

Research on Guidance and Control for Missile with Lateral Jets and Aerodynamic Surfaces

【作者】 毕永涛

【导师】 姚郁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 为了应对高速再入弹道导弹及其他现代空袭兵器的威胁,要求拦截导弹必须具备精确制导控制能力,以实现直接碰撞杀伤。在高空由于气动舵效率的减弱,传统气动控制响应速度大大降低,而采用姿控式直接侧向力与气动力复合控制则可以显著提高拦截导弹姿态控制系统的响应速度,从而确保在高空对大机动目标的精确拦截。针对姿控式直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹制导控制系统的工作特点,研究有效的制导控制方法具有重要的理论意义和实际工程价值。本文以大气层内姿控式直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹为背景,对直/气复合控制导弹的制导控制问题进行了深入的研究。首先,根据姿控脉冲发动机的配置,建立了直接侧向力模型,并基于侧向喷流干扰效应的数学描述,建立了直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹运动学和动力学模型,为直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹制导控制系统分析与设计研究奠定了基础。其次,通过对姿控脉冲发动机工作特性的分析,给出了姿控脉冲发动机阵列点火逻辑需要满足的基本原则;通过分析直接侧向力作用下的弹体姿态动态响应过程,给出了姿控脉冲发动机消耗量的计算方法;结合对气动力姿态控制特性的分析,揭示了直接侧向力与气动力复合控制特性。再次,研究了基于模型输出预测和自抗扰控制的直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹姿态控制系统设计方法。针对直/气复合控制导弹姿态控制系统的特点,提出了将非线性模型预测方法与自抗扰控制方法结合的姿态控制策略,设计了姿控脉冲发动机阵列点火逻辑,在分析直接侧向力有限约束集的基础上,提出了直/气复合控制导弹姿态控制系统设计方法,并分析了复合控制系统的稳定性。然后,研究了直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹末制导律设计方法。考虑复合控制导弹末制导系统的特点,分析了末制导系统工作过程,在此基础上,考虑姿态控制系统时间常数的变化,设计了基于预测脱靶量的复合控制导弹末制导律,分析了末制导系统稳定性针,并针对所设计的末制导系统,利用有限时间广义H2方法,对由目标CA机动、Singer机动和Weaving机动所引起的末端脱靶量进行了分析。最后,将上述研究成果应用到某型大气层内姿控式直接侧向力与气动力复合控制导弹的制导控制设计中,完成了基于模型预测和自抗扰控制的姿态控制设计和基于预测脱靶量的末制导系统设计,并进行了六自由度仿真分析,验证了本文提出方法的有效性。

【Abstract】 To cope with threatens of high-speed reentry of ballistic missiles and other modern air weapons, it is necessary for intercept missiles to have guidance and control ability of high precision, up to hit-to-kill. Dynamic responses of traditional aerodynamic control deteriorate significantly in high altitude as a result of efficiency decline in control fins. Instead, dual attitude control of intercept missiles, consisting of attitude-control-type lateral jets and aerodynamic control fins, can significantly improve the dynamic responses, based on which, precise interception can be attained against high-altitude, high-speed and large maneuvering targets. According to the characteristics of guidance and control systems of missiles with dual control, researches on suitable guidance and control methods are of great importance in both theory and engineering. In this context, the dissertation focuses intensively on the guidance and control problems of endo-atmospheric missiles with dual control.First, mathematical model is established according to the configuration of lateral pulse jets in the attitude control system. Kinematic and dynamic equations of the missile with dual control of lateral jets and fins are constructed based on the mathematical description of turbulent effects on lateral jet interactions. These provide the foundations for the analysis and the design in the sequel.Second, through the analysis of characteristics of a lateral pulse jet, basic principles for the operation of pulse jets array are given. Through the analysis of dynamic responses of missile attitude while lateral jets are applied, an algorithm for calculating pulse jets consumption is presented. Dual control characteristics are analyzed based on the characteristics of aerodynamic control.Third, attitude control design methods of missiles with dual control are investigated based on model predictive control and active disturbance rejection control. Based on the control characteristics, control strategy, that combines nonlinear model prediction control with active disturbance rejection control, is presented, and corresponding design frame is constructed. Then operation logic of pulse jets array is designed. By the analysis of finiteness of constraint set, attitude control system design method of the dual control is given, and the stability of the closed-loop system is analyzed.Fourth, terminal guidance law of the missiles with dual control is investigated. Descriptions of predicted miss distance and maximum correction distance of terminal guidance are given. By comparing the two distances, switching principle is given, by which time instant can be decided to switch the control from aerodynamic control to dual control. Then, time constants of the attitude control system in different control mode are considered in terminal guidance law design. Finally, by utilizing generalized H2 method in finite time horizon, miss distance analysis is conducted in the presence of control switching. In the analysis, target maneuvering is considered.At last, the obtained results are applied to the design of guidance and control laws of certain type of endo-atmospheric missiles with dual control. the attitude control system and end-game guidance system are designed based on model prediction control and active disturbance rejection control. Simulation is conducted in a 6-degree-of freedom model architecture. The simulation results justify the proposed theories and methods.
