced urban sensitive water resourses planning concept, the current water intake, consumption, discharge and resources allocation schemes in China were reviewed. A harmious water consumption scheme which responds to the urban development and respects the water eco environment was proposed based on urban sensitivity analysis of various water resource planning scenarios. Learning from the successful river basin management cases worldwide, it’s not hard to conclude that the unsustainable urban water resources issue doen’t not lie on the city itself, rather shall be attributed to the unhealthy water eco environment of the entire river basin. Therefore, a whole new perspective of integrated river basin management shall be established to review the relationship between urban water recycling status and river basin water environment health status. It’s believed that mastering the problems faced by the water environment of the river basin is the only effective solution to solve urban water shortage issues.Upon theoretical research, the author joined the working team of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco City’s water resources planning and water environment eco rehabilition and put the theoretical conclusions into practice. Considering the local water resources baseline and Eco City’s development positioning, the research on finding the balance and meeting points of explicit and implicit water demand was carried out during the water resources allocation planning. Non-conventional water resources exploitation was also brought up to optimize the water supply framework. Urban sensitive water planning concept was applied in integrating the water environment, eco environment, living environment and economic environment within eco-city with the external waterways and river basin environment to analyze the impact of various water resource planning scenarios on city components. Sensitivity analysis of various city components’response was carried out and feedback was gathered to facilitate the decision making during water resources planning. Meanwhile, the concept of integrated river basin management was put into practice during Eco City’s water environment eco rehabilitation. To ensure the ground water quality meet the required waterbody’s functional standard, technology roadmapping for rehabilitate the polluted water body was studied. Integrating with spatial planning, waterways and water environment was established within the Eco City planned site while water discharge and replenish standards were clearly tabled. Considering the local characteristics of China, sustainable water resources planning could not be achieved with technical planning and engineering means only, but also under the guidance of supporting policies as well as public outreach programme. Eco City’s water resource planning also included the study on water saving strategies and water resource management practices and work plan.This research is innovative in terms of redefining the relationship between natural water recycling and social water recycling under modern society settings. Under the guidance of which, the explicit and implicit urban water demand could be drawn. It’s also pointed out that finding the balance and meeting points between various water demand and supply components would be critical in optimizing the water resources allocation framework. Two important concepts were highlighted in this research, namely urban sensitive water resource planning and integrated river basin management, both of which have been tested their practicability during Eco City’s water resources planning and water environment rehabilitation.While China is undergoing rapid urbanization, both the theoretical study and site application of this research would offer valuable references for other cities facing water resource shortage and destroyed water environment issues. It also delivers a whole new concept in seeking sustainable and harmious urban water recycling schemes for urbanized areas.

  • 【分类号】TV213.4;X171.4
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】3572
  • 攻读期成果