

Research on Fire Resistance and Fatigue Performance of Fully Wrapped Fiber Reinforced Al-lined High-Pressure Hydrogen Vessels

【作者】 别海燕

【导师】 郑津洋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 氢能作为二次能源以其资源丰富、燃烧值高、经济性好、可再生等优点被认为是21世纪最具发展潜力的清洁能源。其在轿车、客车、摩托车和商业船等交通工具上的应用已经成为焦点,对解决国际上所面临的“能源短缺”和“环境污染”这两大难题具有重要意义。在氢能利用系统中,安全有效的储氢方法是关键。铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶具有承压能力高、质量轻、耐腐蚀性强等优良性能,成为当前车用储氢气瓶的首选。由于车用铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶的储存介质为易燃易爆的氢气,其安全性能是氢燃料电池汽车暂未被公众广泛接受的关键因素之一。为了加速我国车用铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶的发展和应用,本文在国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)课题“高密度车载储氢新体系及其安全性预测理论研究”(项目编号:2007CB209706)和国家质量监督检验检疫总局公益性行业科研专项经费项目“车用纤维缠绕高压氢气瓶标准基础研究”(项目编号:10-131)的支持下,对车用铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶的耐火和抗疲劳性能进行了研究。本文的主要研究内容和取得的创新成果为:(1)对车用铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶进行了火烧试验研究,获得了气瓶外表面温度分布及气瓶内部压力变化的相关数据。试验数据为进一步系统地研究铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶的耐火性能奠定了基础。(2)建立了火烧试验全过程模型,通过与试验结果的比较,验证了该传热模型的准确性。然后利用该模型进行模拟研究,揭示了燃料种类、燃料流量、气瓶充装介质以及充装压力等因素对气瓶内气体温升的影响规律。针对74L、40MPa储氢气瓶火烧试验中燃料种类及相应燃料流量的选择,提出以下建议:当使用甲烷气体为燃料时,其流量需要达到400 NL/min以上,而使用丙烷气体为燃料时,其流量需达到150NL/min以上。此外,研究结果表明气瓶内充装介质对PRD打开前气瓶内气体温升及压力升高的影响非常小,因此认为可使用空气代替氢气作为气瓶的充装介质进行火烧试验,此建议已经被《氢燃料电池汽车全球技术法规》(HFCV-GTR)所采纳。(3)针对气瓶PRD打开后高压氢气泄放的过程,建立了仿真模型,对氢气高压泄放形成的喷射流场的特性进行了研究,结果表明高压氢气泄放时形成了欠膨胀喷射流。在此基础上建立了氢气高压喷射火焰的计算模型,对喷射火焰的危害距离进行了研究,提出了敞开空间气瓶火烧试验时的安全距离。研究了不同类型挡板对氢气高压泄放和喷射火焰的影响规律,并初步提出了有限空间高压氢气泄放及喷射火焰的防范措施。(4)对自行研制的车用铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶进行了常温压力循环试验和极端温度压力循环试验。以连续损伤力学理论为基础,推导出氢气瓶疲劳寿命计算式,并利用有限元方法对气瓶直筒段的应力分布进行了模拟。最后结合应力分析结果与疲劳寿命计算式对气瓶的疲劳寿命进行预测,通过对比预测结果与试验结果,证明了所建立的车用铝内胆纤维全缠绕高压氢气瓶疲劳寿命预测方法的合理性。

【Abstract】 As a secondary energy, hydrogen is considered to be the most development potential energy carrier in the 21st century because of its excellent properties such as high conversion efficiency, clean combustion product, low storage cost and renewable, etc.. Its applications in cars, trucks, buses, taxis, motorcycles and commercial ships have become the focus of many hydrogen energy research institutions. Hydrogen is a good choice to solve the two problems of the international community, which are "energy shortage"and "environmental pollution".Safe and efficient storage technique has become bottleneck of the further application of hydrogen energy. Nowadays, fully wrapped fiber reinforced high-pressure hydrogen vessel is excellent in high-pressure-resistant ability, light weight and corrosion resistance. It has currently become the preferred container for hydrogen storage in vehicles. The medium within the vessel is hydrogen which is flammable and explosive, and the safety performances of hydrogen storage vessels have become one of the most important factors for that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not yet widely accepted by the public.In order to accelerate the development and application of on board fully wrapped fiber reinforced Al-lined high-pressure hydrogen vessel in our country, researches on fire resistance and fatigue performance of fully wrapped fiber reinforced high-pressure hydrogen vessels are conducted in this paper. This research is supported by the key project of national programs for fundamental research and development of China (973 program, Number:2007CB209706) and the nonprofit industry research project of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (Number:10-131). The main contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows:(1) In order to verify the safety performance of fully wrapped fiber reinforced Al-lined high-pressure hydrogen vessels under fire conditions, bonfire test was carried out. The temperature distribution on the outer surface of the tested vessel and the rising of the pressure of hydrogen were obtained in the bonfire experiment. The experimental data provide support for the further systematic studies on the bonfire test methods of fully wrapped fiber reinforced high-pressure hydrogen vessels.(2) A 3D numerical model was established to simulate the heat transfer process of vessel wall during bonfire with the CFD software FLUENT. It is revealed that the temperature inside the vessel was far lower than the temperature at the vavle when the PRD was activated. Then a 3D numerical model for simulating the process of the bonfire test was developed based on the heat transfer model. The accuracy of the model was verified by the comparison between the experimental and simulation results. The model was employed to analyze the influences of test parameters on the temperature rising, such as fuel type, fuel flow, filling medium and filling pressure. Some proposals were presented on the basis of the simulation results. For the 74L,40MPa fully wrapped fiber reinforced Al-lined high-pressure hydrogen vessel, the flow should be larger than 400 NL/min if methane gas is used as fuel or larger than 150 NL/min when propane gas is applied. And the results show that the filling medium has little influence on the rising of temperature and pressure. So it is firstly proposed that air is suitable and acceptable to instead of hydrogen to pressure the vessel in bonfire test. The proposal has been accepted by " Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle-Global Technical Regulations"(HFCV-GTR) and other relevant international standards (draft).(3) In order to study the high-pressure hydrogen jet flow, a 3D numerical model was established based on the species transfer model and SSTκ-ωturbulence model. It is revealed that under-expanded jets were formed after the high-pressure hydrogen discharging from the vessel. Then the mathematical methods were adopted to study the high-pressure hydrogen jet flames. The damage region of hydrogen jet flames were analysed and the safety distances for bonfire test of hydrogen storage vessels in open space were put forward. The effects of barrier walls on the distribution of jet flames were also studied. The results show that the barrier walls can greatly reduce the damage from hydrogen jet flames to testers and properties around. Based on the simulation results, precautions of hydrogen jet flames in limited space were proposed.(4) The ambient temperature pressure cycling test and extreme temperature pressure cycling test for fully wrapped fiber reinforced Al-lined high-pressure hydrogen vessels were carried out. According to the continuum damage mechanics (CDM) theory, a fatigue evaluation model was established. The stress of the vessel was simulated by finite element method. The fatigue lifetime can be predicted combining the fatigue evaluation model and the finite element method. By the comparison of the predicted fatigue lifetime and the experimental results, the proposed fatigue lifetime evaluation method is proved to be rational.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期