

Organization and Efficiency Evalution on Cooperative Operation of Missile Force

【作者】 王志坚

【导师】 李一军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 目前,联合作战和协同作战的研究已经成为军事运筹学的重点而且活跃的研究领域。本文以“协同作战”为主线,不仅对武器一目标分配问题、作战效能评估这两个事关导弹部队协同作战的核心问题进行了研究,而且还基于著名的指派问题对导弹部队协同作战的任务分配进行了研究。首先,结合现代WTA问题的特点,设计了混合遗传模拟退火算法求解。采用混合编码,以简化问题;引入以广义海明距离构造初始解,提高了解的可行性;用最佳保留选择法,以保证群体的多样性;用改进的最大保留交叉算子保证算法能够收敛到全局最优;采用全局最优基因保护策略,引入自适应变异算子,提高了算法收敛速度;利用模拟退火算法的Metropolis机制,控制遗传算法的交叉、变异操作,加强算法的局部寻优能力。仿真结果表明本文设计的混合遗传模拟退火算法,具有更强的搜索能力,能够获得全局最优解,不容易陷入局部最优,同时也具有良好的稳定性。总之,混合优化策略所求解的精度和收敛速度均能满足现代战争的需要,且优化过程简单、易行。对解决大规模WTA问题具有重大的现实意义和一定应用价值。其次,本文应用指派问题的五个模型,即经典指派问题模型、最大化指派问题、不平衡指派问题模型、瓶颈指派问题和双属性指派问题等五类模型,在导弹部队协同作战任务分配领域进行了系统的应用,不仅提出了大量生动的应用案例,而且为解决这些有实际应用背景的作战问题提供了确实可行的解决方案和优良的算法。本文提出了三类简单适用的新算法,即求解残缺指派矩阵的0-1元素法;求解多轮指派问题的近似算法;求解双属性瓶颈指派问题和B指派问题的算法。作为理论创新,根据行为的多样性结果,细化了多目标指派问题模型,同时提出了具有重要应用价值的双属性瓶颈指派问题模型。第三,在对导弹部队作战效能的构成进行了分析的基础上,指出其由主战系统、作战保障系统、作战指挥系统三部分组成,给出了导弹部队作战效能的三个组成部分的指标体系及各部分效能的计算方法,并将三部分的效能进行综合,最后提出了基于协同系数的联合作战武器系统的联合作战效能计算方法和模拟方法,并对单兵作战效能和联合作战效能进行了模拟,对两种方式的武器装备毁损结果及其作战效能进行了分析。

【Abstract】 At present, joint operation and cooperative operation have become two important and active research field. In the thesis, based on cooperative operation, weapon-target allocation and operational efficiency evaluation are studied, which are two core problems on cooperative engagement of missile force. Furthermore, applying the famous assignment problem, some task assignment problems of cooperative operation are discussed.First of all, combine modern WTA problem’s characteristic, designed Hybrid genetic simulated annealing algorithm solution. Use hybrid coding method to simplify the question; introduce the generalized Hamming distance to construct initial solutions which improve the feasibility. Use Retain the best selection method to guarantee the diversity of groups. Use improved biggest crossover operator to guarantee a reservation algorithm can converge to the global optimum. Adopt global optimum gene protect strategies and bring Adaptive mutation operator to speed up algorithm convergence; By simulate Metropolis mechanism of annealing algorithm; Control the crossover and Mutation operation of the genetic algorithm. Strengthen local search ability of the chromosome. Through the results of the simulation, proved the hybrid genetic simulated annealing algorithm is better than use hybrid genetic or simulated annealing algorithm alone in the aspects of the solution quality, calculation efficiency and algorithm stability. In sum, the accuracy and convergence speed of the hybrid optimization strategy can satisfied the needs of modern war, Optimization process is simple and easy to use, which has a practical significance and application value to big scale WTA problem.Secondly, five models on assignment problem, namely the least cost assignment, the maximum efficiency assignment problem, the unbalance assignment problem, the bottle-neck assignment problem and two attributes assignment problem, are applied to assign tasks of missile force in the cooperative operation. Not only are some excellent algorithms obtained and some lively cases are presented. In the thesis, we have given three new algorithms:0-1 elements method for the assignment problem with incomplete matrix, a heuristic algorithm for the assignment problem with multi-turns, a new algothm for the bottle-neck assignment problem with two attributes. All three algorithms are simple and applicable. As two theoretical innovations, not only is the assignment problem with multi-object classified according to the variety results of acts, but also the bottle-neck assignment problem with two attributea is given, which has the important application value in practice. Finally, though the analysis of the combat effectiveness of the missile force composition, this thesis point out that it include the main battle systems, operational support systems, combat command system. On this basis, indicator system and the method of calculating the final performance of the three parts are given and the effectiveness of the missile forces of the three components of part of the performance will be integrated. Based on the synergy of joint operations coefficient of joint operations weapon system, the performance calculation methods and simulation methods are given and individual combat effectiveness and the effectiveness of joint operations conducted a simulation. Final, the damage result of the weapons and equipment show the effectiveness of joint combat.
