

The Magistrate of a County, Aides and Staff in the Office of a Commanding General, Scholar and the Old Fogy

【作者】 张立胜

【导师】 龚书铎;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文从家世、受教和交游,仕宦和幕僚生涯,政治思想,学术兴趣与成就,教育活动及主张,遗老活动及其心态等方面对劳乃宣进行了较为系统而深入的研究。劳乃宣出身于浙江桐乡一个官宦世家、书香门第,自幼受到了良好的教育。但是他受劳家家学影响不显,主要得益于母亲沈蕊及沈家。同治十年(1871)劳氏成进士,为今后居官、入幕和从事学术研究奠定了基础。他一生交游很广,笔者选取某些代表性的人士,略述他们之间的交往,以助于进一步了解劳氏的政治和学术思想的发展历程。从光绪五年至二十六年(1879-1900)间,劳氏先后担任过直隶临榆等六个县的知县,颇具政声,三次被保荐“卓异”。而在因故不能任官时,他又曾入范梁、李鸿章、曾国荃、周馥、盛宣怀、李兴锐、端方等人的幕府,主要负责处理文案。笔者据《劳乃宣公牍手稿》对其在端方幕府所作的文案进行了初步的分析。由于在端方幕府的出色表现,劳氏才得以由幕而仕,担任朝廷正官,品级愈来愈高,最后任京师大学堂总监督、学部副大臣等职。这表明劳氏的游幕生涯和其担任正官相辅相成。劳氏的政治思想主要包括三个方面。劳的变法主张虽然在洋务运动、清末新政及进入民国后有所不同,但总体上是以“中学为体,西学为用”为指导。劳乃宣在义和团运动中,撰写了《义和拳教门源流考》等著述,始终坚持义和拳乃“白莲教之支流”、“实系邪教”的主张,由于劳氏论证中的粗疏、臆断等诸多原因,该主张没有被朝廷采纳而付诸实行。民国建立后,劳氏鼓吹所谓“共和思想”,即君幼不能行政,仿效周召共和,复辟清室,实行所谓君主立宪,并且一再强调“民主之制不适合中国”。劳乃宣作为近代一位涉猎广泛的学者,对于中学研究造诣较深,对于西学的认知也有一定的水平。笔者对劳氏的中学和西学的成就进行了系统地分析。劳乃宣的学术成就中,既有显著的进步性,又有一定的保守性,尤其是在民主政体的借鉴方面,因为劳氏溺古太深,难以突破“道则从古从旧,器则从今从新”的束缚,表现出历史的局限性。劳乃宣又是清末的一位教育家,其教育活动涉及了从私塾、书院、简字学堂到近代学堂等诸方面,在一定程度上体现了清末教育新旧更替的特点。劳氏的教育活动既有促进近代教育发展的进步性,也有受时代和个人思想的局限而维护传统礼教的保守性。在多年从教的基础上,劳乃宣提倡蒙学教育、女子教育,提倡私家教育,主张普及教育,试图为实行君主立宪打下良好的基础。民国建立后,劳乃宣还是一位著名的“遗老”。他力主尊孔,效忠清室,敌视民国。其活动和想法,违背了历史潮流,结果仍是“劳而无功”。另一方面,劳氏帮助卫礼贤翻译《易经》等儒家经典,对于促进中西文化交流起了积极的作用。在近代社会变迁中,劳氏是一位政治保守型的学者,和传统士人有共性,以传统的价值观以依归,他又集县令、幕僚、学者、遗老于一身,在这一类型中又有其独特性。

