

Dynamic Indicators System and Surrogate Methodology for Biodiveristy Assessment

【作者】 李昊民

【导师】 杨宇明;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 云南是中国生物多样性最丰富的省份,是濒危和特有物种的分布中心、模式标本的产地中心、东亚植物区系的分化中心和全球25个生物多样性热点地区之一,被列为具有国际意义的生物多样性关键地区。面对云南省极为丰富、复杂、脆弱的生物多样性,目前在生物多样性评价这一基础性工作中,一方面缺乏科学严谨、行之有效、易于操作、成本合理的方法体系,无法解决“针对性”和“普适性”这对评价指标体系普遍存在的矛盾,把现状评价、影响评价、快速评价、长期监测、综合科考等不同形式生物多样性评价工作统一起来,实现结果的时序、空间可比性和信息共享;另一方面缺乏对生物多样性分布本底信息的汇总以及对其分布规律性的总结,评价中无法充分利用既有信息,把有限资源用于真正需要深入开展评价工作的区域和领域。为此,本文通过“两库(评价指标库和生物多样性空间信息库)”、“一系统(动态指标体系应用系统)”、“两替代(生物类替代和生境类替代评价方法)”三块相对独立的研究内容,为生物多样性评价指标体系的构建和快速评价提供了一套系统解决方案。为揭示云南省生物多样性基本格局,本文首先从宏观生态学角度对其水平分布、经纬度和海拔梯度规律进行了分析。研究发现云南省景观多样性主要沿大的地形地势从西北向东南倾斜展布,形成三梯层、四层次的景观格局;生态系统、动植物物种多样性的热点区域则呈“C.”格局:即生物多样性富集区主要沿云南省边境线呈“C字形”分布,“.”代表滇中另有一个多样性高值孤岛(哀牢山和无量山)。海拔梯度方面,植物多样性沿山体存在三种变化格局:①多数地区呈先增后减的近似正态分布,并且当基带存在干热河谷时,低海拔还会出现多样性的跃升现象;②南部热带地区则呈左偏的单峰分布(略上升即快速下降);③低海拔干热河谷区,生物多样性随海拔变化无显著规律。纬度梯度方面:①存在明显的物种构成变化,从南到北有90%以上的物种成分发生变化,南北共有种极少;②在云南西部,植物多样性峰值出现的海拔高度由山体所处纬度决定,纬度越低多样性峰值出现海拔也越低,两者呈线性关系。经度梯度方面:①物种构成变化的剧烈程度不及纬度,约有1/4的物种构成发生变化;②北回归线附近,越往西部植物组成的相似性越大,东部在组成上与中西部差异较大。相关成果第一次全面地揭示了云南省生物多样性分布的空间规律,为未来生物多样性评价工作提供了本底信息和参考。本文提出有创新意义的“动态指标体系”概念,通过以下四个步骤实现了为任何区域、任何类型评价,自动生成评价指标体系的功能:①对现有生物多样性指数进行收集、整理、分类、编目,参照本文提出的“花冠概念模型”构建了由755个指标构成的“生物多样性评价指标库”;②对现有生物多样性空间分布数据、基础地理数据、区划进行整合,构建了云南省“生物多样性空间信息库”;③基于ArcEngine + VB.NET开发环境编写应用软件,实现了按照特定检索条件(如评价项目特点、评价区生物多样性本底状况)对指标库中指标进行筛选的功能,可生成用于评价指标体系的子指标集;④由系统参照层次分析法等方法,自动进行指标权重的赋予以及各层级结构权重的赋与,完成评价指标体系的构建。在用户计算得到各评价指标数值后,参照指标评价标准和一套综合评价模型,即可逐项、逐级计算得出生物多样性评价的总评分。为实现生物多样性的快速评价,本文又分别从生物之间关系和生物与环境之间关系两方面入手,探索了可能被用于生物多样性替代评价的理论和方法。首先,针对生物间关系,本文建立了从“种-面积关系”到“种-种关系(即不同生物类群之间物种数的相关关系)”的联系,从理论上证明了区域“植物、鸟类、兽类、爬行类、两栖类”的物种数之间存在相关性,并推导出一系列任意两生物群类之间物种丰度相关关系函数,供替代性评价使用。实证研究中发现,该相关关系具有严重尺度依赖性,为此本文又提出以观鸟为基础,在大尺度上使用兽类、鸟类和植物物种数之间的经验比例“1:5:50”,中尺度上套用类群间物种丰度相关函数关系式,小尺度上检索“鸟?比”等值线图(?代表非鸟类的任意生物类群)三个解决方案,以实现对区域鸟类之外类群物种丰度的大致评估。还提出了一系列提高该方法评价精度的潜在途径,以及完善该方法体系的发展方向。此外,针对生物与生境的关系,本文分析了云南省生物多样性与环境变量、植被景观、土壤景观、土地利用景观、路网、生物入侵之间的关系,并使用梯度分析方法总结了对物种多样性最具影响力和指示意义的生境类替代评价指标,使用回归分析方法建立了各类群物种多样性与主要环境因子和景观指数的多元线性回归方程,为基于生境指标开展生物多样性替代性评价提供了具体方法。本研究属于生物多样性评价领域的集成创新研究,可为云南省的生物多样性保护、研究和决策,我国环境影响评价制度中生物多样性影响评价的完善,以及其他区域性生物多样性评价活动等提供科学依据和参考。

