

Cultural Consumption and Contemporary Museum Architecture Design Concept Research

【作者】 鞠叶辛

【导师】 梅洪元;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 传统观念中,“消费”一词是不会与博物馆产生任何关联的。博物馆自诞生之日起,即被定义为一个保存、传承历史文明的文化机构,文化属性是其最显著的特征。而“消费”则是一种经济行为,受市场体制和商品逻辑的调控与制约。从表面看来,二者不仅没有关联,有时甚至是相互矛盾和对立的。然而这种境况伴随着文化消费的兴起发生了彻底的改变。文化消费最显著的特征是将文化作为商品纳入市场化的流通过程,让文化与其他商品一样遵循消费规律和市场导向,并由此颠覆了文化传统意义上的生产和传播模式,为其发展制定了新机制和新规则。博物馆作为文化大军中的重要一员,必然受之波及。消费逻辑的渗入极大地丰富了传统博物馆的内涵与外延,并促使当代博物馆在机构属性、经营策略、发展目标等方面较之以往均有了不同程度的转变。伴随着博物馆的演进更新,当代博物馆建筑也呈现出自这一建筑类型诞生以来最为华彩的景象。无论是外部形象还是内部空间,博物馆建筑的整体姿态一直朝着新的方向发展。深刻、全面地了解当代博物馆建筑的演变趋向以及促成演变的根本原因,对于博物馆建筑创作本身而言具有积极的意义和切实的价值。本文选取文化消费作为研究视角,以大量篇幅详尽论述这一特殊背景对博物馆机构所产生的深刻影响,主要原因即在于传统的类型建筑学研究已经不能涵盖当代博物馆建筑所发生的巨大飞跃。从根本而言,博物馆建筑所呈现出的种种转变恰恰是博物馆发展更新的最直接体现。本文在高度概括与梳理博物馆及博物馆建筑发展现状的前提下,对当代博物馆与文化消费的关系进行了系统的分析、归纳与总结。阐述了当代博物馆在社会价值、伦理价值、审美价值等三方面发生转变的深层动因以及转变后的具体表现。以此为基础,提出当代博物馆建筑设计理念的三大演变趋向,即综合社会效益主导博物馆的策划定位、大众体验需求主导博物馆的空间营造、自律他律平衡主导博物馆的形象塑造。首先,以资本运作之视角重新定义博物馆的社会使命及角色定位,提出文化消费促使当代博物馆由一处静态的文化资源转化为具有增值潜力的文化资本。博物馆在参与资本运作的过程中重新确立其策划定位,即作为触媒资本、叠加资本和再生资本促进社会整体环境的演进更新,并由资本属性决定博物馆在规划选址、功能设置及整体姿态等方面的特质与内涵。其次,以体验消费之视角重新思考博物馆的空间营造,提出当代博物馆的服务重心已经转向对“消费者”的体贴和关怀。通过了解“消费者”体验需求的新拓展,将体验的开放性与自主性、体验的闲适性与愉悦性以及体验的通达性与完整性作为指导当代博物馆空间营造的新准则,对传统空间设计观进行一定的调整与完善。最后,以审美营销之视角重新构思博物馆的形象塑造,提出当代博物馆建筑的审美风格应是艺术自律与消费逻辑共同作用的产物。在向大众提供审美消费时,应该营销一种有深度、有内涵的建筑形象,使博物馆既能表现多元化的审美趣味,又能提供开放化的审美语义,还能促成人文情感的沟通与交流。

【Abstract】 In traditional concept, the word“consumption”will not be made anyassociation with the word“museum”. Since the birth of the day ,the museum isdefined as a cultural organization for preserving and generating the history ofcivilization ,cultural attribute is the most salient feature .However ,consumption is akind of economic behavior ,which is under the influence and regulated by themarket system and commercial logic .Ostensibly, they’re not associated ,and alsothey’re even contradictory and antagonistic sometimes .Nevertheless ,with the riseof cultural consumption ,this situation has undergone fundamental changes .The most salient character of cultural consumption is that move the culture ascommodities into marketing process of circulation ,so that it can follow the law ofconsumption and market orientation from which it subverts the production anddissemination mode in cultural traditional sense ,and formulates new mechanismand rules for the development .As an important member of the culturalarmy ,museum will inevitably be affected .The infiltration of consume logic hasgreatly enriched the connotation and extension of the traditional museum ,and thathas caused the contemporary museum to have varying degrees of transition ininstitutional attribute ,management strategy ,and development goals etc than everbefore .With the evolution updating of the museum ,the contemporary museumconstruction has also revealed the most magnificent sight since the birth of this typeof architecture .No matter the external images or internal spaces ,the overall postersof the museum have been developing towards a new direction .Comprehend theevolution trend of the contemporary museum construction and its fundamentalreasons for the changes deeply and thoroughly through which it has positivesignificance and tangible value for architecture creation of the museum itself .Selecting the cultural consumption as research angles ,this dissertationthoroughly expounds the profound influence which is caused by this specialbackground having on the museum organization with many pages ,the main reasonis that traditional architectural typology studies have been impossibly covered thegreat leap of the contemporary museum construction .Fundamentally speaking ,thetransition of the museum construction is precisely the most direct embodiment ofthe museum development updating .Bases on high profiling and hackling the museum and the current situation of the museum construction ,this dissertationsystematically analyzes and induces also summarizes the relationship between thecontemporary museum and cultural consumption .Expounds the substantivecharacteristics of the changes in museum development and the specific performanceafter its varying from three aspects of social values ,ethical values and aestheticvalues etc .On this basis, this dissertation points out these three evolution trend ofthe contemporary museum architectural design conception ,that is comprehensivesocial benefit leading strategy location of the museum ,the public experiencerequirements leading the space construction of the museum as well as the balanceof autonomy and heteronomy leading the image construction of the museum .First of all , this dissertation refines the social mission and role position of themuseum from the perspective of capital operation ,points out that culturalconsumption prompted the contemporary museum to transform from a staticcultural resource to a kind of cultural capital with value added potential .In theprocess of participating in capital operation ,museum re established its strategylocation ,that is ,prompting the overall social environmental evolution updates ascatalytic capital ,superimposed capital and reproduced capital ,and defined theidiosyncrasy and connotation of the museum which is affected by the capitalproperty from these aspects of planning the location ,function setting and theoverall posture etc .Secondly this dissertation re considers the space connotation ofthe museum from the perspective of experiencing consumption ,proposes theservice center of contemporary museum has diverted to the considerateness andkindness to the consumers.By understanding the new expansion of the“Consumers”experience demand ,made certain adjustments and completion to the traditionalview of design ,the opening and autonomy of the experience ,the leisure andpleasure of the experience ,and also the accessibility and integrity of the experienceare intended as a new criteria guiding the space construction of themuseum .Finally ,re conceives the image construction of museum from theperspective of aesthetic marketing ,pointed out the aesthetic style of thecontemporary museum construction should be a product of combined action ofautonomy of art and consumption logic .While offering the public aestheticconsumption ,we should market a kind of architectural image with depth andconnotation ,so that the museum will show diversified aesthetic taste and provideopening aesthetic meaning ,more over ,prompt communications and exchanges of the human emotion .
