

【作者】 王忠海

【导师】 赵国杰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 社会主义新农村建设是落实科学发展观、彻底解决“三农”问题的战略设想,基于全球经济一体化时代背景下的可持续发展实践,以及各地区发展的特殊性,确定以“基于可持续·科学-特色发展观的和谐乡镇建设研究”为博士论文选题。论文以科学发展观为指导,综合运用多学科的基本原理与方法,梳理新农村建设相关理论,剖析中国农村建设实践,建构了科学可行的新农村建设规划架构和评价指标体系;以北京市房山区新农村建设和琉璃河镇建设都市型现代农业示范镇为案例,研究大都市周边区和谐乡镇建设规划的制定与评价。论文共分六章:第一章导论。确定论文选题,明确选题意义,回顾相关研究成果,确定论文研究思路,总结论文主要创新点。第二章乡村建设实践简史与评价。用历史分析与技术经济评价方法相结合,公正、客观、科学地评价精英发动型农村建设运动的利弊得失,得出中国农村建设必须坚持党的领导,走以政府为主导、农民为主体、工业反哺农业、城市反哺乡村的新建设道路的科学结论。第三章社会主义新农村建设理论基础与规划体系探索。首先,回顾和总结和谐社会和新农村的涵义,并提出基于和谐理念的新农村社会概念;然后,在借鉴和比较国内外学者研究的基础上,按照一定的指导思想和原则,设计了一套融入和谐理念的新农村社会评价指标体系;最后,制定了区域级新农村建设规划框架。第四章和第五章是论文实证部分,第四章制定房山区的新农村建设规划,第五章制定琉璃河都市型现代农业示范镇建设的新农村建设规划。第六章总结论文研究的主要结论和局限性,提出今后研究的设想。

【Abstract】 Building a new socialist countryside is a strategic vision to implement the scientific development concept, to solve the "Three Rural Issues" completely. Based on the sustainable development practices under the background of global economic integration, as well as the specialty of regional development, "Study of Harmony Township Construction Based on Sustainable·Scientific-Featured Concept of Development "is determined as the doctoral dissertation topics.Guided by the scientific development concept, the paper comprehensively uses basic principles and methods of multi disciplines, sorts out theories about new rural construction, analyses the Chinese practice of rural development, and constructs scientific and feasible strategic planning framework and evaluation system of new rural construction. Lastly, the paper case studies the urban modern agriculture demonstration town construction of Town Liulihe District Fangshan Beijing, discusses the formulation and evaluation of construction planning of harmony township surrounding metropolitan area.The paper is divided into six chapters.In Chapter I, the thesis topic is determined, and also about its significance. Than relevant research is reviewed, research paper ideas are identified. Lastly, the main thesis innovations are summarizedChapter II is about history and evaluation of rural construction. Combined with historical analysis and technical and economic evaluation, advantages and disadvantages of elite launch typed rural reconstruction movement are fairly, objectively and scientifically evaluated. It is scientifically concluded that rural construction must adhere to the party leadership and take the new method which is government-led, farmers as the main theme, industry financing agriculture and cities financing villages.Chapter III the theory is about the basic theories of building new socialist countryside and the exploration of its planning system. Firstly, the meaning of harmonious society and new countryside is reviewed and summed up, and the concept of new rural community is proposed based on concept of harmony. Then, based on the reference and comparison of domestic and foreign researches, new rural community evaluation system is constructed in accordance with harmony concept. Finally, Regional level planning framework for the new rural construction is formulated.Chapters IV and V is the positive part of the thesis, construction plan about Town Liulihe as urban modern agriculture demonstration town is formulated.Chapter VI is about the main conclusions and limitations of the study. Ideas for future research are also proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期