

Study of Chinese Traditional Settlement Pattern as the Characterization of Social Structure

【作者】 张楠

【导师】 张玉坤;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 传统聚落研究关注的是与人类生存发展息息相关的“居住”问题。以人类活动为基础的聚居生活方式的内在秩序规范着人的社会行为与生存空间,人的社会结构也物化为聚落形态得以表达。将聚落形态视为社会结构的表征,有利于以社会结构为匙,从“社会—空间”角度完整认识传统聚落形态,完善人类知识体系。目前,传统社会结构空间化研究主要面临以下三个方面的问题:1.概括抽象与复杂的社会;2.概括“难以言说”的聚落空间;3.架起社会结构与聚落结构之间沟通的桥梁。社会结构与聚落形态具有一些相似的特点,按结构主义的观点,均可视为结构体系,本文在研究中,借鉴结构主义对结构体系之间关系的分析,对比分析社会结构和聚落形态两个体系的相似与差异。试图通过理论抽象与实例分析相结合的方式接近其内在本质。本文分为以下几个部分,分别解决上述问题:一.把握中国传统社会中“关系本位”的特点,在费孝通提出的“差序格局”基础上,结合社会网络分析方法,对中国传统社会结构加以分析。二.在大量历史聚落的实证研究基础上,借鉴“群”、“网”、“拓扑”的数学概念,结合实例对于传统聚落形态做出分析,把握其结构规律。三.社会结构与聚落形态既密切联系又有很大差异,很难用简单的图形或公式将二者之间相互关系形象地表达,但可以借助对大量实例进行分析而间接感知。由于社会结构不可能在虚空中存在,实际上存在着一定的空间性,聚落形态在某种意义上可以认为是社会结构的空间性的体现——这反映了社会结构的某些特征,又是相对短暂社会关系凝聚的社会结构得以保持其延续性的关键所在。聚落形态的体系与社会结构存在着一定拓扑关系——而这种拓扑又不是简单的数学意义上空间中的形式变化,它的涵义超越了空间范畴。四.运用上述社会—空间分析方法,分别以龙门镇、暖泉镇、拉萨和北京为例,具体分析社会结构如何在一个聚落中实现空间化,并在其发展演变中持续地发挥作用。

【Abstract】 Traditional Settlement is closely related to human survival and development of the "resident" problem. The internal order of normative way of life based on human activities lived with people’s social behavior and living space, and the social structure can be expressed by the settlement pattern. Characterized the settlement pattern as a social structure, conducive us to understand social the traditional settlement pattern completely from the "society—space" point, improve the system of human knowledge.At present, the traditional social structure of space—based reseasrch is facing three problems: 1. Summary the social which is abstract and complex ; 2.Summary the settlement space which seemed "can not be talk about claerly"; 3.Find the link between the social structure and settlement partern. Social structure and settlement pattern has some similar characteristics, according to structuralist point of view, both of them could be regarded as structural systems, in this article,we comparative analysis of both social structure and settlement patterns the similarities and differences between systems, by drawing on structuralist analysis of the relationship between the structural system. Attempts to approach its intrinsic nature, by abstract the theory and study the example. This article is divided into several parts to solve these problems one by one:1. Grasp the "relationship based" features of traditional Chinese, Analyze traditional Chinese social structure based on the combination of social network analysis in Fei Xiaotong’s "differential pattern"theory.2. History of settlement in a large number of empirical studies based on the reference "group", "net", "topology" of mathematical concepts based on a large number of history study of settlement, analyze the traditional settlement pattern with examples, grasp the structure of the law.3. There are great differences between Social structure and settlement pattern while they are closely, it is difficult to express the relationship of them by simple graph or formula vividly, but it can help us to apperceive indirectly by analyze a large number of examples. As the social structure can not exist in empty space, in fact, it has a certain spatial identity. Settlement pattern can be considered a manifestation of the spatial characterize in a sense—it not only reflects some features of social structure, but also become the key, which help the social strcture condensed by relatively short—lived social relations keep its continuity. There are certain topological relations between s ettlement pattern and social structure of the system—and this topology is not simply a mathematical sense of space in the form of change, its implications go beyond the space category.4. Using the above methods—spatial analysis methods respectively, Longmen town, Warm springs town, Lhasa and Beijing, for example, the specific analysis of how social structure is implemented in a space of settlement, and play its role continuous in the course of its evolution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期