【Abstract】 Yunnan has the richest biodiversity in China. It’s a distribution center of endemic and relic species, a producing area of type specimen, and an epicenter for species differentiation of the East Asian Flora & Fauna. It was also known as one of world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots, and a key biological area of international importance. To assess Yunnan’s highly diverse, complex and fragile biodiversity, there were still knowledge gaps and deficiencies of precise, effective, feasible and systematic solutions. Biodiversity assessment indicators system is an indispensable tool for measuring biodiversity. To be pertinent or universal is constantly a dilemma for biodiversity assessment indicators systems that have fixed number of indicators. It was simply impossible to apply such systems to different types of biodiversity assessment actions, such as status assessment, long term monitoring, impact assessment, rapid assessment, inventory while achieving a spatio-temporal comparability. What’s more, the existing data can not be easily accessed for a normal biodiversity assessor. Without guidance of baseline data, our limited resources can never be invested in the most needed places. In order to change the situation, this paper summarized the distribution pattern of Yunnan’s biodiversity along different environmental gradients. Then, the paper developed an integrated platform for biodiversity assessment that includes two databases (the biodiversity indicators database and the biodiversity spatial information database), one application software (the dynamic biodiversity assessment indicators system), and two surrogate methodologies (cross-taxon surrogates and habitat-based surrogates).Firstly, in order to reveal the spatial distribution pattern of Yunnan’s biodiversity, Beta diversity along the longitude, latitude and altitudinal gradients were analyzed. Results showed that landscape diversity spreaded according to the dominating landforms inclining from the highest corner of Northwest Yunnan to the lowest corner of Southeast Yunnan and formed three stairs and four terraces. Distribution of ecosystem and species diversity formed a“C.”pattern. The“C”belt here refers to the biodiversity enriched border area of Yunnan. In addition, the dot“.”refers to a biodiversity island in mid-Yunnan (Wuliang and Ailao Mountains). For the altitudinal gradients, there exists three types of distribution curves for vascular plants: 1) Majority of the mountains’vertical species biodiversity pattern showed“normal distribution”curves. When semi-savanna vegetation occurred in the basal belt, a“biodiversity jumping”phenomenon can be observed. 2) It showed a left-skewed normal distribution in some southern tropical areas (biodiversity level increased a little bit and decrease rapidly since then). 3) For the dry-hot valley areas, there were no significant vertical patterns. For the latitude gradients: 1) There was a significant replacement of species from north to south. About 90% of the species were changed on the gradient. 2) The vertical location of area with highest biodiversity was determined by latitude and a linear equation can be set up between them. For the longitude gradients: 1) The replacement of species was not so significant since only 1/4 of species were changed from east to west. 2) Along the Tropic of Cancer, the more west a place is, the more similar the species composition would be. These findings showed, for the first time, a holographic scene of Yunan’s biodiversity and they may serve as background knowledge for future biodiversity assessments.Secondly, the paper proposed a revolutionary concept—dynamic indicators system (DIS). Following four steps, a specified DIS can be automatically generated for any place and any type of assessment: 1) Through collection, classification and inventory of existing biodiversity indicators, a biodiversity indicator database was set up. In the database, 775 individual indicators were collected by far which were organized according to the“Corolla”concept model. 2) Through integration of biodiversity spatial information, fundamental geography spatial data, biodiversity related plannings etc., a biodiversity spatial information database was also set up. 3)“Dynamic Indicators System for Biodiversity Assessment”software was programmed in the“ArcEngine + VB.NET”software development environment which can search indicators in the first database based on information from the latter or specific requests of an assessment project. 4) By utilizing the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) or other methodologies, the weights of each indicator and each layer of the indicators system can be allocated automatically by the software. In this way could an adaptive indicators system be set up for a specific assessment project. After each indicator in the biodiversity assessment DIS was caculated by assessors, its score should be allocated according to the Assessment Standards System. Then, the overall score may be calculated stepwisely by an Integrated Assessment Model that weights each hierarchy.Thirdly, in order to realize the rapid assessment of biodiversity in baseline-data-missing situation, the paper explored the potential biodiversity surrogacy methodologies from two aspects: the relations within life-forms as well as the relation between life-forms and habitat factors. For the former aspect,“species-species relation (cross-taxon relation of species number)”was drawn from the well-known“species-area relation (SAR)”. And the correlations of species diversity among“higher plants, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians”were theoretically proved. A series of functions between any two taxonomic groups were derived from classic SAR functions for the practise of biodiversity assessment. Due to the scale-dependence of the correlations found in case studies, a set of bird-watching based surrogate methodologies were further developed: On the large scale, a experiential ratio of“1:5:50”exists among mammal, bird and plant species, which means bird species number is normally five times that of mammals, and plants ten times of birds. On the medium scale, species number of any taxonomic group can be estimated by an easy-to-sample indicator taxon (e.g. bird) based on correlation functions developed in the paper. On the small scale, any taxonomic group can be estimated by checking the isoline maps between bird and the corresponding groups. Potential ways to improve the precision of this methodology were also proposed. For the relation between life-forms and habitats, the paper explored spatial correlationships between biodiversity and environmental factors, vegetation landscape, soil landscape, landuse landscape, transportation networks as well as invasive species. By using ordination methods, the most effective habitat-based surrogates were prioritized. By using regression methods, the multiple regression equations between species biodiversity and major environmental factors as well as landscape indicators were developed, which provided a useful tool for rapid biodiversity assessment.The research is an application innovation for biodiversity assessments and it may provide scientific basis and reference for biodiversity researches, biodiversity conservation actions, the improvement of biodiversity impact assessment under China’s current environmental impact assessment system and other regional biodiversity assessment activities.
