

Research on Expressing Technique of Environmental Policies in Chinese Urban Comprehensive Plan Text Documents

【作者】 张昊哲

【导师】 金广君; 宋彦;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 总体规划文本是规划政策信息的物质载体。规划实践中,规划政策信息的实施有赖于总体规划文本其进行有效的表达。因此,总体规划文本对规划政策信息的表达能力决定了城市规划意图的实施效果。同时,我国城市建设正处于“环境革命”的背景之下,城市环境危机凸显,因此讨论我国城市总体规划文本中的环境政策表达技术十分必要。为对这一表达技术进行有效总结,就必须解决以下几方面的问题。首先,总体规划文本的表达立场是怎样的?其次,总体规划文本对规划政策的表达方式如何?最后,总体规划文本中环境政策应该如何表达?总体规划文本是一项公共政策声明,这决定了其对各项规划政策的表达都要秉持三大立场。它们是:明确政府行动的立场,整合各项公共政策的立场以及确立社会契约关系的立场。为实现这些立场,总体规划文本应从六个方面明确政府行动,应从“外部”和“内部”两个维度整合各项公共政策,应该明确“政府—公众”和“部门—部门”两个层面的契约关系。这些认识将指导我们对总体规划文本中规划政策表达方式方法进行研究。适用于我国的能够对规划政策进行有效表达的城市总体规划文本应由愿景要素、目标指标要素、政策措施要素、实施计划要素以及链接要素构成。这一结论的得出是建立在对我国规划工作实践特征以及对国外相关经验的借鉴分析基础之上的。这五大内容要素按照四大组织原则进行安排,可以得到我国总体规划文本中规划政策的总体表达模型。这一模型的建立为讨论环境政策在总体规划文本中的表达方式与技巧提供了基础。在总体规划文本表达模型的指导之下,本课题分别讨论了环境目标指标内容、环境政策措施内容以及环境实施计划内容的表达方式与表达规律。其中的每一项成果都可以总结成为一个表达“公式”、一个表达模型以及与这一模型和“公式”相匹配的表达内容。因此,我国城市总体规划文本中的环境政策表达技术可以被总结为:基于三大表达立场的,由统一在总体表达模型之下的若干子模型及其配套内容构成的操作框架。

【Abstract】 Comprehensive Plan Text Documents (CPTDs, Zong Ti Gui Hua Wen Ben) function as a substantial carrier of planning decision information. Various planning policies have to depend on qualified CPTDs in implementation. Thus, CPTDs’ability of expressing planning policies determines the effectiveness of comprehensive plans. Meanwhile, China’s urbanization, under the background of“Environmental Revolution”, is surrounded by increasing environmental crisis. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss expressing technique and skills of environmental policies in Chinese CPTDs.To summarize the expressing technique efficiently, the following issues must be responded to. Firstly, what are the expressing stances of CPTDs? Secondly, what is the expressing pattern of CPTDs? Thirdly, how does a CPTD express environmental policies?A CPTD is considered as a public policy statement, which implies three stances for its expressing urban planning policies. They include clarification of governemnts’actions, integration of various public policies, and establishment of contractual relation. For implementing these stances, a CPTD has to address six questions related with governments’actions, to combine public polices on“internal”and“external”dimensions, to define contractual relations on“governments-citizens”and“agencies-agencies”levels. These knowledge guides our research on the expressing technique of environmental policies in CPTDs.Five structural elements, Vision, Goals and Objectives, Measures, as well as Links, should be included in CPTDs to express urban planning policies effectively under China’s situation. This viewpoint is inferred from both of the feature of Chinese urban planning practice and experiences of U.S.. The five elements and four organizing principles consist of the master expressing model of CPTDs of China, which forms the research basis for further discussing the expressing technique of environmental polices in CPTDs.Based on the master expressing model, this study deliberates the expressing methodologies for environemental goals and objectives, environmental measures, and environmental implementation plan. Each of them could be epitomized an expressing“formula”, an expressing“model”as well as a set of pertinent expressing contents. The expressing technique and skills of environmental policies in Chinese CPTDs, herewith, could be summarized as an operation framework with four expressing models derived from three expressing stances.