【Abstract】 This disertation paper is to make a systematic and deep study on Lao Nai-xuan from family background, receiving education and his circle of friend; his career of aides and staff in the office of a commanding general; his political thoughts; his academic interests and chievement;.his educational practise and thonghts; his old fogy ’s activities and psychology. Lao Nai-xuan was born of a literary family of bureaucrat from generation to generation.He received a good education from childhood. His education did not come from his father ’ family but his mother ’ family(his grandfather—Shen Tao). Lao Nai-xuan was granted a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations in the tenth year of emperor Tongzhi (1871).It was basis of securing an official position, striving for aides and staff in the office of a commanding general and was engagaed in academic research from now on. He made lots of friends of all ranks and classes throughout his life. I narrate the events of between Lao Nai-xuan and his many friends with characteristic. It is helpful to recongniaze the journey of his political and acdemic thoughts.Lao had acted as the magistrate of a county in six counties of Zhili Provice from 1879 to 1900(from the fifth to twenty-sixth of emperor Guangxu). He won a high reputation for three recommendation of remarkable achievements. In addition, he entered into the office of the commanding officer of Fan Liang, Li Hong-zhang, Zeng Guo-quan, Zhou Fu, Sheng Xuan-hai, Ling Xing-rui and Duan Fang. In the office of the commanding officer, Lao mainly dealed with official documents and correspondence. I analyse the types of his official documents and correspondence according to“original manuscript of Lao Nai-xuan’s official documents and correspondence”. He also acted as high official because of good behaviour at the office of the commanding officer of Duan Fang .He was promoted to a higher post gradually and at last hold the post of the president of the Imperial University of Peking and the vice-minister of the Xuebu(the Ministry of Education). It shows that the two things about his career of aides and staff and his post promotion are complementary.There are three aspects about Lao’s political thounghts. The opinions about political reform is different in the Yangwuyundong(Westernization Movement), in the New Political Period in Late Qing Dynasty and Republican China. But he believed“Application of Western Ideas within the Chinese Tradition”by and large. In the Boxer Uprising(or Boxer Movement), he wrote Observe and Study origin and development of the Boxer Uprising and stubbornly insist that the Boxer Uprising was the tributary of the“White Lotus”and was the“Cults”. Because his demonstration was careless and a baseless conjecture and so on, his opinion was not accepted by the imperial government. After Republican China was estabilshed, So-called Gonghe (republic) that Lao advocated i.e. Zhoushao Gong (in zhe Xizhou Dynast), he believed constitutional monarchy would be set up then.He steressed repeatedly that democratic system was unsuitable for China.As a scholar with plenty of knowledge in Modern China, he had great attainments on Chinese traditional learning and had fixed level on Western learning (a late Qing Dynasty term for Western natural and social science).I systematically analyses his academic chievement on Chinese traditional learning and Western learning and affirms his chievement on Dengyunxue(Phonology) and reform of Chinese(simplify or phonetic annotation of Chinese characters). His academic chievement had outstanding progress. At the same time, it also had regular conservative ideas. Especially, he was firmly against for western democratic system because he was addicted to Chinese traditional learning and could not break through the shackles of“Application of Western Ideas within the Chinese Tradition”. This shows he was bound by historical surroundings.In the course of social changes in Modern China, Lao had commonplace in character with traditional literati and officialdom(or schoolar-officials in feudal China) who believed in traditional ideas. On the other side, he was the collection of the magistrate of a county, aides and staff in the office of a commanding general, scholar and the old fogy, so he had his own characteristic.Lao Nai-xuan was an educationist in the Late Qing Dynast. His educational practise included in From Home School with Private Tutor, Academy of Classical Learning, schools of phonetic letters to Modern Comprehensive University and embodied the feature the replacement of tradition and modern in the Late Qing. His educational practise had made progress in advancing education. Fettered by the age and his own thoughts, Lao had conservative inclination of keeping feudal ethical code. Because he was engaged in education for many years, he advocated preschool education、women education and private education. He devoted major efforts to developing an universal education to strive for the early accomplishment of the constitutional monarchy.Lao Nai-xuan also was a famous old fogy after Republican China was established.He insisted on safeguarding the proposal of Confucius.He devoted himself heart and soul to in the Qing and is hostile to Republican China. His activities and psychology failed miserably owing to go against historical trend. But for he helped Richard Wilhelm in translating Yijing (The Book of Change) into German, Lao took positive effect on cultural exchange between Chinese and Western.

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