

A Study on Influencing Mechanism of Employer Brand Competence and Its Synergetic Evolution in High-tech Enterprises

【作者】 王磊

【导师】 汪波;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界经济已经进入了知识经济时代,高新技术企业作为以追求创新为目的的一种知识、技术和人才密集型的企业实体,是知识经济时代的必然产物,也是推动我国经济发展的重要力量。但是,由于全球化背景下的人才资源竞争日趋激烈,我国大多数高新技术企业面临着科技人才支撑不足的问题。雇主品牌作为企业赢得人力资源竞争优势的主要途径之一,已经被学术界以及商界普遍认可。因此,深入研究高新技术企业雇主品牌的竞争力影响机制,透彻剖析高新技术企业雇主品牌的环境适应性以及协同进化机制,具有十分重要的理论价值和实践意义。本论文的选题背景、理论研究和实证分析,主要来源于作为主要参加人参与的国家科协有关高新区科技人才的课题项目。论文综合运用雇主品牌理论、竞争力理论、生态学理论、协同进化理论等理论工具,以高新技术企业雇主品牌为研究对象,全面系统的对高新技术企业雇主品牌的竞争力影响机制、复杂适应性以及协同进化进行了研究,并在以下方面取得了创新性成果:(1)提出了雇主品牌竞争力影响机制模型。在对员工满意度、雇主品牌传播以及雇主品牌资产进行系统分析的基础上,提出了雇主品牌竞争力影响机制概念模型,通过结构方程模型进行了实证研究,确定了最终的雇主品牌竞争力影响机制模型。(2)构建了高新技术企业雇主品牌二维环境适应度模型。通过深入讨论雇主品牌生态系统的复杂适应性,结合雇主品牌竞争能力与雇主品牌环境适应力两个维度,借助模糊物元模型,提出了高新技术企业雇主品牌二维环境适应度模型。(3)提出了高新技术企业雇主品牌间协同进化的生态位模型。依据高新技术企业雇主品牌间生态位的宽度、重叠、竞争排斥与分离,深入剖析了高新技术企业雇主品牌间协同进化的条件、机制及行为,并建立了高新技术企业雇主品牌间协同进化的生态位模型。(4)建立了高新技术企业雇主品牌生态系统协同度模型。运用自组织理论、协同进化理论揭示了高新技术企业雇主品牌生态系统的演化规律,建立了高新技术企业雇主品牌生态系统协同度模型,为高新技术企业雇主品牌生态系统的良好运转与提升提供了分析工具与理论指导。

【Abstract】 Nowadays the world ecnomy has been turned into the era of knowledge-based economy. High-tech enterprises, taking innovation as their core subject, are based on knowledge, technology and talent people, which are the outcome of the era of knowledge-based economy and the important forces to developing ecnomy of our country. However, as the competition of humen resource under the globalizational background becomes more and more fierce, most high-tech enterprises in our country have to face the problem of insufficient support of talent people. The fact that the employer brand is a primary way for enterprise to gain the advantage of the competition of humen resource is widely approved by the academia and the business circles. Therefore, research on the influencing mechanism of high-tech enterprises’competive ability and high-tech enterprises’complex adaption and the mechanism of synergetic evolution has very crucial theoretical value and practical significance.The background of topic selection, theoretical research and experimental analysis are all based on the actual research projects about technological personnel in high-tech developing zone of national science and technology association. Based on employer brand theory, competive ability throry, ecology theory and synergetic evolution theory, this paper studies the influencing mechanism of high-tech enterprises’competive ability and high-tech enterprises’complex adaption and the mechanism of synergetic evolution, regarding high-tech enterprises’employer brands as subjects. The main innovational points of the dissertation are listed as below:(1) This paper builts the model of influencing mechanism of employer brand competive ability. Based on the analysis of employee’s satisfaction, employer brand communication and employer brand equity, this paper constructs the model of influencing mechanism of employer brand competive ability and does experimental research by structure equation modeling. Finally, this dissertation fixes on the model of influencing mechanism of employer brand competive ability.(2) This dissertation brings forth high-tech enterprises’two-dimension model of environmental adaption. Based on the theory of complex adaptive system(CAS), combining the competive ability and the ability of environmental adaption, this paper builds high-tech enterprises’two-dimension model of environmental adaption.(3) High-tech enterprises’employer brands’niche model about synergetic evolution is built in this paper. Based on the width, overlap, competition and separation of high-tech enterprises’employer brands’niche, this dissertation analyses the condition, mechanism and behavior of high-tech enterprises’employer brands’synergetic evolution and brings forth high-tech enterprises’employer brands’niche model about synergetic evolution.(4) This dissertation constructs a model to evaluate the synergetic degree of high-tech enterprises’employer brand ecological system. Through self-organization theory and synergetic evolution theory, this paper indicates evolutional regulation of high-tech enterprises’employer brand ecological system and builds the model to evaluate the synergetic degree of high-tech enterprises’employer brand ecological system. It can provide analytical implement and theoretical direction for the good operation and development of high-tech enterprises’employer brand ecological system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F276.44;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】857
  • 攻读期成果