

Multiple Authorities Conflict and Criss-cross

【作者】 杨戴云

【导师】 杨正文;

【作者基本信息】 西南民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 社会中的“权威”一直是人类学、社会学、政治学、法学等学科研究中关注的一个重要视域。民间权威是相对国家权威而言的,反之亦然。近代以来,中国乡村社会经历了“激变”、“改造”、“转型”的重大变迁。现今,中国经济改革和发展的一个政治后果就是整个基层乡村社会不断走向开放,传统封闭的“熟人社会”也正在向“半熟人社会”转变。与此同时,基层乡村社会发生的大量民间纠纷,仅仅依靠民间宗教信仰、道德等权威来调整已经难以奏效。随着现代司法制度被国家不断推行下乡,村民也时常于纠纷发生时互相打起官司,法律最终成为乡村纠纷解决的一种权威。虽然当今中国在整个乡村社会中很难找到与世隔绝的完全由习惯法统治的“孤岛”了,但相对汉族地区而言,现在很多跨文化的地区——少数民族地区,现代法律在纠纷解决中的作用仍然相当有限。在这种情况下,过分强调“法律至上主义”并不见得必然有利于纠纷和争端的解决。这篇文章以法律人类学视角,考察了贵州黔东南一个山村的一起公路诉讼案件,呈现了纠纷解决过程中法庭内外原被告、村委会、乡政府、政法委、法院等不同主体的行动逻辑,分析了不同权威在纠纷解决场域中的互动竞争状态。通过这一“显微式”个案研究,我们看到法律并不是乡村纠纷解决的唯一合法有效的途径。基层乡村社会中这类纠纷的解决,既不是单纯依靠民间习俗惯例,也不是单纯依靠国家法律,而往往是多个权威同时在场。在权威“多元并存”的格局下,各个权威以相互冲突、交错的方式存在。在多元权威冲突、交错的过程中,达成了各种制衡关系,使乡村社会整体秩序得以维持。

【Abstract】 The social authority has always been a wide research perspective among anthropology, political science, sociology, law and other regions. The folk authority is a relative term to the state authority. Since the modern times, Chinese rural societies have been of great change such as Cataclysm, reformation and transformation. In nowadays, one of the consequence of political reform in china is the whole rural society is becoming more and more open as well as transformation happening from a traditional acquaintances-society to a semi acquaintances-society. At the same time, a large number of folk disputes caused by national policy act that implement to rural society are hard stuffs, which were invalid if it was merely adjusted by the authorities like folk religion, morality and so on. With modern judicature system carries out in countryside gradually, villagers are often engage in a lawsuit when disputes occur, finally and simultaneously, laws become a necessary authority which used to tackle disputes. In terms of the modern law affects on disputes, many minority areas that trans-law cultural areas which acted far less than the Han areas did, though it is extremely difficult to find out an‘island’which totally dominated by customary law. Under this circumstance, overemphasizing“supremacy of law”isn’t necessary good to resolve disputes and conflicts. So this article inspected a road lawsuit case happened in a village of Southeast Guizhou province prefecture with the perspective of Legal Anthropology, in order to appear the action logical different subjects such as the defendants, plaintiffs, villagers’committee, rural government, political-legal committee, law courts and so on, and to analyze the competition situation of the unequal authorities at disputes resolving fields. From researching one of the case that looks like a“microscopic type”we can see that the law isn’t the only effective method to solve rural conflicts and disputes. It neither just depends on folk customs to resolve these disputes, nor only rely the national laws, but should several authorities be on the spot simultaneously. In the authorities multiple co-existence pattern, each of them exists in the way of mutual conflict and interlace. At the same time, the whole rural social order can be maintained and reinforced during the process of multiple authorities conflict and criss-cross.

  • 【分类号】D920.4
  • 【下载频次】328